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/fit/ - Fitness

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>a boomer 1960s actor who didn't even lift mogs every modern gymcel alive
How the fuck did he do it /fit/?
He looks like he fucks monkeys
is dude on right the poster boy for /fit/ gymcels now? i keep seeing him posted. looks like he can be alphadestiny's brother or something.
Anon how many monkeyfuckers have you encountered that you have a recognizable pattern based solely on appearances? My guess is only one, the one in the mirror
Giddy isn’t a faggot bc he’s a gymcel, he’s a faggot bc he tried to fit in on /k/ for years by posing with guns but kept getting bullied so he killed an innocent cat and spammed the photo to fit in with the big boys in k
Even that wasn’t enough for them, so he fucked off and became a regular here. So a cat died for nothing. Wow
>inb4 nooo it was years ago get over it
No. Fuck off
Just read Pottenger's cats and it will become obvious. Then you can move on to Nutrition and physical degeneration.
Also, in the future, you won't even be able to tell apart a man from a woman. This is just the beginning. Enjoy the ride!
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OP still hasn't posted body, fuck off black pill pajeet
I mog that retard frfr
>How the fuck did he do it /fit/?
He's white, the modern gymcel is some sort of dysgenic mutt
But giddy is also white
Imagine not having good shoulders
If you’re a dumb cunt and believe OP, Heston did actually workout. It’s just that what’s considered muscular has changed a lot since 60s. You can blame faggot roidtrannies for that
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>How the fuck did he do it /fit/?
It's the diet. What wasn't consumed much in the 1960s that is ubiquitous today? Seed oils, HFCS, refined grains. They ate meat and saturated fat.
Even guy on the left exercises or exercised at one point, are you retarded? The secret Chads don't want you to know is that every. last. one. of. them. lifts. It's just that Chad doesn't have to lift autistically in order to achieve the same results as a Chad who lifts for fun. And let's not beat around the bush, we all know what the "results" I mentioned are - getting girls. I mean surely you aren't comparing two men because you're that much of a homo right? No, you're comparing them because you perceive left as more attractive to women. That being said, Chad doesn't need to lift very much or very long or even very consistently to reap the benefits that he wants. Why do you think some guys gymcel so hard? They 100% have improved results with women along their journey, and funnily enough Chad and the average Joe have the same goal. Chad just lifts for a year and starts pulling 8s and he's happy with that. Gymcels on the other hand lift for years to pull "10s" (in reality an 8 is a 10 to an average Joe, but you should let people be happy so ofc you shouldn't say shit). So both end up happy with a conventionally attractive woman but one has to leverage certain traits more than the other because Chad just has more tools to work with. But that's fine, even Chad is leveraging specific traits, albeit traits that he was born with
I meant that Chad doesn't have to lift autistically in order to achieve the same results as a gymcel tryhard. Sorry I'm drunk
Giddy would be so attractive if he didn’t have the thousand yards Incel stare

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