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Is this Ozempic for poorfags?
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no but this is

I game so hard I literally forget to eat
>X is dead
>X is new Y
>X is Y for Z
Retarded zoomer message templates
no, low carb diet is
No nicotine AND caffeine.
I want to go back so fucking bad but last time I played this game literally ruined my life.

2004-2006 I went so hard on this game I dropped out of high school. took me 5 years to get my life back together.

I still dream about this fucking game. when I look at old pictures or videos from it I feel pain and nostalgia that drives me to mania.

I'm lucky modern wow isn't that appealing and that classic wow has a shelf life. I don't think I could function if it was as good as it was back then.
How can I sweeten my coffee without adding high calorie creamers? Please don’t say anything gay like “drink it black”
monk fruit or chocolate whey
honestly true, I lost the most weight the fastest and never felt hungry when doing keto. Just make sure your fat sources are healthy cuz I had extreme pain which was likely gallbladder shit because I ate bacon and other shitty fats every day
No ciggies are
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isn't bean water more expensive than an ozempic prescription
my mom buys the coffee
in my experience, an hour later my stomach feels weird and i start stuffing it promptly after
Ozempic is for poorfags
Wealthy people wouldn't waste money on something that is free (not eating)
Blizzard should be commended for ruining WoW while there was still time to salvage some of Gen Y.
Game fucking sucks nowadays, it's too boring if ur not pvping and doing arena and even the pvp sucks, I became a league of legends fag instead
POV you're X
Same bro. Fucking same.
It was runescape for me. Tried playing old school a few months ago and the sweaty minmax tryhards ruin the fun these days. Better as a memory
>I want to go back so fucking bad but last time I played this game literally ruined my life.
>2004-2006 I went so hard on this game I dropped out of high school. took me 5 years to get my life back together.
>I still dream about this fucking game. when I look at old pictures or videos from it I feel pain and nostalgia that drives me to mania.
>I'm lucky modern wow isn't that appealing and that classic wow has a shelf life. I don't think I could function if it was as good as it was back then.

My addiction wasn't WoW but I feel you nigga. How many men under 30 have more intense memories of their favorite game than of anyone that happened to them IRL. It's funny when people ask "hmm, when AI becomes advanced enough will men choose to live entirely in game?" as if it's a serious question.

UBI 100% *WILL* happen and the missing part of the equation is "but what will those people do all day?" It's obvious as a Jew's nose: they will live in a tiny pod and be online every waking hour and get food delivered to the pod. And frankly they'll be happier than any pre-internet wagie in a low-paying job with an ungrateful family.
Yeah the thing with WoW is that if you are just queuing PvP you may as well play a real competitive game built for that like CS or whatever is the latest hotness. Warcraft was cool because it was a while world and you could do all sorts of things that all wove together. If you are just idling around in queues waiting for perfectly balanced matches then what's even the point.
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I'm just a poor man, not a fag.

I think furries are responsible for this meme, the "furfags" like on old 4chan.

Warhammer 40k vs furries, that's an old meme, now there are open furries in the armed forces.
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Its prevalence on /k/ only solidified my suspicions.

This goes beyond the sodomite flags.

Signs of social decay.
honey, different pollen sources give different flavors too
The old me would have called you a faggot but I went on a honey tasting tour recently and they do taste different. Guess I'm the faggot now
>I became something even more cancerous instead
congrats I guess
….but they would hire a person to follow them and make sure they didn’t snack or eat foods off their diet.
Bees are based brother
celebs use that shit mate
Sort of. Make a little more and you can afford some glucophage.
no? coffee is super cheap.
5€ for 1kg that will last you for multiple weeks. people just get jewed hard at restaurants.
There will be worse things happening, you haven't said enough
>low carb
pick one LOL
Coffee and cigs are the goated duo fr
america is so fucking based
i just game quake live and on occasion quake champions nowadays. those games require so much focus and attention that i usually have my fill with the game by just 3 or 4 games. feel fucking zapped at the end of a crazy fragging session. i waste so much less time on games by doing this compared to like 5+ years ago.
no. unless you go out to get coffee (retarded) then its quite cheap. i just make my own at home and i drink about a liter a day and it barely hurts my wallet at all.
Many fatties eat and drink shitloads despite also being hooked on black coffee and cigarettes
Especially tradies
Fortunately we can never go back to the early years of MMOs. We were all living out our virtual reality holodeck fantasy where we treated it like we were really iseki'd in a fantasy world. Now everything is data mined where everyone already has an idea of how to do anything and you're an asshole for trying to play without build guides or it's all just an excuse for ERP
Also in the early years of MMOs the internet was a totally different place. It was almost entirely filled with generally upper-middle class people from developed countries. Today's internet is filled with 3rd worldies and the lower classes.
Nicotine, caffeine, and Adderall are.

Although most people who drink caffinated drinks don't drink black coffee or super low cal energy drinks. They drink 700 calorie milkshakes with breakfast.
Repulsive really. Just go get a black coffee at a slop shop drive through and read the orders of the people ahead of you in line.
Large coffee
-carmel syrup
- + 5 cream
- + 5 sugar

The regular coffee they serve is already disgustingly sweet and cream filled. I cant imagine even drinking those and yet millions of fat fucks feel the need to add more. Then they wonder why they feel run down and starving by 1pm.
If you dont like something plain, then you dont actually like that thing. You just want the additives and toppings.
At about $700-800/month for the real deal, I'd say poorfags can't afford it.
idk poorfags will blow tons of money on dumb shit in america, people live way beyond their means here which is good for the economy I guess. when I see really frivolous expensive spending in america I make no assumptions that it's being done by rich people because poor people will blow their money on random bullshit.
its insane that its legal to sell this shit
I'd bet its healthier to do a line of coke a day compared to drinking this daily
there is honestly nothing gayer than coffee snobs.
as a black coffee drinker I gotta say WTF

guess it's Peaty though
>eating less of a macro costs more
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I think my excessive coffee drinking gives me anxiety and makes me want to ropemaxx
this but unironically
Don't call me honey, honey
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Yes it's called not eating
no, that is just an expresso
>tfw the greatest military force on the planet is full of furries and weebs
It's like how corn fed dudes smashed the ricelet Japanese in the Pacific
lol no. I've basically been drinking only coffee for years (other than workout shakes and maybe some soup), i.e. I make a full pot from 70g of coffee in the morning and drink it throughout the day, but I'm not particularly shredded, I mean I'm not fat and have a slight outline of a sixpack if I flex it in good lighting and have bicep veins, but I still have some belly fat while eating relatively little food
Classic Era and Cataclysm only. If you're retailing then you're ngmi. This is the truth, anon.
low carb would save money at the pharmacy which is why it will always be shilled against. Can't cut into pharma profits
i legit think i have ADD or some shit. i get up and will go to like 4pm with nothing but a cup of coffee. i never feel hungry. i only know that im hungry when my hands start to shake, or if i start getting headaches, or i start getting irritable (signs of low blood sugar). Even then I dont really want to eat.
it is becoming such a problem that i had to set alarms throughout the day reminding myself to eat
Could I wear a weighted vest and some wrist weights to gain while gaming?
If you need ozempic the only poverty is in your will power. You may lose weight thanks to it, but the next time you face a challenge in your life that has no way around it, what will you do?
What do you eat when you do eat? Could legit be signs of a deficiency
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>wake up
>drink my coffee
simple as....
intermittent fasting + caffeine + gaming is literally the secret to cuts.
>intermittent fasting
do you guys set alarms when you go to bed so you can wake up and eat? sleep your 8 hours and you have by default ur fasting.
willpower is Ozempic for poor people.
Obesity comes from a diet that is not satiating. People think eating chips is food. They'll substitute a regular meal with prepackaged shit and then wonder why they are hungry two hours later. Because they are too lazy to cook another meal (understandably), they will crack open a pack of cookies and down the whole thing, which doesn't end their hunger.

Then they snack on something else.

Then they only have coke in the fridge so they down one of those.

They keep feeling worse and worse, and their body is screaming for nutrients.

Meanwhile big corporations are making so much fucking money it's insane.
Shut the fuck up retard
captcha KHHV
Why can’t we be friends?
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Wtf me? Also checked....
Based. Imagine being socially and economically competent enough to have a cute gf in your apartment in a city right out of college.
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I do miss the times sitting on a lovely bench drinking wine and eating overpriced take away pasta when the lockdowns were full forced and the evening belonged to us.....
Also good arguments from a stand point of philosophy degree to some point I dont know the classification that much....
>"Anon you should check Mongolian basket weaving forum , you would love that place...."
Great memoir...
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that looks like a decent cuppa, so no
this is for poorfags
why cata anon?
It was the expansion i played most when i was around 14 or 15 at the tim, but it is not highly regarded
>5€ for 1kg
as a furfag who has been on 4chan since '08, it has been really weird seeing how mainstream furry has become. it is kind of worrisome too, since once your interests become mainstream it starts getting watered down by normies.
could be thi. breakfast is eggs sausage and toast. lunch is usually a salad with chicken. dinner is whatever i am feeling. same with snacks. i take a multivitamin since im sure my nutrition is shit.

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