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Muay thai

Boxing is very effective everyone knows this. Muay Thai only for leg kicks. And judo for takedowns and the basic grappling. So much in bjj doesn’t actually work in mma. All that fancy stuff simply doesn’t apply when punches and elbows come into play. Judo is just more realistic
so punching kicking and grappling yo op I think you might be the next baki
Wrestling is better than judo
Just train mma
Eh. I’m not so sure. Wrestling positions seem to mostly work on mats. Any sort of hard surface would be maddening in the knees or really anything. Wrestling relies so much on knowing you are using that soft mat.
Skinning your knees is the least of your concerns in a fight
>Judo is just more realistic

I've started going to a judo school to supplement my BJJ. They love to roll over to their stomach if the throw doesn't work. The throw, in question, is a oochigari -> koochigari -> uchi mata or something which is dramatically more complicated than clubbing the head and picking the ankle. They'll do armbars instead of head and arm chokes from mount. You have a bunch of other rules like no wrestling takedowns, no standing chokes, chokes can't be across the chin, no 2 handed grip breaks, no squeezing the ribs from the back, etc.

It's not even bad, you just have no Earthly idea what you're talking about.
You’re talking about Olympic judo.
The judo child molester can't help himself and dedicates the majority of his post dedicated to shitting on bjj
While cross training is perfectly fine and gives you more options you don't really need to train in multiple disciplines or even particular ones like the ones you mentioned.
People are absolutely garbage at fighting that literally anything works, even karate, tkd and even kung fu if they spar.
If it's one on one literally anything with sparring works, you don't need to think about it, literally just hit hard and fast and that is too much for untrained people.

If it's against a weapon you need to drill in whatever style you practice against a weapon because there's no other way to learn to do it, regardless of what you practice no style teaches you how to defend it, you have to drill it on the side.

If it's more than one person either maneuver and take one person at the time with one shot or if you can't do that run.

Im tired of people pretending the street is the hecking most dangerous, ultimate fighting arena, you don't need that much to be prepared for the streets.
Buy a gun you fuckin idiot
>karate mid level black belt
>muay thai
Is the best stack in order of hours. If you're sick at karate and have 6 months in muay thai or kickboxing you're just gonna wreck anyone you see. Along with the ability to learn and apply strict boxing principles and training as no hands match boxing.
>anyone you see
Only if they're only 50lbs heavier and you're better btw. Which is a huge fucking buff to your ability, 20-30lbs means nothing in the realm of skill unless you are weak as shit. Nobody ever is gonna be able to tank a stepping side kick from someone 180lbs I'd like to hear some input from some people who break less boards than me at like 13-14 to tell me the realistic applications of high skill.
It's hard to even discuss kickboxing when nobody is even hitting hard with their whole body. That's the only thing kickboxing has before wrestling or boxing and if you fail you're fucked.

I would absolutely annihilate any retard bjj black belt before they got close to me me at 13 hit harder than them if they had 1yr to train.
there is a ju jitsu place very close where I live. it's a very small dojo. it's 110 a month. should I do it? I tried the free classes and well they warm up by jogging around, then roll on the mat, the guy demonstrates moves and then we try them on each other.
Best for kids, I started martial arts at 8yo and cannot imagine doing the same shit as an adult. I feel like if I saw what they do and had a heavy bag and shit I'd be able to annihilate them with a good work ethic. What else even an entire martial art based on anyways you gonna punch and kick the air is that really good practice?
wdym? ya they have different classes. some for kids but the ones I went to there were adults there. there's an MMA class, gi and no gi etc. They spar and also have a free sparing session after class with bags and whatever. I got no experience so I thought it'd be good to up my confidence maybe
I think learning basic elbows from muay thai is pretty valuable. You're pretty much on the money though.
You only need enough martial arts not to get fucked if you can't defuse shit by talking.
LE classes - in decent countries, no idea for dystopian places like China or America - will teach you how to defuse a situation.
Next, you just need A martial art, with striking and at least takedown defence, with actual sparring. Weapon defence is a VERY appreciated extra, if more rare.
Multiple martial arts, specialised in a thing, will make you WAY better, but you don't really need it unless you're competing in the King of Iron Fist Tournament or something.
Judo is ok but it's far from great. I have many particular criticisms of modern judo but I think the most important fact is this: judo lacks the success of other combat sports in MMA - more competitors than tkd but less than karate. On top of that, judo is a very popular sport (eg just look at how many countries compete in olympic judo vs olympic freestyle), so it's underrepresentation is even more embarrassing.

I'm sure judo was great in the past, and was a much more realistic and complete sport. Judo fanboys will say that criticisms of judo are only of modern IJF judo. But where are all the old-school judo guys in MMA?
>But the IJF doesn't let you compete in other combat sports
but I thought you were an old school judoka who doesn't care about the IJF?
Also that's not how the burden of proof works. The person who is marketing a combat sport, or anything, needs to prove that the thing works.
btw the greentext is supposed to represent old school judoka, not OP
Boxing over kickboxing as kicking is very risky in real life situation, but good kickboxing gyms are easier to find. All you need to know is how to throw 2/3 very good punches and an understanding of distance. Most self defence happens at very close range so the clinch work from Mauy Thai is useful. For grappling go with Judo or Wrestling. Wrestling is very hard to find once out of HS. You do not want go to the ground in a self defence situation so BJJ is limited. Again like with striking you need to learn 2/3 throws, holds which will allow you to get a attacker of you or out of action.

Your training should be 2x striking/grappling a week with lifting 1/2 times a week and you will need to hard spar at some point with people that would abuse it. This is where picking a good gym is important.

Oh course a lot of this is mitigated if you have a weapon/gun however a lot of self defence situations will happen when you don't have a gun.

Ultimately if threatened and unable to walk away the best self defence is to strike first leave the scene and have a good lawyer if needed

Also MMA is good but there is a lot of fluff that won't help you but id that's the only option it can cover a lot of ground.
It won't be when you do skin them.
>The best combination of martial arts for real life self defense are
If we go by historicla records:
>Stand up Japanese Jiu Jitsu + similar (includes medieval grappling which is the same for some reason, also Sambo, early Judo etc.) - Medieval warfare, Russo-Japanese War, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea
>Basic Boxing (explicitly NOT pro boxing) - WW1, WW2
>Basic Karate (includes classic TKD) - WW2 Asian theatre, Vietnam, Korea
>To a muchlesser extent: Tongbeiquan, the only Kung Fu style which worked in WW2 against the Japanese
Everything else either failed completely, didn't show up or was beaten by the above. Modern Judo didn't exist yet, pro boxing failed hard in European battlefields, Muay Thai lost to Karate/Jiu, as did Kung Fu.

If we go armed martial arts, the list becomes even shorter:
>European fencing
>To a much lesser extent Indian fencing, which was deemed "passable" by the Europeans
Nothing else worked, not even the famous Japanese shit.
>the type of judo you will learn in 95% of schools in America
You probably wouldn't even feel it. Guys fight with broken hands, glass in their faces, teeth poking through their lips, etc. A childhood bicycle crash tier injury is nothing.
Low kicking in a street fight is as stupid as bjj.
Muay thai is what you do if you don't have time to train box+wrestling, as mt has some clinch grappling. Enough to throw some street hobo.
Head kicks are the only worthwhile kicks, but they only work if you're crazy flexible to begin with.
Liver kicks might work idk.
Judo is needlessly overcomplicated compared to wrestling vs street hobos.
interesting, and how do you know this?
>pro boxing failed hard in European battlefields
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>real life self defense

Who's gonna tell him?
I fought with broken ribs and torn ligaments and I've heard people don't even register stabs in a fight. I'm also fairly confident kicking someone on adrenaline in the balls won't work. I hit myself in the balls hard when pulling on some stuck piping I had to disassemble. It hurt in a special way but nowhere near enough to make someone drop to the floor.
your take on kicking is fucking insane. low kicks are fast and don't sacrifice much mobility and stability. the high kick is the opposite. mid kick is in between, naturally
this is why in mma low kicks are super common and high kicks are super rare.
the mid kick is very common in muay thai, but only because the low kick doesn't score much and the mid kick scores a lot

judo is actually simpler than wrestling as it's highly restricted, and in terms of completed takedowns it's mostly just turn throws. even the gripping is highly restricted, you can't take a non-standard grip without immediately taking action. bottom position in judo is basically just stall in turtle for a reset

do you even train?
Police are told that pain compliance is good but not guaranteed to work, so you need options which physically inhibit an aggressor. Unathletic dorks online will tell you it's the ace in their sleeve against pro fighters.
that's the nature of pain compliance
you can hit someone in the balls and they might drop like a sack of potatoes, or nothing happens
same with broken small bones
People who have done both at the highest levels say Judo is more effective.
Name them
When I talk about judo I only ever refer to real judo otherwise known as Japanese jujutsu
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This guy gets it.

There is a difference between fighting and violence.

Violence happens fast and usually without warning. The sad truth is that if someone wants you dead, there is very little you can do to prevent it when a weapon is involved. All this hollywood shit is BS. In prison, a person with a knife will just charge you with head down and stab you in the abdomen repeatedly until you are dead. None of this wide slashing movements that easily blocked. Real killers tighten up and stab to death.

Also numbers matter. Even a Navy Seal Team Six soldier will go down fast in a fight against 2-3 determined opponents. If you are attacked by a group, your best bet is ALWAYS to run.

In terms of street fighting, the only real answer is boxing. Why? Because while BJJ and everything is effective in a ring / controlled environment, if you go to the ground in a street fight you are fucking done. It just takes one kick in the head from a spectator (happens in like 90% of bar fights) and you are done.

Why not kung fu, karate, judo, etc. etc? Realistically kicking doesn't work in street fights because its easy to fall down, and once on the ground you are done as described above. Also most McDojo's in America don't really train against opponents ACTUALLY trying to hurt you. Everything is controlled, lawyered up and pleassant and designed to be restrained. Krav Maga fails for the same reason, becase you are never actually fighting against a person with an actual assault riflle trying to kill you (odds are terrible even for a Krav Maga expert in that situation in real life anyway).

Boxing has none of those problems. The Gyms in America are usually pretty good with actual boxing champions and legacies. Its simple: you get in the ring and you are ACTUALLY trying to punch the person as hard as you fucking can and he is to you. It is the ultimate practice for fighting because you are actually fighting each and every time in the ring
Very true.

You don’t even feel it until the next day.
Is this pasta?
Fuck off, weeb
There is Greco-Roman, anon. Though fair, you likely can't access that if you're American. Folkstyle/collegiate is still really good though.
It's all a meme. Get a gun and maybe one of those telescoping clubs as backup
These BJJ gyms must seriously be autism central given how much it gets pushed on 4chan.
Learning to draw and shoot are the best real life self defence training you can get. This is the 21st century.
Are you kidding? 4chan shits on bjj constantly.
BJJ is still to /fit/ what Death Grips are to /mu/. It continues to be the meme martial art of choice here.
staying away from poor people is the best
i even train, i specifically did judo and muay thai

low kicks work if you do a dozen of them. they work in mma because they're an easy low risk shot that can create an opening or eventually over 15 minutes cripple the other guy. they suck for self defence because you don't have 15 minutes in a serious situation, and if it's not a serious situation, you can just do whatever; if you're fighting some asshole with a knife or a bunch of assholes low kick is not going to do anything; if you're great at high kicks you will 1 shot ko people, i've seen people like that at my muay thai gym and i've been on a receiving end of a high kick coming out of nowhere as i was pressuring a dude and moving at him while punching repeatedly at mid range and he was moving back, didn't KO me, but i could not move my body with any speed. i've been low kicked dozens of time during sparring and it did nothing except bruising and swelling next day. mid kick is, idk, in theory you could wreck someone's liver with it? never seen it happen except after several kicks in mma. teep is good sometimes.

i guess i didn't really see the benefit of judo because i got turn throws from muay thai and im too tall for stuff like seoi nage. for me, judo sparrings were "fight for grip and kuzushi for 2 minutes before an actual throw", which is not something you want to do outside of sports, and stuff like uchi mata that the class spends time on is imo too complicated and situational. i'd rather train 4 throws that i can just bruteforce quick and easy. greco type of stuff.
>if someone wants you dead, there is very little you can do to prevent it when a weapon is involved
You actually can defend from that and win, many bouncers will attest, a friend left a knife fight a winner but with a severed finger tendon. But you need to train self-defence specifically, and not martial arts; and there's a ton of bullshido in self-defence because half the techniques depend on executing the movement with absolute max speed you can muster and result in injury to the opponent if done fast. So you can't really spar or compete and have to trust that it will work.
If someone is out to assasinate you yeah nothing you can do you'll just get stabbed in the neck from behind or something.
>if you're fighting some asshole with a knife or a bunch of assholes low kick is not going to do anything
Don't they drop/stop people that are not used to taking them? They can't walk or fight after a couple of kicks.
I've never seen it on youtube and I've never seen it at my gym except that one time this huge dude broke a tiny kid's shin by front kicking it with this jump forward kick and I've never seen anyone low kick irl
Not him but I don't think it's that low kicks aren't useful irl it's that they aren't necessary. The average street fighter can't defend his chin or move properly anyway so you can go straight to chinning him. Leg kicks are good against people who do know how to fight.
Sounds good and at a fair price. Do the beginner classes and get used to the work ethic then move on to advanced classes, if offered. Do the coaches compete or have they competed? Don’t listen to >74778183
>average street fighter can't defend his chin or move properly anyway so you can go straight to chinning him
pretty much
martial arts comps are pvp and street fights is pve
way different tactics and builds required
Judo isn't realistic at all. You can make a case for wrestling being better (and still be wrong), but when you say Judo is better than BJJ I can immediately just assume you're a dumb amerigroid contrarian who just wants to hate on what's popular because he thinks it makes him cool.
>martial arts comps are pvp and street fights is pve
Kek that's actually a great analogy
You’re probably thinking about Olympic judo
>inb4 what if you are with someone who you need to protect
See pic rel
What if they are younger and faster or you've nowhere to run to? "Sprinting" as your solution is probably on a par with dropping your pants and offering your anus. You can practice riding a dildo to appease your attackers.
Carry pepper spray, knife, and/or gun I guess if you want a backup. If you don't live in a shithole the chances this is necessary are remote.
how do you judo with an opponent that has no shirt on?
Judo with wrestling oriented mindset is the best.
You can pull off many, many techniques without gripping on clothing of any kind.
The best solution to self defence is to live in an area with any non-whites and then you don't have street crime.
Why it isn't realistic?
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Your attackers are statistically likely to be black, so running isn't going to work
>REAL judo has never been tried
Most blacks are obese or DYER. I have outrun hundreds of them in my time in track. Also you need to be significantly faster than someone to catch them, not just as fast.
>People are absolutely garbage at fighting that literally anything works, even karate, tkd and even kung fu if they spar.

Karate is viable against unskilled or minimally-skilled attackers, if trained rigorously enough that it becomes muscle memory. The basic striking toolkit is very good, although karate students would benefit from supplemental boxing training to learn how to throw hooks, hit from odd angles, and work the body - as well as how to learn humility from sparring against actual boxers who will fuck them up 9 out of 10 times, all other things being equal.

Not gainsaying your experience, but I think it's gonna do some appreciable damage if you kick someone in the knee while wearing shoes or boots.
Blacks in real life aren't juiced to the gills with thousands of dollars of the latest designer PEDs like tv blacks are
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oh forgot picrel
>82% of black women are fat
Blackbros how do you live with this?
I'll probably be in a fight soon, any advice for someone who has no martial arts training? Been beefing with this guy for a while and we got in each others face a few days ago. I saw him readying for a sucker punch but my friend stepped in between us before anything kicked off. I'm bigger than him but afraid he'll hit my in the face and knock med out in one punch. That would suck
Go get martial arts training, duh.
But if you're looking for a cheap trick here's something:
A little late for that but definitely kicking myself for not getting training earlier.
Great video, thanks anon
What kind of (kick)boxing gym should I go to? There's a bunch of casual looking ones in the area that seem to focus on beginners and whose pictures contain a very wide range of people, but I can also go with a "serious" one that actually shows off their members competing. The serious one also seems to be mostly frequented by decently in shape young men. They both advertise as being beginners friendly, but I'm not sure if I'd be out of place in the second one. Is that an actually sensible fear? I just want to learn it properly and not get stuck with some playful bastardized version meant to get housewives moving.
>there are a bunch of cardio kickboxing places and one which has fighters
>which should I go to?
Based retard
I have no idea how common cardio kickboxing is, hence me asking that question. They don't advertise themselves a such and they all say that they want to get people in the sport, so I'm assuming that some of the more casual ones are fine for beginners too. I also presume that some of them do have serious fighters in their more proficient classes. I just want to know whether it'd be better to go with a casual one first for basics and then maybe switch to a "serious" one as to not be out of place. I don't know what the culture tends to be like in those places.
Serious gyms are predominantly funded through the fees of casuals, as there are far more casual than there are fighters.

If they have fighters they have demonstrated effective coaches.

In my experience, most gyms are very chill
I guess that's a good point; for an average gym it would be pretty difficult to get enough contribution money solely from fighters with a bunch of experience. I'll take a free lesson with them first. Small chance I'll be the only clueless person there which is what I was afraid of. Thanks.
list of high level mma athletes who were serious judo competitors?
that's wrong
judo comes from jjj, not the other way around. it wasn't called jjj at the time though
fighters have conditioned their legs to take kicks
fighters check kicks
untrained people have not conditioned their legs, and have no conception of checking kicks
it takes one or two low kicks to knock down or seriously weaken an untrained person
an untrained person in response to a leg kick will do one of: try to back up (good for me), try to catch it (very bad for them), or simply have no response

untrained people are comparatively much better at punching and defending punches. They can at least throw a punch with enough power to knock you out (whether it lands is another question) and they at least know to cover their head with their arms (whether they do it well is another question)

untrained people actually might defend a teep somewhat correctly, trying to brush it aside.

low kicks are much more intimidating than teeps because they do more damage, they cause someone's leg to buckle (rather than knocking them back), and you look way more pro throwing them
>list of high level mma athletes who were serious judo competitors?

Khabib, Islam and most other dagestanis are really good at Judo.

It's true that a Judo only background sucks for MMA, but to say that Judo isn't a useful tool to supplement MMA grappling is insane.

>fighters check kicks
untrained people have not conditioned their legs, and have no conception of checking kicks
it takes one or two low kicks to knock down or seriously weaken an untrained person
an untrained person in response to a leg kick will do one of: try to back up (good for me), try to catch it (very bad for them), or simply have no response

I've been saying this shit for years, most non-trained men will never expect a leg kick, and they have no way of defending them.

2-3 well placed full force leg kicks from a trained guy is enough to put a man out of commission.

Fighters can barely take a few flush calf kicks before becoming unable to fight effectively, and they have insane pain tolerance and have money and glory on the line.

Jab and teep to keep the distance and throw leg and body kicks and you've already won.

No need for wrestling or boxing in the pocket when fighting untrained dudes.
> saw him readying for a sucker punch
> sucker punch
> saw him
Anyway, if this guy has any martial arts training at all he’s going to beat your ass. And if he doesn’t, why risk it anyway? Don’t roll the dice on getting concussed or even killed for no reason.
Judokas in the international circuit are BANNED from competing in any other organization, including MMA. Not to mention the fact that most of them are paid a decent wage professionally, compared to collegiate wrestlers who have little to no prospects after college, hence why a lot of them go to MMA. And which country has the biggest MMA and collegiate wrestling scene?
On Judo vs Wrestling, the only thing you need to know is this:
>If you live in the US, wrestling
>If you live outside of it, judo
This is simply a matter of which trains which better. Judo in the US sucks compared to say Korea or any Euro country. But there is a healthy competitive wrestling scene in the US.
I think I've fucked up my right knee during a takedown yesterday, brehs. I can't sleep at all due to the pain.
depends on the person desu
they are both very similar
He was twisting his body and clenched his right fist. I saw it.
Fairly sure he's as untrained as I am. I have reasons, he's a disrespectful prick
Carry a knife. If someone fucks with you after they see the knife then that’s their funeral. We’re past the caveman days where you need to tussle and wrestle with foes.
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99% of you nerds will never get into a fight in your life.
Even if you do, a simple broken bottle or a metal pipe is more than enough to solve the problem and will nullify all of your years of training.
Carry a gun. If someone fucks with you after they see the gun then that’s their funeral. We’re past the bronze age days where you need to riposte and parry foes.
yes but burden of proof. If you're trying to sell me something (judo) you better prove that it's good.

>Judokas in the international circuit are BANNED from competing in any other organization,
this is almost completely irrelevant as basically every elite MMA fighter isn't simultaneously competing in any other combat sports. You have some taking the occasional exhibition-like boxing match (ngonnou, mcgregor etc) and some taking the occasional exhibition-like bjj match (UFC fight pass), but these are so rare as to be insignificant.
it's also been like that since 2014, before that it still wasn't common in MMA either

>Not to mention the fact that most of them are paid a decent wage professionally, compared to collegiate wrestlers who have little to no prospects after college
yes but freestyle wrestling exists outside of the USA and freestyle is still much more successful in MMA than judo
and another thing I think contributes to folkstyle's success over freestyle (and greco and judo) is that folkstyle's matwork actually makes sense

judo, greco and freestyle you stall for a reset
greco and freestyle you just try to turn the guy a bunch, the guy starfishes
folkstyle the bottom guy actually has to attempt to escape
Can't defend yourself if you're a cripple. I'd do fencing and marksmanship instead.
>real life self defense
Wear jeans and be conscious you're not training. You know the ground is hard and aren't just going to slam yourself into it.
Pussy. The real trifecta:
>mental illness
why are you asking that here you complete retard? sp or asp
Seems absolutely crazy to me people will make their hobby a sport that revolves around trying to hurt each other through joint manipulations as an adult. And one that’s piss poor for self defense in the majority of actual real life situations- how often are fights one on one?
Boxing is the best by far in the majority of real world situations. If you really need to be ready to fight- not sure why unless you live around minorities- you should know some wrestling too.
It's stupid to remove elbows from the equation, elbows are devastating strikes and it's like westerners don't even know they exist at all because we're only familiar with boxing. Palm and hammerfist strikes are effective too. I would argue it's better just to teach someone all possible arm and leg (even headbutt) strikes and tell them to just work on what works for them with a heavy bag. Knowing the fundamentals is as important as training, and some training styles remove many fundamentals. That's why MMA is regarded by many as the best, it has very few limitations as to what you're able to do. Even a muay thai master can get submitted by a hold and vice versa a ju jitsu master can get knocked out by a strike. Being well rounded is best.
That nigga is drunk, weak and is being low kicked out of the blue
If someone like that attacks you, anything works, they're not really a threat and you should be more worried about them falling badly, hitting their head on the curb, going into a coma and dying, resulting in you being convicted of murder or something. Probably looks better than a punch resulting in same coma scenario to the jury though.

>untrained people are comparatively much better at punching and defending punches.
>untrained people actually might defend a teep somewhat correctly, trying to brush it aside.
These are good points actually, haven't considered that. Low kicks are definitely harder to defend from instinctively. Still, see above + I'm talking more about some ghetto fucks or chavs or whatever who have been in some fights and maybe trained at a ma gym half assedly for a couple years but are not skilled enough that you actually have to feint and set them up; people who would attack with a wild flurry of meh punches and a meh takedown.
>moving goalposts
Not really just clarifying.
If you have unlimited time, sure. I'd rather train a couple of punching combinations and a couple of throws to perfection.
>boxing for long distance
>if in elbow range, throw, using superior mass and strength because you did squats
That said I would do kudo if I could, specifically for headbutts and striking/grappling wilth groud time being severely limited. I've seen headbutt into osotogari on the tube, looks great.
It's half arsed mma. The only reason you fags care about it is that it's exotic
t. Did it for 2 years in japan and competed in it
Typically for general self defense classes, they'll take the first hour or so just to practice fundamental strikes. In kravmaga that's what they do, a basic class would go over various strikes and when to use them. More advanced and you get into holds and hold breaks. Defensive tactics for police training was the same, they teach you all of the strikes and some basic holds. They're getting very big on ju jitsu type stuff because the old tactic of just beating a suspect into submission is becoming unpopular.

I would say that's a very effective method of teaching new fighters. Show then the whole world of strikes instead of just boxing strikes which are limited and you wear pillows on your hands when doing them.
I specifically care about it because it's half assed MMA with time limit to ground grappling so no bjj memes.
The ref stands you up after 15 seconds if there's no progress. You also can't actually connect with punches while grounded.
Well that sucks then, I thought they stand you up after 15 seconds regardless of what's happening.
Krav is actually very slept on, the extended style is very realistic and contemporary involving weapon defense and whatnot. The signature weapon disarm is a last resort, yeah it might get you killed but it's for a situation where you're already dead if you don't do something. Don't disregard the whole style due to that being somewhat unrealistic to expect it to work.

I've been to a krav gym that taught disarms stupidly where I didn't think it would work. In police training they did disarms they said were based on Krav, and they'll actually work if the person isn't already pulling the trigger. In any case everything else they're teaching is legit, the disarms just make some people question them and they throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's absolutely important to incorporate weapons defense in martial arts these days, because someone may pull one out on the streets and you'll be sitting there trying to box or wrestle them, or if you're smart outrun them but they may be faster. I hate kikes just as much as the next Kate Hikes, but if I had to put my kid through one martial arts course it would be Krav. Specifically with the boys in blue and man in tans because they're teaching it right. The actual Krav gym I went to was shit, total mcdojo that ripped me off. Finding good instructors is crucial for any style though I guess.
Makes sense, I actually looked up krav near me and there's a place that claims it teaches first responders but in reality they only got one ex-military dude who is teaching shooting and the rest are random boxers, mt, kungfu, etc.
If you're considering going see if they'll let you attend classes as a trial, or do only one month at first. Mine had me doing the same 10 moves for 3 months straight. Like it wasn't an extended style but just a basic self defense class over and over again. Some of them branch out and teach an extended style. Once you know a plethora of moves though the only thing left is sparring and they don't really spar. One person has to be in a padded suit for that shit else he'll get his nuts ripped off.
Okay, thanks.
>MMA fighter isn't simultaneously competing in any other combat sports
So do Judokas, so it's hard to exactly quantify it and simply discard it since there's not much going to MMA except for a few like Fedor (was part of Russian national Judo team), Kayla, etc. Compare that to collegiate wrestlers who have no professional scene unless they go Freestyle, which by itself isn't as popular and funded as Judo (look up number of Judo countries in the circuit and Olympics). This means there is less incentive for the wrestler to stay in the scene. Point is not enough data to simply brush it off in the context of MMA
>freestyle wrestling exists outside and is much more successful in MMA
Again, going back to the previous point.

I will admit that it's groundwork is much better and conducive to success in cage fighting or in general.

As for effectivity in a scenario, weapons notwithstanding, Judo has the edge simply because of the clothes. Grip fighting is extremely underrated, and having grips on just a shirt shuts down and shots or renders most strikes ineffective because of the lack of power generation in the hips.

In MMA folkstyle wrestling has the edge simply because of the lack of clothes and the padded surface. I'd rather take a double leg take down on the street than eat an osoto gari.

I'm not discounting wrestling, because in the end any martial art that regularly spars full contact at high intensity will be effective.
I would not trust someone's clothes to not tear from a grip. Judo gis are so thick and stiff they practically stand on their own. Unless your opponent is wearing a denim jacket or something similarly robust, you're just going to stretch or tear their clothing, no?
We've tried it and it tears after 2-3 throws, which is more than enough in a self defense situation. The purpose of the gi historically was to provide a durable training uniform that wouldn't tear.
Forgot to say that these were the cheapest shirts we could buy since no one wanted to tear their shit up for an experiment lol
Thanks man, you're a treasure trove. Did you only try shirts or stuff like hoodies, sweaters too?
We only tried cheap shirts, which is the worst case scenario. I imagine hoodies and sweaters would be closer to a gi not just because of the durability but also the fact it has sleeves to grab onto if that's your style of Judo.
The slack might be a problem
Not sure. We'll have to experiment with them once I get the idea proposed
> i've been low kicked dozens of time during sparring and it did nothing except bruising and swelling next day
lol what? not to mention leg kicks are free real estate if you don't check or immediately counter, which no untrained person will do.

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