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For self defense, is bare knuckle fighting the best martial art to learn from? Mike Perry seems like the best fighter for carry over to street fighting
Seems like the best would be
>high pressure boxing
>low guard
>2 years wrestling or bjj for basic fundamentals
>never kick
>nb4 bjj fags come and cope
Muay Thai is pretty fucking rad desu
For self defense, nothing beats having a gun and being able to competently use it.
Waste years of your life learning to defend yourself from low income niggers only to be shot or stabbed anyway.
Or spend that same time elevating yourself away from low income niggers.
MMA fags are delusional larpers wasting their time on building the fantasy of a double digit IQ loser.
Why do you retards seem to think that kicks are easy to catch?
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>teeps you
>man handles with superior clinch control
learning bare knuckle is good, and the other main combat sports are also good.
>never kick
kicking is great. a noob's only defense for it is backing up, or trying to catch it and probably failing
low kicks disable an opponent without causing unsightly damage - great in the eyes of the law and bystanders.
it's very fun
there are also plenty of jobs that require it
yes, but mma training is better because you are forced to expect any kind of attack, plus you still wear gloves so you wont fuck up your hands, with the gloves being small so you cant block punches with them like in boxing
tl;dr: do mma and focus on your boxing skills
Nah you'll just fuck up your face and get hurt. If you're into striking just do Muay Thai or kickboxing or something then toughen your hands like the Kung fu/karate guys do. You don't need to learn their shit in person, just look it up online. Other then that judo is pretty good. Upright posture, you don't need the other guy to wear thick clothes and can modify grabs accordingly and you get actual stand up grappling with the groundwork bjj guys do but you won't be left with your dick out not being able to take someone down, like bjj guys.
MT is useless if you wear shoes and are on concrete. Don't believe me? Do a Thai kick in that situation, kick your trashcan or something. But to it lightly. You will understand afterwards.

Also, Nak Muay who were in actual street fights claim that only boxing+elbows really works.
>>man handles with superior clinch control
Thai clinch is easy to counter. Just bear hug them (or punch their balls).
No, modern Judo is useless on the street, because you DO in fact need the gi for it to work. Old Judo is different ofc.
>low kicks disable an opponent without causing unsightly damage - great in the eyes of the law and bystanders.
No stopping power, will not work. Unless you're talking teeps to the thigh, knee or shin, or Savate style kicks (roundhouse with hard boots to the ankle, those are nasty af, only the French could have invented that).
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Guys who can't throw a decent kick and thus figure kicks are risky
High kicks are top tier in streetfighting because absolutely noone expects it, thus are never prepared to defend against it
>High kicks are top tier in streetfighting

High kicks didn't even work during Savate's heyday in the early 1900s. And no kickboxing style is more effective than Savate (they tried it out often). The only thing that worked in that regard was a swift kick to the crotch.
>no stopping power
what does stopping power even mean
The direction of the force isn't backward from my opponent's perspective. In that sense it does not have stopping power
I guess I better not throw any hooks, because they have no stopping power!
It absolutely can stop someone advancing. It takes them off balance and causes damage. It can knock someone down. It weakens their leg.. In that sense it does have stopping power

if your only goal is to keep them away, teeps are great.
If your goal is incapacitating or scaring your opponent, low kicks are usually way better
You see shitloads of teeps in muay thai, because of the pecularities of muay thai rules - in muay thai the points system highly rewards advancing and highly punishes backing up, hence they have a lot of teeps.
And in other kicking sports they are much rarer - they have less damage and take the kicker more off balance than a low kick. Low kicks are super common
>Teeps to the thigh
fairly low damage, takes you off balance a lot
>Teeps to the shin
controversial take
most good strikers say it's not good and you're likely to break your own toes
there are some good strikers like lyoto machida who advocate them

>just bear hug them
they already do this in muay thai
any clinch common in muay thai is a thai clinch, and a bear hug is common in muay thai
>Teeps to the knee
this one's good actually
high damage
takes you less off balance than a teep to the thigh
If you don't have your gun drawn 24/7 it won't usually help you much.

Americans are so sheltered it's insane, the type of fight that Americans consider a street fight is considered a schoolyard brawl here in Europe.

American street fights:
>Basically a reglemented duel between two parties
>Fixed time and place
>Code of honor and gentlemen's agreements apply
>One on one
>Ends with knockout or submission, never to the death (Although accidents can happen)

Euro street fights:
>Number of participants not fixed
>Weapons can and will be used
>Death of one or more parties is a commonly accepted outcome
>No fixed starting point, no fixed place - can happen anytime and anywhere without prior warning
>The only rule is that you better do anything to get out of there alive

That's why you can get away with combat sports in the US but not in Europe.
Because they are, also most fights start in punching distance.
>I guess I better not throw any hooks, because they have no stopping power!
If you don't sucker punch them and end it right there, you should indeed not throw hooks.
Soccer kick to the balls > everything else
>most good strikers say it's not good and you're likely to break your own toes
You know you'll be wearing shoes outside, right?
dude, please... europe is one of safest places on earth and burgerland is not much far behind. your orders of magnitude more likley to die from traffic accident, cancer or heart attack than from assault
very shit take from a non striker
the lead hook has the advantage of being a powerful punch and safe
jab - low power, but safe
cross - high power, unsafe
there's a reason every striker throws hooks - they work, and they allow you to strike from more angles
still through shoes you are likely to, unless steel toes
Boxing is based but Situational Awareness is king.
the best martial art to learn for self defense is the one that teaches how to use everything at your disposal, all forms of melee combat. how to use your environment etc.

if you just want to get into fighting for the sake of fighting then bare knuckle boxing is probably the best bang for your buck, just remember you are one crackhead with a knife away from being in the morgue. have to actively train with and against these sorts of threats to have any hope of defending yourself against them
>Europeans yearn for the battlefields of yesteryear
Wasted your trips by fagposting
>what are punches
>what are knees
>what are elbows
>what is the clinch
>what are leg sweeps
>what are teeps
There’s more to muay thai than round kicks.
>Mike Perry seems like the best fighter for carry over to street fighting

Why would you want to learn from the guy who just got his ass kicked by a fake boxer

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