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Hey guys, my gf has been on a weight loss journey for around 5-6 months now. She started at 250lb (she has amazing fat distribution and is super cute) since then she's gotten down to 205lb however the scale has been not moving for a few weeks. Her routine is cardio for 1.5h 4-5 days a week (burning 430cals avg.), then 2-3 days a week trains legs and back/bis (burning 200cals or so). Her tdee is 2800 and only eats 1500 cal max a day (her apple watch says she burns about 700 a day (counting the gym). So her basal metabolic rate is around 3500 and we track her calories ever night on a chart (I made it and it works great. I can link the print out pdf for any fatties who want to use it).
Anyway, she's been stuck at 205-207 for a few weeks despite being on top of shit and not cheating at all. I help track everything and we work at home together and work out together. She's very knowledgeable on what she needs to do and has the best and most serious mentality (she browses /fph/ constantly) I've ever seen so I know she's not snacking. She's been on her rag for a week so maybe that's effecting it.
Does anybody know why or what to do about the Plateau.
tl;dr but plateaus in weight loss/gain are easily fixed by recalculating tdee and adjusting macros according to that.
Sorry for the blog post.
But yeah I've been adjusting it using the calculators so we are on top of things plus she's in a caloric deficit of about 1200 daily everyday. We don't go by counting macros, we just looking up everything and make sure shes feeling full, we eat very clean though, mostly veggies and whole meats
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>my gf has been on a weight loss journey for around 5-6 months now
WAY way to fucking long for weight loss.
Losing fat is stressful on varies systems and pathways in the body.
Just like you need a break after a massing phase, you need a break from a weight loss phase.

12 weeks max for a weight loss phase.
After which you need to take a maintenance phase for about 2/3s of the time spent losing weight.
She's been losing weight for 6 months, she needs to maintain her weight for 4 months before losing weight again.

And don't let retards on /fit/ convince you that you don't need maintenance phases.
Literally every single professional competitive bodybuilder does this for fat loss.
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>She started at 250lb
Tf is wrong witchu nigga
I'm in love and she's cute and sweet
She's not going to want to do that, what's up with all these people losing a ton of wieght over 9 months then, and they breaking in between?
>we don't go by counting macros
there you go
keep in mind what seems like plateaus aren't always necessary that. sometimes you hold on to bloat and water weight but are indeed losing fat. as long as you count calories, track macros and estimate tdee properly you are gonna lose weight, even when it seems to stall
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instead of getting some hot girl you're dating a big aquatic placental marine mammal and spend 2 years trying to get her fit. Come on bruv
Maybe try fasting, see if it flushes out water shes holding.
they're torturing themselves out of insecurity. don't push that on your girlfriend, give her a break. she won't gain much more weight and she'll go right back to losing it after
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>She's not going to want to do that, what's up with all these people losing a ton of wieght over 9 months then
And the vast majority of them gain the weight back.
Studies prove this over and over again.

The body does not want to lose massive amounts of weight, the body likes homeostasis and will fight tooth and nail to get back to its previous weight.
She needs to allow her body to "adjust" to its new weight to get it back into homeostasis before trying to lose more.
Otherwise its very very likely she will gain the weight back.

It's not just about getting the weight off, its also about KEEPING the weight off long term.
You mixed up bmr and tdee, if she needs 3500 to maintain and hasn't lost weight for a month then she's eating more than 1500 a day. All that combined with the fact that you don't track macros makes me think your counting is way off. Despite you being super autismo about spreadsheets and whatever, her weight loss so far doesn't really mean anything about diet's quality because a 250 lbs woman will lose weight on all but the most retarded of plans unless she's like 7 feet tall. I'd suggest she eat closer to maintenance for a week (still relatively "clean"), get a chance to reset psychologically, and when she gets back, have her track her fucking macros.
Yeah, I figured because I've read that a pound of fat is 3600cal and it takes about 4600cal or exertion to burn 1lb body fat because of glycogen. So we have been using this chart (picrel) I made to track a pound every deficit of 4600cal.
So I guess she must be burning fat while building muscle plus she's been bloated for half this plateau. The deficit has to be changing something right?
I get that, she has amazing habits at this point and loves out new lifestyle and she looks so much better and she knows it (she has a great ass, hourglass figure) ypu don't think if she keeps eating 1500kcal per day and then goes to basal metabolic rate when she reaches her goal wieght she's just gonna keep it off? I don't see how the math could work out any different, just will power, no?
She can't be off unless the My Fitness Pal app and her apple watch aren't calculating correctly. Plus we literally spend ever waking minute together, (we work remotely) and I see what she eats. Mainly chicken breast Pam spray and a cup of rice, lots of fruit and veggies and a treat is normally a 60 cal popsicle no cap.
I'm no nutritionist but I've been into working out seriously for several years and look good from my own choices, I know that even if the app and wat h are incorrect she's still eating 2000kcal tops. I don't want her to fast though (which she has for previous Plateaus with success) because she's already so low calorically, not that she's tired from it or having ill effects. Just trying to find the best course of action here.
He has a girlfriend willing to lose weight. What’s wrong with that?
Dude, she vehemently hates fat positivity shit and is addicted to /fph/. She's literally the black that made it out of the ghetto and hates niggers now
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BTW when I said we don't track macros, I didn't mean we don't wieght everything out, we weigh everything out on the gram scale. I just mean we don't have pre-planned meals. Also we've been doing this for the whole wieght loss and how we've seen nearly 50lbs lost in 6 months
Eat less. Let's say she only eats apples, she knows how many apples she eats per meal. Eat one less apple per meal.

You fatties are dumb and always want immediate results but this damage is something that takes a lifestyle change to reverse. For years she was eating too many apples and each day was a drop too many in the bucket. Now she needs to not only empty the bucket but keep a reasonable flow coming in for the rest of her life. If she's weak and starts overeating again, the fat starts loading up again. Guess what? The results slowing means she started overeating or at least not eating at deficit. You need to take a bull whip to that cow and ensure she gets over her food addiction.
Are you trolling or just this retarded
i mean he was right, until the last two sentences
He’s trying to tell you how to adjust “her” basal metabolic rate. Willpower is a tool in the toolbox but you can’t rely on it all the time, otherwise we would all be jacked billionaires.
I mean he didn't read that we already strictly follow a cico diet of 1300kcal below TDEE. Also, I'm not fat, I'm in great shape.
Maybe you can enlighten me? So, although I understand that her body wants to return to its old wieght it was used to how could it?. This is what I don't quite understand, if she is eating a deficit of 2000kcal below her basal how could her weight do anything except lower? Like, where is it finding the energy to maintain at 205lb? Is it because her TDEE dropped somehow to help keep that equilibrium, is that possible, it seems like her body would still require all those calories to maintain organ funtion etc.?
My bad I just noticed I've been using TDEE and BMR vice versa. When I said TDEE just assume I meant BMR and vice versa

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