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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is it normal for my wrists to hurt while doing barbell curls or does this mean my grip is bad?
your technique is either dogshit or you have really weak wrists. probably both
weak wrists
will i ever have sex bros
be honest
weak wrists lift more faggot
try asking again later
thanks magic 8 ball
doing straight bar barbell curls puts your wrists in a bad position. Anyone who says they feel nothing in their wrists either doesn't lift or is lifting baby weights. Just use an EZ bar. No need to use a fucking huge bar for such a small muscle. Makes sense for big compounds but other than that you might as well just use an ez bar and do db curls which don't put your wrist under strain. People delude themselves that more difficult = better but it's not necessarily true. If you want to make things more difficult for the actual muscle.. use more weight
Are you keeping your wrists straight when doing your barbell curls? If not that could be the culprit. Also, lower the weights if you are going too heavy.
mine hurt on the last few reps. think im straining them instead of focusing on the bicep
even on ez bar my wrist hurts i might be going too heavy
If you're an underage, you will get pussy in college. Guarantee you.
i have the same problem bro, its really limiting the bicep workouts I can do
Not him, but
>freshman year in college
>was in my dorm and girl went on my bed
>she said it was cold and ask me to lay with her
>got on that bed and she started hugging me
>didn't know if she wanted sex or was just being friendly, so I started talking about music just to be safe
>a week later she asked if I was gay and never talked to me in the same way
I fucking hate myself.
It's related to the carrying angle of the forearms with a supine grip. Use an ezbar instead or use dumbbells.
you have to take risks in life. who cares about #metoo or other superficial shit
>If you want to make things more difficult for the actual muscle.. use more weight
>for the actual muscle
curl is not an muscle though, which muscle are u talking about? if ur delt isn't soft u're not doing any head of bicep lol
My wrists hurt doing straight bar curl when I was a teenager. Now they don't. You're just weak.
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Double dubs good stuff
Body built for plapping
She'd make my wrists hurt for another reason heh
my wrists hurt sometimes after doing 15 push ups. I weigh 130kg. Is this ok?
>I weigh 130kg
Based if lean. Wasted trips if fat
Having sex is pretty simple thanks to social media and also absurdly underwhelming. Head is where it's at
130kg lean is enormous
Anon is fat
are you retarded lmao
I fucked up by being a commuter and going to a Jesus college
>even on ez bar my wrist hurts i might be going too heavy
Are you making sure you're using the bar the right way? I've seen people use it with their thumbs turned down instead of up.
Does it have to be consensual?
Shut the fuck up and post the onlyfans for this slampig
The best parts of sex are the initial insertion and busting inside the broad. Everything in between is still pretty cool though
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So many women under the age of 30 already obese. That's not right.
Don't beat yourself too much, homo.
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you're an unfunny faggot i would say kill yourself but you living is has to be more lonely and painful then dying now fuck off back to your subreddit
shut up retard faggot straight wrists on a barbell don't feel good because of mechanical inefficiency suck a bullet
trailer trash phenotype but I'd give her the dick
I feel like this happens to everybody at least once, even if you've had sex before it happens. It's just a miscommunication caused by your nervousness. Doesn't help either that women are intentionally coy about everything and expect you to read their minds
nature is a language that inels can't read
Trips and you'll get laid. Anything else and you're apermavirgin
She has a perfect face. If she lost 20 pounds, she'd be a 10/10.
I can smell your body odor and see your long hair with this post
Disgusting coomer, societal parasite
watch out r/architects is gonna raid this thread now
Try placing the hands further apart, worked for me. If it still hurts, looks up Knee overtones guy's guide on strengthen wrists on YouTube (surprise, it's easy). >>74776306
Nah barbell curls are great. I like how the contraction feels on the bicep better with a barbell than with the ez bar. I do use it for reverse curls though.
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*Kneesovertoes guy, fucking christ

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