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Should I even be taking creatine? I'm trying to cut my supplements down since the supp industry are being Jews. It seems there's creatine in red meat and fish, but I can't find any consistent sources as to how much. Some say there's only 1g in a pound of beef, some say there's 5g in a pound. How much is there and will I fuck myself up eating 1lb of beef everyday? I also eat salmon which has it. I don't wanna pay out the ass for Chinese mystery powder if I'm already getting what I need out of real food. My hair is also thinning.
I'm also concerned by how hard this stuff is marketed towards women. Women are stupid and if they're being targeted by creatine ads and taking creatine, creatine must be stupid to take.
Schizo bot thread
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I use that brand lmao
fit really has gone to shit

Dobt forget to sage
Those women are also not killing themselves so not killing yourself must be stupid too. You should give it a go
Why not just take a little, like 2g?
>Some say there's only 1g in a pound of beef, some say there's 5g in a pound.

>It generally takes one to two pounds of muscle meat per day to yield 3-5 grams of creatine. This is well within the scope of what many of our ancestors ate as hunter-gatherers.

You can also eat/drink blood to get creatine.

>will I fuck myself up eating 1lb of beef everyday?
Depends. For instance, if you get hyperlipidemia by doing so, you will.
>I don't wanna pay out the ass for Chinese mystery powder
>mystery powder
That's why you buy from quality brands that can show it's likely they're actually selling what they claim.
>My hair is also thinning.
Serum DHT is not connected to MPB and the one study that showed an increase in DHT, also showed it started to decrease after the loading phase.

>Women are stupid and if they're being targeted by creatine ads and taking creatine, creatine must be stupid to take.
You're dumb.
You fell for woman marketing lmao
That would be within what I'm already getting from my meager daily beef and salmon intake. I usually eat beef one day salmon the next for one meal. Everything else is eggs, yogurt, or cheese for protein.
bruv nobody else cares if you take creative. There's no reason not to really. It's cheap and it makes you measurably perform better to a minor degree. It's not gonna blow you up nor destroy your performance either way. If you want the teeny boost and a very slightly more full look after the gym then take it. Nobody will notice or care except you either way
Retard I am asking if I'm already getting enough from food.
creatine is so cheap it doesn't even matter, even micronized which I like more because it dissolves better is $20 for 100 servings
>$20 for 100 servings
If you want to decrease the likelihood of getting ripped off by supplement companies, you probably have to buy the expensive options. Mine costs $42 and gives you 90 5 g scoops.
You don't remember the stunt they tried to pull about a year ago claiming there was a "creatine shortage" and charged a twice as much as usual? Yeah I don't wanna be dependent on this crap.
it's the cheapest in Australia by far. The brands that sell it in tiny jars and claim theirs is better are scam artists
>i pay more therefore am not being ripped off
A sucker if i've ever seen one

nigga, this aint crack. If you don't take it for awhile, you will gradually look a little less fuller. You aren't addicted or required to take it everyday. You aren't going to go through withdraws.
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>Some say there's only 1g in a pound of beef
It's 3-5g in a kg of beef depending on how you cook it. That's similar in most lean muscle meat. Your body can create 1-2g of creatine on its own. Just eat 2 lbs of muscle meat per day and you'll be fine.
No, I'm less likely to get robbed for reasons that should be obvious if you know enough about the supplement industry. It's not BECAUSE they're more expensive, it's just that you generally won't find good brands that aren't relatively pricey.
>That's similar in most lean muscle meat.
No, red meat has more creatine. That's not the only fact you got distorted.
Been taking between 5-20g of creatine daily for about 2 weeks now, zero noticeable differences.
Am I doing something wrong?
You might be a non-responder.

I don't give a shit about looks, I'm only concerned with strength. No one has even mentioned phosphagen ITT so obviously none of you fucking poser retards know what creatine even allegedly does.
I guess the real creatine was the friends we made along the way.
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Post more creasluts

Imagine getting so many retards taking a pointless powder with stupid ads and fake science lmao
Countless people notice hair thinning/more hair in the shower drain after starting creatine.

But people just say "Trust the science duuuudes."
Im on creatine and my wont stop growing. I need a hair cut almost weekly. It's so annoying.
>not one person
>zero people
No, it has literally zero benefits. If you bench 140kg without creatine and then take creatine, you will still bench 140kg. Its literally that simple.

The people who see benefits on creatine are beginners who have tons of gains to be made regardless and simply once starting creatine they dial their nutrition, sleep and training because they are taking it "seriously" and they make gains and their lifts go up by X, which they would have gone up regardless with or without creatine during that arbitrary 3 month period or whatever they observed when taking creatine.
Listen dear bitch whore bloody fuck. Show the pussy fucking now and fuck me and the dying happening bloody fuck slut
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Did you start taking collagen at the same time as creatine? Because that's a side effect of collagen, ridiculously fast hair/nail growth. I'll get runaway hairs on my ears or one long ass hair on my eyebrows. The unsightly ear hair is what made me stop taking it, there's no way to get rid of it now. My fwb likes to nibble ears and said they're fuzzy and now found an inch long one. Never again.
Everyone I ever knew irl that took creatine was balding so I avoid it, but I am curious if taking creatine raises blood creatine levels? My blood creatine levels are on the high end (and I do shoot for about a pound of meat a day usually chicken) at 21/bun which supposedly indicates dehydration but I drink 3 liters a day and get plenty of salt, as well as potassium and magnesium through supplements. Is this just because of all the meat or is it a sign of weakening kidneys?
If you're going to bald creatine hasten the process, you'd still start balding eventually regardless.
>My fwb
Degen freak
i can smell the curry from this post kek
Sexphobic spiteful mutant.
>my anecdotal evidence from the streets of bombay is reality
kek what is with you faggots trying to gaslight people like this
I don't care
lol having morals is being sexphobic? you're so far gone, might as well be a wild animal
>lol having morals is being sexphobic?
Having YOUR morals, which are not universal among traditional societies like you probably want to believe. I used "phobic" in the original, correct sense. You seemed afraid of sex.
People like you make me want to puke.
Lol proving it more with redditisms, weirdo.
That's a nice compliment. Anyway, I'm not the guy with a FWB and I personally don't like the idea of anything but a serious, monogamous, heterosexual relationship; I just despise your kind and felt compelled to reply.
he's a larping browncel pay no attention
I didn't mean it in the stupid sense, like "islamophobic" or "homophobic", moron.
There's still time to repent and change your ways anon

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