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Cycle Ideas?
Been working out for about 4-5 years now thinking about starting a cycle after I get my bloodwork done, thinking test e for 16wks and feel out how much I can tolerate then add it a second compound for the next cycle, anythoughts????
thinking test e stacked w boldenone with some preworkout anadrol x2 a week on heavier leg days
start at 300mg for a few weeks then work your way up. or just blast 500mg with zero experience and grow tiddies I don't know I don't roid.
yh was thinking about starting with a sensible dose (amount depends on bloodowork ig) and then just working up to whatever i can tolerate over a 16wk period
chase irons has a good "first cycle" video on youtube
What are your lifts?
70kg ohp for 5 reps, 160kg squat, 110kg bench, 180kg deadlift (i have short limbs lol) - 90kg bw and 14% bf 168cm height
Push those lifts up higher. You're not ready to cycle yet.
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>168cm height
what would you say is the bench mark i need before i "earn" cycle status?? 85 ohp, 190squat, 140 bench 220 deadlift??? or higher :0
yeh lmao i got fucking nuked height wise, lucky the ol' d makes up for it tho ;D
Suuure it does. Ginger fag
Nta but it's not about earning or deserving it or anything moral like that. Think about the sacrifices that going on gear entails for your long-term health. You should be certain that you are getting enough out of them for the sacrifices to be worthwhile. For the sacrifices to be worthwhile, the gym should be a significant if not central part of your life. If you have been working out for 4-5 years and have those numbers, this cannot be the case. Apart from that, roids will increase your muscular strength too much for the insufficient base if connective tissue that you've made as a natty. You will wind up hurting yourself.
im still young and the first 2/2 and a half years were mainly on and off but the last year and a half or so is where ive taken it more serious
the only reason im making this thread is because i feel like im at the point where i want to make the switch from natty to enhanced making more from my efforts in the gym
Ah I see. Man I would at least get to 3/4/5 on the big 3 before even thinking about going down that road, probably higher than that even. Easily achievable naturally.
i havent heard the 3/4/5 before but yeah i see what you mean man, over the last year my bench went from 60kg-110kg , squat 80kg - 160kg and deadlift 110kg-180kg.... feel like ive hit a plateau in training idk man been a while since ive made any significant pb
my training split used to be legs 3x and everything else 2x per week, it worked amazing for the first say 10-11 months or so but ive switched to 3x legs and the rest once per week but with much more volume and intensity e.g chest day would have heavy bench, followed by db bench and then other movements such as flys, etc
Just go for 500. Have nolva and asin on hand. Get bloods at 6-8 weeks. If you have high e symptoms before then take 12.5 asin e3d. If you keep having symptoms increase frequency of dose. If you get spicy nips take nolva. It's that simple OP. Don't listen to TRT niggers the YT personalities recommend conservative doses because they know some dumbass 17 year olds that have never lifted are watching and will blast their fertility away while not gaining because they're fat dumb fuck kids. If you've been lifting 5 years and have <15% bf you will get great results with very little risk.
There are many reasons you could be stalling, but all of them have solutions that will have you making progress again. You just have to figure it out. Diet, technique, programming, lifestyle - there is info online readily available in all of these areas. You are still in the zone where consistent, substantial gains can be made without drugs. You will want to know more about all aspects of training before hopping on years down the line if it comes to that. One last thing: you should know that your scenario is very common for early intermediates these days. Your progress starts to slow, you reach your first plateau and think, "well, that's all i can do natty. Time to take roids." But the journey has just begun. There is more progress to be made after you hit that first plateau if you identify the variable(s) holding you back and adapt to overcome them. Godspeed, anon.
i guess youre right man, im gonna stick it out natty for at least another year or two i think but just really keep getting the urge to hop on cycle, diet and technique is all great, programming im just now experimenting with and lifestyle (sleep wise) is definitely getting ass fucked from my early morning (5am) shifts, hopefully i can turn that 110 bench to 140 come 5-6 months, thanks for your input anon, god bless
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