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Am I doomed to never make it bros. After 3 reps I was dying
How much do you weigh? I weigh 235 and I can deadlift four plate. I think a lot of it has to do with how much you weigh.
I weight 180 lbs. Been stuck at 280 lbs deadlift since end of may. Maybe it's time for another kind of progression?
Then probably, unless you've only been lifting for 6 months or your form is shit. Do you use straps/mixed grip? Try one if not.
It's joever
You need a new program that'll provide sufficient stimuli to signal growth or you need to bulk and feed your muscles the nutrients they need to grow
I'm gonna guess you're not getting enough protein or doing many other back exercises. Just spam pullups, rows, and protein shakes for a bit and you'll progress. I also found deadlifting more than once a week to actively hinder my progress and make me way more prone to injury.
6 months to lift above 2 plate deadlift? Most of the people at my gym max out at one plate and a half.
I used to deadlift 515 at 150lbs bodyweight. Stopped because of back pain and injuries. I'll be the first to tell you, you don't need to do deadlift. I stopped doing it and still have a good physique with just squats. I never struggle to pick anything up off the ground and can still jump right back into deadlifts around 225lbs. You're never gonna need to lift more than that in your life. It's not worth the permanent spine injuries to try.
What do you do instead of deadlifts.
>those forearms
imagine the tugjobs
aren't straps for gay men
What is your routine? Do you know where you are failing in the deadlift? Ex: grip, lift off, etc.

Like other anon recommended, you should only do your heaviest deadlifts once a week. Also make sure you stretch and get mobile before lifting especially the hips, torso, and glutes. You got it anon. Don’t give up.
holy shit how tall are you
Not him, but squats. Front squats, hack squats, back extensions, reverse hypers, good mornings. All of those make me feel better and stronger than deadlifts ever did.
I do ULxUL, I start my second U day with heavy deadlifts. I fail at the lift off. I use mixed grip. I can only lift up to 220 lbs with regular grip (which I do as a warmup with lower aproximation sets)
If you're not competing just use straps.
Just switch to a different rep scheme for a while, get good at that, when progress on that stalls switch back to what you were doing. Don't fall for the meme where you think one specific rep range is magic for any purpose.
>I do ULxUL, I start my second U day with heavy deadlifts.
what do you do for your leg days and are you seeing progress for your leg exercises? i suspect you're not fully recovered after your first leg day because there's only 24 hours of rest. keep in mind that your glutes, hamstrings and quads are the main movers of the deadlift.
290lb is big weight bro. I’m actually same as you, struggling to make the jump to reps at 290.

But for now i’ve stopped trying to up the weight. Couple of days ago, i deadlifted like 5x10, going up to 10-12 reps at 242. Trying to up the volume and control this better, then try again bigger weight
I know a 130 lbs broad who deadlifts more than you guys
Women tend to have better lower body strength.
Compared to the female upper body? Yeah. Compared to a man? No
I hate women so I don't pay attention to their lifts
based and keyed
I know what you mean. I'm 5'6 and just hit 4 plate deadlift for 5 solid reps. It felt great. It was a goal of mine for a while.
That being said, I don't know if I plan or care to do much more than that. I'll maybe test a 1rm and see how far I can progress as I start cutting down weight, but I don't have the greatest desire to get a 6plate dead or anything.
This is honestly a great and refreshingly honest thread, anons. People that actually lift and not people lying about lifting. Not everyone is repping 5plates despite what /fit/ and tiktok wants you to believe.
eat more
idk what program you're doing but I was running SL which has 1x5 deadlifts and it never felt like enough to actually make gains, when I switched off it to nsuns which actually has a ton of deadlift volume I started being able to deadlift more

deadlift more if you want to deadlift more weight
>After 3 reps I was dying
Then don't do more than 3 reps. I don't find high reps or many sets helpful for deadlifts (>3 is high for deads). Work up toa to triple or less then do rdls if you want volume.
wagmi anon
I hate women like you wouldn't believe
look at what failed, was it grip or hams or low back...imo just give yourself a few days till you're feeling good and give it another go, you'll prob have 300 by the end of summer
It's okay anon, eat good food and rest hard. You'll get it and lift heavier.
Have you tried doing your DLs at the start of the week? Also, I started deadlifting again a couple of weeks ago after like 1.5 years of RDLs only, I went from 1 plate before RDLs to 3 pl8 easy peasy, I'm sure you could add RDLS somewhere in your routine and maybe cut down the volume on deadlifts to avoid excessive fatigue.

Right now I'm doing 3.something plates 3x4 but I'm thinking of sticking to a much more sustainable 3x3, since my goal is just to get to 4 plates for a couple of reps, then I'll go back to my RDLs

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