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Whenever i find myself watching jeff nippard type content on yt i cant help but feel like I am living in the year 2300, the globalists have taken over the world and the media and I am observing a robot/ai generated character on a state run fitness channel telling me how to 100% optimally hit back. Yap 10-20 degree bend yap slow eccentric YAP YAP YAP.
These individuals are some of the most soulless, automated and emotionally barren people who for some reason have their advice championed by millions.
People need to start lifting like they have a fire lit under their asses once more. Have fun working out folks.
When did bruh hop on?
What would you say science based lifting recommends ?
feeling like shit and making no gains while doing a bunch of useless isolations and eating søybeans and ozempic
>how to 100% optimally hit back.
I don't listen to any of the people in your image but it seems clear their advice is for perfectionists; intended for those who want to follow the 20/80 rule.
We solved lifting about 100 years ago. All you need is a silver era, 3 times a week, full body routine. Everything that comes after that is roidape cope or trolling so natties waste their time, spin their wheels, or get hurt.
It's a result of the hyper competitive nature of modern society.
The bar for being "average" has been raised so high that just doing whatever isn't good enough anymore. There is no space for "fun" unless you're already rich and successful.
This is especially relevant for men as there is no safery net. If you fall bellow a certain societal limit of adequacy, you become basically subhuman.
There isn't enough of anything to go around. If you're not optimising everything you do then you're falling behind and on your way to the slave caste.
Every study says do compounds, train heavy and close to failure, eat protein from animal sources.
You made up fake image of what science based lifting is in your head and got mad at it, you are a retard
this to be quite honest with you family
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>Every study says
you're part of the problem anon
>He's too dumb to understand why science is heckin' valid.
YOUR problem.
If the science based lifting isn't fun for you just don't do it. I've been following the advice of these guys since I started and I love lifting, feeling the stretch at the bottom, getting great pumps, and being sore the day after.
It's all just about optimizing the amount of gains you get as well as the amount of time it takes to get them. If you're okay with sacrificing that optimization in order to actually enjoy lifting and you wouldn't lift otherwise, of course you shouldn't follow their advice.

Train close to failure, do about 10 sets per muscle per week (can vary a lot). try to train each muscle twice a week. control the weight on the way down, let the weight stretch out your target muscle on the way down, make sure the muscle you want to hit is the one that gives out first in any given exercise you do.

dieting can be a bit more complicated but you basically just need to eat your protein and not a ton of junk food.
I like Jeff but fuck I hate how he basically claims to be the science. He isn't doing science, and he isn't an expert at interpreting the science.

He is still better than 99% of people though I just like to point out flaws.
yeah yeah ok bot let me know when you need your oil changing
fuck you

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>Well... Actually!
yup, the last paragraph sums it up pretty well
this faggot has wojaks saved kek glad you are around to show other anons how based and redpilled you are
>Have fun working out folks.
being optimal is fun
kek argument 4 sounds like something some pajeet on 4chan would say in some lookism thread
Science is based anon, you're mistaking it for left-wing "scientism" which forbids asking questions
>natural lifters use a science based approach
More than the guys using chemicals, understanding hormones and going on years of experience from accomplished bodybuilders?

This guy is a fucking retard
science based lifters are likely to be scientifically inclined in general, making them very unlikely to view the mental side affects of roids as worth it
His videos are designed to be viral videos that get a lot of views. Telling people "you're doing everything wrong, do this instead!" have been a good way to keep people watching to the end of the video. Strict form lifting is bullshit, you get yoked by pushing past failure even if it means breaking perfect form, just not to injury level. There's a shit ton more to be learned from Mentzer & Yates teachings with the one set routine. I started doing that with just one warmup set. Meaning one warmup then going straight to an all out max. Best results in my life with the least amount of time and effort I've ever put in. If you want a hack, that's it. This little midget is just making viral videos for money.
>you get yoked by pushing past failure even if it means breaking perfect form
Btw your precious Sam Sulek says this too. He definitely breaks perfect form to grind out more reps, not that a roidtranny is a good example of realistically expected results.
>"you're doing everything wrong, do this instead!
he's literally just saying the same shit nonstop, there's nothing sensationalist
if any of you retards actually read this wall of text, please consider ending it all, you're severly autistic
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following statistics made up of many swole people> following swole people directly > just winging it > listening to dyels
science based just makes most sense.
im natural. im just sick of seeing the psychotic obsession with the science side of lifting. I dont like the superiority complex these guys have and how they seem to look down on those who like to go and throw weight around with ok form just trying to let off steam like a normal red blooded human being
I think youtubers are taking things too far but you may not know/not remember how retarded the average gym was in the late 90s and early 00s.
Racks were unavailable, people would squat in the smith machines and were afraid of using big weights.
Doing 5 reps was practically unheard, just like doing deadlifts or barbell rows which were deemed dangerous for the lower back.
Now people train a lot better.
An average joe not on roids if he applies modern advice can get a physique that is even better than what was considered great in the past. In the past it was just impossible to grow strong because people were actually scared to lift decent weights and we were lacking equipment.
Even women got hotter, the ones that are not fat, because they finally learned to grow some muscle. Those butts in the 00s were just SAD, I don't like fat twerking butts of course and those skinny no-muscle butts were disgusting, women today finally fucking do squats and hip thrusts so we get some nice fit butts.
Also notice that I'm leaving aside the 80s gym fad that in any case didn't help people not steroids.

also other than Mentzer's views on volume, his lifting techniques also fit perfectly with modern science based lifting, even more so than yate's
post body to show results
So they're rejecting science but calling themselves scientific?
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they're not rejecting the science of steriods, they're rejecting the use of them
metzner was too much of a faggot to do high intesity and high volume
Rejecting the science isn't very scientific of them
the fact that he wrote allat horseshit proves my point as to how devoid of humanity he is.
LOLfuck Science its 2024
You can't really make a job out of lifting without getting retarded. Lifting is literally solved. Long solved. It's very easy. One can learn to lift proficiently in a matter of weeks as such that it would sustain their entire fitness journey. They could teach it in schools on a 2 week course as a mandatory basic understanding of how your body works. The main issue is that most people are fat lazy retards and they don't have the patience to gradually add weight to the bar
roids have a detrimental effect on the brain, it's an even easier marker of who's natty than just looking at them. It's why all the fake natties don't have the capacity to self reflect and write endless walls of horse shit cope rather than just not replying
>im just sick of seeing the psychotic obsession with the science side of lifting

That's natural, because it doesn't exist. Science isn't a verb, but retards think adding it to another term makes them sound smart.

No workout is more science than another, that faggot is deranged
is one technique causing greater stimulus than other techniques not scientific? does that not define optimality in lifting?
No it's not "scientific" you low IQ monkey
what the fuck do you mean its not scientific? fucking illiterate how is there no difference on a scientific basis regarding the stimulus bro lifting provides compared to science based lifting?
You sound like a complete freak
Because calling your lifting routine "science" doesn't make sense you 80IQ brown retard
>what the fuck do you mean its not scientific?
You're indeed a low-IQ monkey like that guy said.
what fucking planet are you dipshits on? How do you think the data for muscle stimulus is gained? BY SCIENCE. BY EXAMINING RESULTS USING TECHNIQUES AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS PROVIDED BY SCIENCE.
You don't know what science means you silly monkey
I heard his birth name is Jeff Niggard and he had it changed. Do you think that's true?
Train each muscle 2-3x a week.

Do at least 10 total sets of each muscle a week.

Do anywhere between 5 and 30 reps per set, there's no real difference.

Focus on the stretch.

Control it on the way down.

Train very close to failure, to failure, or past failure. there's no big difference other than fatigue so go as hard as you want.

By failure I mean when you can't get the weight up with the muscle you're trying to train, don't do overly robotic form.

that's all there is to it
His premise and content is solid. You can’t take everything he says too serious, cause the science is always changing. But overall it’s hard to shit on him too much. Especially when you see his natty results over years. He’s more dedicated to health and fitness than like 95% of people
yeah nippard seems more involved in fringe studies and experimenting on himself, which is cool and all but it seems to leak into his content sometimes. there are other science based lifters that focus more on the most reliable and repeated studies
but...my electrodes...datasisters...
>study finds
Go back.
Bruh...it's just lifting. Your "societal standing" shouldn't be hanging in the balance to begin with.
You sound like a loser destined for the well deserved slave caste either way, no matter how much you "optimize" your lifts.
>Whenever i find myself watching jeff nippard type content on yt
The solution is to ignore them and eventually they'll go away.
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>do fewer sets but closer to failure
>use compound exercises that hit multiple muscles at once
>use separated supersets
He's getting there. Soon he'll be advocating for one pre-exhaust superset per muscle group to failure with an a static hold and negative after failure one every 4-7 days.
It's crazy how aesthetic Mentzer was compared to that Israetel goblin despite the goblin constantly boasting about muh science and all the cutting edge things he knows.
>yap yap yap
When the fuck did zoomer niggers discover this site?
I feel I got spike shedding just by reading the first few sentences
Those omg fucking live science npcs are a menace and an insult to humanity. They just enjoy grovelling and being kapos.
we have better exercises from what we learned over the years to avoid injury and such
but the basic ideas are right - compound movements with free weights, progressive overload, proper nutrition
Niptard isn't natty
they said ''jump'' he said ''how high?''
>The consequences of OPs mother and fathers actions have been a disaster
They are often the ones who end up endlessly changing up their routines while the bro lifter just sticks to his bro split for ten or fifteen years and looks great as a result while the nerd watching yt science non stop can't stick to anything because the science from these influencers keeps changing.
it's just genetics
What most people call science is actually a philosophy of science called logical positivism and it is fake and gay and jewish
refer to
those core things don't really change and that's all you should really take away from it. changing up routines everyone one or two months is good variety though.
His training was had more in common with the traditional strength training than it did with any modern training method.

In spite of what you could read in a Weider magazine article, most people were doing the same routine; Chest/Back > Legs > Delts/Arms > rest and though they did 4-5 sets, they were performed in a ramp up fashion with the first 3 being warmups and the last being the heaviest with the last set performed until the lifter believed they couldn't do the next rep in good form according to Frank Zane:

logical positivism is the philosophy that only things that are proven to be true or inferred to be true are meaningful in conveying the truth.

what kind of anti intelligence shit are you on
Anyone who calls themselves a "science based lifter" really just needs to deep throat a 12 gauge
Based, op is not a fag today, this is the best post on here today. Thank you op.
This. "Thienthe bathed lifting" has always seemed like some disgusting mass globohomo experiment. Safe, expert approved, doctor recommended, for everybody, soft, weightlifting nannying.
Truth. The sooner they are scrubbed off the internet the better.
Nta but it isn't that hard to connect those two dots anon. They both are faggoty and end up at the "trust muh experts, muh experts is god". Total faggotry.
Nta but shut up nigger, basedjaks are board culture. I say this not having any saved myself.
> If you fall bellow a certain societal limit of adequacy, you become basically subhuman.
But that limit is lower than ever. Just by being not obese/old you're already ahead of 80% of people.
What you described is literally anti intelligence though, it is the concept that we cannot know anything a priori and that logically apodictic statements can never teach us anything. It is the idea that we should never think and only accept. And it is self contradictory too, because how do you test and prove the idea that tests prove anything? Scientism/positivism is the intellectual basis of the jewish sickness infecting our world, empiricism is fundamentally biased even if it wasn’t rife with replication problems, which it is, because you must make a biased judgement in any recording of facts lest you never get anything done being bogged down by endless logs. Because of this philosophy of science all that is true is just what is studied and you effectively make up reality.
Unironically this is what I do, just with modern knowledge of exercises. I'm starting my cut now.
This sounds reasonable, what's the problem?
>more dedicated to health and fitness than like 95% of people
He's more dedicated that essentially every person on earth. Probably fewer than 1000 people are more dedicated than him.
One of the funniest things about Golden Era vs. Yates style training is realizing that they basically did the same shit.

Gold’s Crew did 3 pyramid sets up in weight and down in reps, one set almost to failure, one AMRAP, called it “5 sets”

Yates did 2-3 Warmups, one last “warmup” where he went within 1-2 reps of failure, then one AMRAP plus intensity techniques. Calls it “one set” because only the AMRAP is at or beyond failure. He also did 4 or more exercises per body part.

There’s mild differences beyond that, but the core of it is closer than people think. Mentzer is one of the few who truly trained with ultra low volume, and even he had trained on higher volume plans early on.
>scientism" which forbids asking questions
You're a fucking retard and don't know the first thing about science, scientism, or the scientific method. People who genuinely say "trust the science" & people who ironically say "trust the science" are equally retarded. Science is responsible for litetally everything you enjoy that isn't a result of unadulterated nature.
>You're a fucking retard and don't know the first thing about science, scientism, or the scientific method. People who genuinely say "trust the science" & people who ironically say "trust the science" are equally retarded. Science is responsible for litetally everything you enjoy that isn't a result of unadulterated nature.
Factually wrong.
>Mouthbreathing and its consequences.
He's right; you have autism and didn't get what he meant.
>Factually wrong
Yes, you are. Care to make a logical argument to the contrary?
Don't think anon even knew what they meant to say. It was just retarded.
I'd rather just lift and mog redditor tourist faggots like you instead.
>mog redditor tourist
>anyone I don't like is a redditor
Post body, you wont.
Science based faggots need to kill themselves. Lift like a madman with good form and you’re good fuck 3 sets per muscle group. Dumb as shit. Go all in
You can impress us all with your "science". I don't post gay porn for redditors like you with nothing to show in the first place, so don't bother trying to steal our memes. You stink of it and you don't even realise it because you are completely devoid of the culture and used to being steeped in child predditor culture.
It's something that the typical child molestors on reddit love to circlejerk over instead of actually doing stuff themselves and learning by doing and getting results. They like numbers and hundreds of hours on YT more than hard work with iron.
>posting all these words instead of body
Fat fuck, gotcha.
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By "scientism" he meant the ideas pushed by certain scientific organisms and scientists that just have a science facade. Fitness example: restriciting saturated fat and dietary cholesterol to avoid hyperlipidemia is something the general population should do; the most important example: evolution stops at the neck.

My image passed peer-review, by the way (that doesn't mean the concept itself is wrong, doe).
>science facade
Perhaps but that's not scientism, that's pseudoscience. Scientism is the belief that science is the only way to learn the truths of our universe/reality.
> fuck 3 sets per muscle group
Only post-Rippletits retards say this. Both science-based YouTubers and Broscience lifters suggest more.

TL:DR; you're too retarded for both groups.
>that's pseudoscience.
Sure, that's a better term and he used a dumb one. The problem with the term "pseudoscience" is that it's usually used for ideas low-status entities and people come up with, not prestigious institutions and high-status people.
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>Mentzer is one of the few who truly trained with ultra low volume, and even he had trained on higher volume plans early on.
Mike's routine in the 70's was pic related. Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday.
>Mentzer is one of the few who truly trained with ultra low volume
Yeah, pert easy to gain on roids & meth huh.
I think you two misunderstand the inferences part though. The proven concepts are repeatable and the inferred concepts not only come from experts, but from yourself. You should use your proven knowledge of how the world works to make sense of new ideas you come across. For example: I don't believe in evolution because "muh experts". I believe in it because it inherently makes sense to me
people don't like when they're told they're doing something wrong
It inherently makes sense to me because I understand that organisms with more suitable traits to their environment tend to live longer and reproduce more. so when some science guy expert bro tells me that over millions of years, those traits could spread and branch off as those organisms migrate to different environments? it checks out.
When science based lifting bro tells me that I need to control the weight on the way down, it makes sense to me because you're spending more time providing force to the muscle each rep as well as a different type of stimulus.
The funniest thing about scientific training is that it doesn't even work. That's why people used to be more aesthetic decades ago.
It doesn't "inherently" make sense to you. It is just your favourite theory some one else thought up on the idea of life. It is probably not even agreed upon by half the scientific if community (like all things, law of thermodynamics, flow of electricity, speed of light, etc) but is the most advertised because it is widely acceptable as "meh, close enough, we'll get everyone on board with that one". However listless people believing it and few pudgy scientismists in hawaiin shirts making money teaching it doesn't make real, factual, or even better than any other ideas.
The problem is that it doesn't work. Then people try to whitewash their lack of gains by roiding.
>observing a robot/ai generated character on a state run fitness channel telling me how to 100% optimally hit back

Absolutely true. I made almost zero real progress until seeing the light.
okay you're retarded
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>one set to failure is all you need
every single thing mentzer did, other than the low volume, would be considered extremely valid among the science based lifters of today
the extremely low volume just doesn't make a ton of sense. no matter how extreme that one set is, you could still wait anywhere between 2-5 minutes and do another set, albeit probably less intense
> let the weight stretch out your target muscle on the way down
It doesn't stretch out the muscle. The position where the muscle is stretched is outside of the range of motion for many muscles. For the cases where it is possible to reach for a given exercise, it's usually dangerous to do so as you expose yourself to increased risk of tears just for what is at most fractional gainz.

Also that's a stupid idea for squats, deadlifts, leg press, and anything you should be lifting heavy with. You definitely shouldn't focus on trying to get a stretch with those and should focus more on just lifting the weight and putting it back down.
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>science based lifters of today
Hence a reason why low volume would be better.
> you could still wait anywhere between 2-5 minutes and do another set
With just concentric failure, you will not do nearly as many reps. Reps decrease with each successive set. There is an even greater decrease if you use a forced rep followed by a static hold and then a slow negative.

The goal of bodybuilding is not do as many sets as possible to satisfy some arbitrary number but to train with enough intensity that the muscle will be stimulated to grow. The way you drive adaptation is to increase intensity over time. Traditionally, this is done through adding weight on the bar. With High Intensity training, taking the set to concentric failure and following it with a static hold then a slow negative is to maximize intensity relative to the lifter's capability hence to maximize stimulus within a single set.
>albeit probably less intense
If it is less intense, it is a waste of time just like the two pump and fluff days in the three full body day programs of old. The only day that could be said to be of sufficient value was the one where the intensity was significant enough to drive adaptation. Just put the weight down and move on to the next exercise or go home.
>increased risk of tears
The stretch can be more dangerous if you're not controlling it on the way down as well. and building strength in that deep range of motion is more likely to decrease your injury rate than not.

>outside of the range of motion for many muscles
Some muscles are harder to stretch than others, triceps are a good example. this doesn't mean they're impossible to stretch though. if you try clasping your hands together and reach behind your back over your head like you're going to swing an axe, you'll probably feel a triceps stretch. and chest is really easy to stretch with anything other than a straight barbell.

>focus more on just lifting the weight and putting it back down.
i'd have to ask what your goal for training is. if we're talking pure muscle growth, the amount of weight you use doesn't mean anything as long as it is enough to make that muscle fail within a reasonable number of reps.
if we're talking functionality, you should be training the full range of motion anyway
if we're talking power lifting, sure i guess just train the range of motion that will count as a valid rep
100% it's already a solved niche and that fact is actually so liberating because it's not as time consuming and all encompassing which started in the post weider era
>evolution stops at the neck
could you explain what you mean by this?
yup you’re fucking stupid. Dumbass science based faggot
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The doctrine of scientism states that all explanations take the form of hypothesis and that nothing is known to be true and is only as of yet to be falsified, your science teacher may have explained this in school, mine did, and if I had known better at the time I would have argued. Your belief in evolution isn’t science it isn’t relevant to this discussion. Scientism states that there are only two kinds of statements, analytic statements which are just definitions such as a fruit is a seed bearing plant food it does not need to be tested that is just what we call a fruit, the other is empirical statements which must be tested and depending on the results might be true or is empirically false. This contradicts itself because if this statement itself is empirical then it is not necessarily true and of course how could you ever test that it is. If it is analytical then it is mere convention and tells us nothing about the thing in itself at all. The ultimate purpose of this a rejection of rationalistic axiomatic science, logic itself, it is literally the supplantation of logic so that rational ethics can be replaced by normative statements to justify the aggression that is a necessary factor in implementing leftism.
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We always come crawling back.
4 things happened to push me away from science based lifting and optimization back to having fun in the gym and focusing on sports performance
>Seeing Jeff Nippard for the first time and hearing his voice
>Finding Stronger by Science. Why the fuck am I going to constantly change my routine when the science changes constantly. I wanna lift, not jerk it to papers
>Mike Israetel being fucking MISERABLE and performing like shit at his bodybuilding compeition
>Finding Eric Bugenhagen and reconnecting with my love of screaming while I lift and wrestling

I love of what I learned from hypertrophy training and so much of it will stay with me. Strict form 90% of the time, controlled eccentrics (on exercises suitable to them), and periodized training. These are all things that Ill keep in my training for good, but I want to enjoy myself in the gym to good music and lifts that make my muscles scream in ecstatic agony. Not cry like Israetel when he does leg extensions. Im not just implementing those techniques because they're optimal, but because I like them. Strict form and slow eccentrics make the muscle feel good and give me an insane pump. Periodizing my training keeps things fresh, lets me focus on different areas (like strength training for a while then switching to hypertrophy), and gives me set resting times. I just found so much of the science community distasteful and is the exact opposite of what I love about physical activity. I wanna scream when I lift because Im happy, not because Im summoning the trauma of being molested lmao
saying that your opposition is bigger than you is a bad argument is retarded. its the best argument. im gonna listen to the people who have results and enjoy themselves. not a fucking gnome who got into lifting because he has a napoleon complex. at least he can prove he's natural (or ftm transexual) by his voice lmao
>is one technique causing greater stimulus than other techniques not scientific? does that not define optimality in lifting?
who the fuck gives a shit
t. dyel.
good i want everything to be even harder
You're better off not maxing out on gym looks though, attractiveness is a bell curve. You can have too much muscle and too little fat to appeal to the most people. And the blackpillers aren't wrong that it can't save you anyway if you're 0/10 otherwise.
I meant that human biological differences in cognitive abilities, behavior, etc. between the races and subraces are completely or lagely dismissed and attributed to purely or almost entirely environmental factors; that is, when those differences are even acknowledged to exist. Intelligence, for instance, is a highly heritable trait (80%).

If you didn't get what "evolution stops at the neck" meant, that info probably seems schizo, especially since I used the word "race" instead of ethnicity or group.
How long does that take though? I already spent 1 1/2 - 2 hrs doing my push routine at home, whilst playing games, watching startrek and cooking dinner.
kike israel is a jew so he has a genetic debuff.
you rarely see jews who work out at all. maybe they know that its pointless for them.
>The bar for being "average" has been raised so high that just doing whatever isn't good enough anymore.
What? The average man is a fucking loser now.
He's a fat, weak, pathetic, effeminate little pussy.
Being above average has never been easier, in fact being a top tier man has never been easier.
Just being a healthy weight already puts you in the top 30% of men, if you lift and have some noticeable muscle then you're easily in the top 5%.
in the context of lifters he probably isnt all wrong.
I rarely see giga dyels in the gym anymore when they used to be so common. people also dont do stupid backwards exercises. its clear they got some effective baseline routines from youtube now compared to the past where retards would just make up shit.
the problem is that this style of training has plagued every member at my gym. I feel almost alienated because of just how emotionless peoples workouts are
new MK character?
>believing in science after the replication crisis, nutritional sciences, and corona
Why? How, even?
post physique fag
Its a religion, leftists are the same people that would have been psycho puritans 150 years ago
>just lift hard, dont overcomplicate it
>procceeds to never lift hard, overcomplicates everything
I mean Jeff you mong his skin looks like shit
A lot of advice is valid for bodybuilders.
Normal humans will not benefit from lifting like that wo roids.

I build massive physique as natty simply when i was enthusiastic and lifted 5x week, mid-heavy and did muscles i felt i wanted - quads, abs, chest, arms.
I had it all and got lean.
My main diatary changes was i simply triied eating different protein sources - eggs, tuna, meat etc and lots of potatoes and buckwheat.

I barely understood form but tried to keep my back straight and did not weird awkward angles thhat my joints did. Not like (eg i never liked upright rows).

Lightweight many reps were better in all possible ways than going too heavy.
post body
How did the people allow this Manlet their attention.
post body
>Oh no I'm a dumb fucking retard, why isn't society pegged down at my level? Boo-hoo, please go back to throwing shit at the wall in hopes of making progress instead of actually developing an understanding of the underlying physiology!
this is what you sound like
Good post.
it's gained by anecdotal and personal experience. i don't take studies seriously as they usually have critical flaws which make none of their data usable. lifting is not a science, it's an art. the jacked dude who has been lifting for 10+ years has infinitely more useful knowledge than some study that was probably made by some uni students just trying to pass their shitty courses.
>science based lifting
that alone is such a retarded term, half repping and ego lifting is also science based
not sure why muh science fags think like teachers who do that swinging ball test, you could just as easily prove physics by throwing a pencil at the teacher
>oh wow the ball didn't hit my face
physics don't care about concepts and feelings, whether it hits you in the face or not, it's still science, favorable outcome doesn't mean more science, egolifters are bigger
>in the context of lifters he probably isnt all wrong
Maybe. But a lifter is an extremely rare person, take a walk around outside for an hour and you probably won't see more than a handful of guys who look like they lift.
In the suburb I live in there's roughly 2000 people, and I only know of two men around here who have good physiques, one is my brother in law and the other is some random guy I see when I walk my dog sometimes who is clearly on roids.
The rest are all skinny twigs or obese.
I hate Jeff and his gay studies
It's a marketing gimmick, don't get so worked up about it
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Just get in the fucking gym and horsecock some thick loads around if you want to build juicy, bulbous muscles
I stated before, its not just the online shit. its the fact that this style of training and the superiority complexes that come with it have spread like wildfire
I think it's just the nature of being a fitness content creator. You have to keep reinventing the wheel if you want to stay relevant and keep making ad revenue.
That is Ray Mentzer, Mike Mentzer's younger brother. He was actually bigger than Mike having 22" arms whereas Mike's never got bigger than 18.5." Even while Mike was training, Ray's routine had even lower volumes. Whereas Mike's Mr. Olympia routine consisted of two sets for most exercise, Ray's only had one set and a once per week frequency.
Don't worry my friend, I am about to launch my feels based lifting channel on yt.

If you lifted more than 6 months you can feel exactly how the lift is going and what muscles are activated and/or if you are doing something wrong, I will teach this to people.

Like today I was deadlifting and got impatient in my second set and lifted weirdly with my left side, had a fucking massive cramp and burn sensation in my left quad all afternoon.

stay strong bros feels based lifting is arriving soon and will guarantee the best results ever observed by man
>after the replication crisis
That doesn't mean what brainlets think it does. People like you shouldn't think for themselves.
>nutritional sciences
Idiot who can't discern good data from bad one and can't reconcile seemingly contradictory information because his knowledge is subpar.
>and corona
The scientific data actually showed the whole thing was basically a massive scam. Not "science's" problem you can't tell what's fraud, poorly designed studies, etc.
>People need to start lifting like they have a fire lit under their asses once more
I've been loving Bugez these days. Say what you will about the character he playa, but his spirit is genuine.
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1.5yrs in
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>Especially when you see his natty results over years.
metznigger who never posts body kek enjoy your gay meth head with dyel followers kek
The problem with you people is you are retarded pseuds married to science for your dumb idea that we need it for technological progress when scientists never progress technology, businesses do. All scientists do is try to have authority to get in the way of that with their studies.
Try doing science based lifting for a few months dressed like that and with the insane intensity I can tell you bring. People like Nippard are total fucking faggots and their methods make people think they can half ass the training, but fuck it works if you lift hard. You put on slabs of muscle that can be used to horsecock heavy loads later.
nippard regularly goes past failure though?
read my post more closely
>their methods make people think they can half ass the training
the only people i see half assing their training are really old, don't want to be in the gym, or are scared of getting too big (most women). if you're any of those things, optimizing your lifting probably isn't that appealing.
>the only people i see half assing their training are really old, don't want to be in the gym, or are scared of getting too big (most women). if you're any of those things, optimizing your lifting probably isn't that appealing.
I've seen a lot of beginners who are lifting way too light because they're terrified to break their "cyborg technique" and are sticking to their prescribed rep ranges with a lot left in the tank. They have no real concept of RIR because they think some pain and resistance means failure. The scientific training methods and rules are good, but to get the most out of rules you need to break them now and again. That goes with any rules in life.
Yeah that's absolutely true. Science based lifters, the real ones anyway, wouldn't recommend robotic form. Some form breakdown by the end of your set is natural, and it won't hurt your gains at all as long as the muscle you're trying to train is still the thing that's actually lifting most of the weight.
Even Nippard himself would recommend that people train to failure semi-frequently so they know where it is.
I'm very interested in science based lifting and I train to failure almost every working set, because I like the way it feels and I don't mind the fatigue, but that'll probably change as I get older. And that's okay because the difference in gains is probably minimal anyway.
>Science based lifters, the real ones anyway, wouldn't recommend robotic form
Mike Israetel says that shit all the fucking time, but I know for a fact he doesn't train that way 100% of the time and comes from powerlifting lmao.

>Even Nippard himself would recommend that people train to failure semi-frequently so they know where it is.
His voice is gay so I dont care what he says. Im sure trains fine though. I dislike that beginners watch videos like his, mennomans, humeston, and wolf's and then constantly obssess over small details and constantly change exercises and vary their form. I know thats not what they recommend if you push them against the wall, but the way their videos are scripted and their thumbnails/titles are composed drive that behavior which is very irresponsible and greedy.

>I'm very interested in science based lifting and I train to failure almost every working set, because I like the way it feels and I don't mind the fatigue, but that'll probably change as I get older.
I do too to be honest. I love the way it feels, especially when you train past failure on at least one set per body part per workout. Try going back to strength training for a month or two to train your CNS on your newfound muscle, then go back to the scientific lifting. Heavy singles, doubles, and triples will train your CNS to use heavier loads in the higher rep ranges as well.
Science shit is for advanced lifters. Beginners can make gains throwing weight around like retards because they're noobs and often young so tweaking their shoulder doesn't mean shit to them, but as you get older and/or closer to your genetic limit you need to optimize your lifting to keep eking out gains and prevent injuries.
They're youtubers, they need new content to make. They give fringe studies way more attention than they probably deserve. beginners following these cutting edge techniques before they have fundamentals down is an issue yes.
In defense of these youtubers, they usually clarify that these are just things that you can try which may or may not work. Especially those who you mentioned, mike isreatel, mennomans, humeston, and wolf. They'll always focus on the most tried and tested techniques when giving genuine advice.
While I get it, theyre targetting newbs with FOMO tactics and bad advice just to make money. Thats shitty. Israetel used to put out very very good multiple part lectures that were an hour long per video. He doesnt put out content like that anymore.
>But that limit is lower than ever. Just by being not obese/old you're already ahead of 80% of people.
do you know how difficult it is to get a fit gf, its an impossible task
> I'm a fucking retard: the post
Fuck off.
> paranoid alt right schizo babble
Back to pol please.
I'm imagining Jeff Nippard saying these posts in his FtM tranny voice
Exercise science is a soft pseudo scientific field like psychiatry. It's essentially a scam. A new optimal study comes out every couple years that 'changes everything'. The results of the studies can't be replicated. Everyone is cheating with roids and nobody is overseeing scientific standards in the field with any rigor. It's a hive of scum and villainy run by con artists and pseuds and you would be foolish to give credence to anyone who claims to be an exercise scientist. Genetic response to exercise varies so greatly that you're always better off optimizing through anecdotal experience than listening to these grifters.
>A new optimal study comes out every couple years that 'changes everything'.
wrong. new studies come out that contradict old ones all the time, but if there's 10 old studies that show one thing and then a single new study comes out and shows another, anyone with a brain will take the new study with a huge grain of salt and wait for more evidence.

also when a collection of new studies actually do outweigh the old ones in evidence, the new methods are simply considered better than the old ones, not necessarily that the old ones were wrong.
>chat bro had got me by my nigger mop fr fr he tearing my neck off-ACK
I hate seeing that image every time it's posted. That's the wrong limit for the brainlet asymptote.
Save your effort dude. Fitizens are too fucking stupid to understand any of it. They're some of the dumbest fuckers I've ever communicated with
>You made up fake image of what science based lifting is in your head and got mad at it, you are a retard
This is all fitizens. They don't understand what it is they hate. They just blindly chimp out against the very concepts of science and knowledge because they want to larp as cavemen and think they're tough for being stupid and ignorant
i just like writing my thoughts and this is a good excuse to do it. journaling would probably be more healthy
Jeff is explicitly against perfectionism and always says to tailor your exercises to your needs, what feels good, and to not obsses over having perfect form. He even did a little research into partial reps and offers those up as a possible tool for lifters.
nobody here criticizing him has watched more than one or two videos, why would they have?
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the only person worth listening to when it comes to
>science based lifting
is this dude

everyone else is just pumping out clickbait garbage
>everyone else is just pumping out clickbait garbage
Exactly. Compare Mike Israetel's new content vs his old lectures. Those lectures informed a lot of my lifting and gave me great results. His new content is reddit fomo bullshit.


fucking twig arm liberal retard stay small bro

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