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/fit/ - Fitness

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Fit mogged by me I could break you twinks in half with one hand
unless you're a latino you'll never be a real man. This is how I know I could rape you in a straight fight
Most Latino "men" are manlets with horrible short man syndrome. They have to cope by acting hard
no latinx man is like that, that's the natural state of the latinx man
only americans are obsessed about height, they're also very low T son when they see a real man taking a walk they think He's fronting
I'm still taller than u so
Why do you look like Dahmer
I stand mogged… fuk
>phone looks HUGE in his tiny little hand

this is what happens when you leave the gym manlet unattended: he posts faggot pictures on 4chan
I'm 6'1 240lbs
I'm 5'8 and my hands are bigger
>roiding for this
cool bro..
I'm natural
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very nice, now let's see your left ventricle
I'm 6'5, 250lbs and not fat so I don't give a shit and didn't ask, frodo.
Post body.
Huge cope and seething.
Latino have white blood or are fully spanish aka white.
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You may be stronger, but I'm sexier
naturally gay
You always post naked pictures
and I like that :3
OP is zestier sorry
Please tell me you played football or rugby, you didn't just build that body for nothing did you?
I wanna be a strongman
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guns really do make the biggest pussies feel brave.

detriment to humanity
>no abs
don't care
Ive dropped a beaner and I'll fucking do it again
Tough fuckers and we were friends after lol
>no 3pl8 bench for reps
dont care
Bunch of coping dyels in this thread. Good job op
I can see that gut Dahmer, you mog once you tighten up
The second coming of mentzer?
good work OP whats your stats
6'1 240lbs. Bench 400 for reps. Squat 500 for reps. DL 600 for reps
>mogged by me
what's your ape index?
cmon now
Looks pretty good, lose the beard though
Hahaha loser incel. I'd ventilate your whole family If I saw you
kek bloated small hand high estrogen faggot, what an unfortunate build
Some 5'3" high test MMA nigger could probably snap your tiny wrists in half
What an unamerican and homosexual post
And you're mogged by every amateur/pro bodybuilder on earth, fucks your point faggot?
There's always someone bigger, stronger, faster, or deadlier. Like myself nigger. Am I on here making threads posing as societies menace? Lmao no. I don't need to tell you I'll fuck you up if I need to. I simply just will, as men do. Not internet posing little faggots.
Get mogged lmao
Ok but you also look unintelligent and a bit gay. Not that there's anything wrong with either but /fit/ anons tend to be homophobes who overestimate their IQ so I'm just giving you a friendly heads up
No body posted
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Imagine thinking you mog anyone with a reaction speed of 3 seconds lmfao
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Yeah need to know height to agree.
If you're 5'5" I could fuck your girlfriend in about 5 minutes.
If you're 6'3" it would take me hours, maybe even days to fuck her (I'm only 6'2")
Put a shirt on nigga
No you wouldnt lmao. I can almost guarantee you cannot fuck for an hour straight without cumming faggot.
You aren't taking anyone's bitch that is already squirting.
Guaranteed I'll make your bitch gush harder than you do 5 minute boy.
okay, but you have no wife, no kids, no friends, live in an apartment/parents basement and will die young and alone. but yeah, you have bigger arms than me.
Me and my gf are trying for a baby actually
nerd ass face
Post body and face
you're not a latino, latinos don't use this gay latinx shit
checked and good luck!
>only americans are obsessed about height
Lmao, whenever you see someone bitching about americans just remember, that poster is a manlet
A strong lardass is still a lardass, and lardasses die early.
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I don't need to be as strong as you to smash your face with picrel if you dare to lay a finger on me in the gym, you fucking scum.
Please do
T. Twink
>I can almost guarantee you cannot fuck for an hour straight without cumming faggot.
/fit/ is a bunch of larping 14yos isn't it?
>t. doesnt get laid because he isnt 8 feet
get out muh face foo
Holy cope lmao
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If you dropped maybe 12kg you would look really good
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If you’re within 25’ feet, I’m getting you with my knife before you can get a shot off.
Planning on cutting here once I'm done with my test adrol cycle.
Height is 6'1 wingpan is 6'4. I've always excelled in deadlifts.
Nigga what does that have to do with your lack of chest and high body fat?
stop coping and hit a treadmill and I will mire after a few months.
you are fat
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>all those muscles
>still have the face of a soiboy
Fucking why? Get a better haircut, lose the glasses and shave the beard if that's the best you can do. Come on anon.
based big-ass nigga

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