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Bros, finally dipped to like 12-13% bodyfat and got rid of face puff. Also on two plus months semen retention. The lean pill is absurd, and I think the combo of these is next level. I have been at a work tradeshow interacting with lots of people, and every woman I talk to just smiles in a way I haven’t seen before. Even grown men are smiling randomly at me. Can other anons share experiences?
How much do you weigh
Is there a good diet/workout routine to discover the lean pill for myself?
Yeah 75% of what you eat now
I’m 6’2” sub 205
Who's this hot little milk van? I want to fill her tits with my cum.
>I’m 6’2”
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Rapunzel? More like rape.
you're a big guy
is there any manlet that had the same experience than OP? I'm about to blow my brains out
Sorry, she's for Footchads only.
don't care, didn't read
this is a rapunzel thread
Yeah, went from 230->150->185->175
>t. 5'10.5
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Nice, I'm 6'3 and went down from 250 to 220 now, and already I've been getting a lot more positive attention. Literally had some girls in a car honk at me and wave as I was walking around outside yesterday. Probably another 10lb to get to where you're at. WAGMI
Anon that’s a carntoon
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You think that wig is made of plastic fibers or real human hair?

What do you think her feet smell like after a day in her princess shoes?
yeah... I think I'm too much of a manlet for the modern world
Lol as a manlet I'd have to cut down to 140 to be 10-12%
I'm 6'6 and 240 to 245 pounds at 25 percent body fat. This is definitely motivating because I want to drop 20 to 25 pounds. I'd like to be 250 to 270, but not at 25 percent body fat.
Ayy, exact same but 220 starting weight after a few years of deep depression. Height doesn't bog me down though, if you're not getting laid it's your own fault, I was even at 220 but limited to about 4/10 to 6/10 range. You just wont pull Stacie's looking like shit
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I never got super lean, I was just skinny as a teenager and I had chicks fighting over me. They would hug me and flirt with me in front of my girlfriend just to piss her off and make passes at me when she wasn't there. I had really good fashion, was skinny, fun, and extroverted. I barely get attention from girls now that I'm fat unless I get to spend a lot of time with them, like as a coworker or something. Random chicks in public wouldn't give me the time of day if it would literally save my life except for a once in a blue moon chick that is just randomly attracted to me for whatever reason, but it's extremely rare. Didn't have this problem when I was skinny. If I had muscle and was lean rather than just skinny and not fat they would probably have tried to suck my dick and grope me right in front of my chick. You can make it dude. I'm a fucking weirdo and chicks were still into me. You can make it. Fuck I miss being 18 sometimes.

Any other anons made it to your late twenties or early thirties and had success just fucking chicks?
Also, forgot to add, that literally every single pussy slayer Uber Chad that I've ever met in real life has been a manlet. I'm talking about guys that are literally known for being short. One had a nickname in his friend group, "Lil Nigga" (he was white/American Indian). Another one my brother called the brofessor. I'm sure there's a few more if I thought about it more, but I've known several manlets that have absolutely fucking slayed pussy. They all had big personalities and peacocked constantly. Their personalities were overtly masculine. They oozed sex appeal. You just have to pretend you have a 10 inch dick, have sex on the mind 24/7, and pretend that you're God's gift to women and they will respond accordingly. Also, they were all lean. No fatties allowed. They were in good shape, but not super muscular or anything. Just had like a 1 year physique and were lean. They all had good style. They all had exception magnetic personalities. They were all very competitive. They all talked very crassly and bluntly to women. They said the nastiest shit to women whenever they wanted, flirted, playfully groped them, etc. You can make it dude
Wagmi bro, I swear those last few percentiles you hit a wild inflection point where the positive attention growth becomes exponential
I got 3 bodies as a 5'9 manlet khv this month by accidentally losing 10lbs on a vacation and using those pics on dating apps
If that doesn't make you convinced nothing will
5'5 and went on a cut from 160 - > 130lbs, after couple years of lifting. Currently 137. Face did improve, do get more female attention, and better recieved overall. Still a virgin though, but because sex out side of marriage is Haram.
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Damn. 6'2" and cut to a lean as fuck 170 and only old women at work commented on my weight loss.
post her feet
I'm literally 5'3" (and not living in The Shire aka SEA or SA) and got multiple girls being interested after making some noob gains and losing a bit of fat, not even super lean.
The amount of calories you need for whatever the fuck your bodyweight will be at your goal body + the correct macros so that enough of it is protein so you actually have the strength to metabolize it and not store it as fat.
>except for a once in a blue moon chick that is just randomly attracted to me for whatever reason
tfw have abs, be 20 yo and have this never happen to you
>mogged by a fattie
>bodyweight will be at your goal body
So dont work out calories on current weight, work them out for goal weight and just stick to it until weight and leanness comes in??
>be 20
There's your problem. You can get younger women but even slightly older women won't be looking at you.
Op here. Leanpill is real
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Built for Footchad cock. If skilled hands aren't teasing her soft sensitive soles then she wants none of it.
Lmao so true. They think they can do a 500cal deficit. Faggots
You aren't lean whatsoever you fat little manlet. You're about 18%
Fat face
Is this just a drawing or is it a drawing of a picture? I need the original please
In my early 20s I (5'9") cut down to 125-130 though I was a bit under muscled. That was when I had my most success with women, and I met and fucked my ex all irl, no apps or anything. It's all in the face definition.
that's a drawing of me, wtf??
tell me more, im not a manlet but i feel like i have only ever pulled because of my looks. how did these guys differ from your everyday annoying ass loud-mouthed retard who thinks he is hot shit but isnt
RAPEunzel if you know what I mean

>12% bf

AHAHAHAHAHA! You look fine dude, but you are none of those things. At least not all at once.
That’s not really OP, anon.
Nailed my wife in my late 20s, still getting it in my 30s. Improved dramatically when I lost 50lbs, has only improved as I continue to lose weight.

6'0" was 260 weighed in at 198 last night. Goal is 170. Hitting 210 was a game changer.

>I have been at a work tradeshow interacting with lots of people, and every woman I talk to just smiles in a way I haven’t seen before. Even grown men are smiling randomly at me.
Oh shit people were smiling and friendly at a work event? Must have been the nofap!
>how did these guys differ from your everyday annoying ass loud-mouthed retard who thinks he is hot shit but isnt.
Not that anon. They don't. That loud ass retard i am hot shit is what works.
Getting lean makes a huge difference to your face especially, but does make the rest of the body and proportions look so much better too. The best part is that your face is on display all the time so while even someone fit or muscular can have it hidden in a shirt but that lean face is always out there looking its best.

Weight loss for looks is so important if you want to be your best. Just avoid looking like a skeleton though.
Looking good! Keep at it.
I’m 5’10”-ish and was so ashamed of myself when I went all the way up to 210 at my biggest. I looked and felt like absolute shit. Never listen to bloatlords on /fit/. 99% of them are probably trolls anyway.
Bloatmaxing is good if you live in a shitty shitskin area like I do and want to intimidate shitskins/normies and keep them from fucking with you. If you live in a nice area there's literally no reason to do it.
Yes. The amount you eat determines your bodyweight. Whether it's fat or muscle depends on if you get enough protein and lift enough.
You are not manlets. Manlet is 5'7 under
5'11" is the king of manlets. You're only a real human in the eyes of a woman when you're 6' plus.

Verification not required.
trust me it doesnt, i know multiple guys who are like that and they are either vilified or just seen as "oh that fucker again", surely there must have been something else about these guys?
Life starts at 12%
>haha just talk to her bro
>just be yourself
They all had some level of success in one area of their life and often multiple that gave them a particular level of confidence in any situation. Musicians, gym bro, martial arts, chef, etc. None of them were purely good either. They all had varying levels of dark triad traits. Many of them did this dumb social game where they would try to make themselves look as good as possible as often as possible under All conditions no matter what. This would often lead them to try to mog someone in the smallest and stupidest ways. It's stupid as fuck and extremely annoying, but chicks don't think so. They don't care how polite or caring you are. They see you being better than another dude and they think you're better, really as simple as that.

All of them dabbled in drugs, some low level drugs, some messed with the real hard shit. All of them were varying levels of street rat. Some, not so much, others extremely niggerish in their mannerisms and speech.

> annoying ass loud-mouthed retard
They could be loud and often were. In conversation, they had a particular sharpness to them. They were very fast to respond, clearly listened very intently. Maintained a very high and intense energy at all times. Always had this sort of leadership energy. They all made an effort to keep the social energy high.

Most of the time they were making jokes and having fun, but they didn't want the spotlight on anyone else or they would start doing the mogging shit. Made them tolerable most of the time, but they were clearly insecure and overcompensated for it. Not going full Napoleon, but by faking rockstar energy until it just stuck I guess. They gained confidence from being successful in other areas and it bled into their social success.

btw, "Lil' Nigga" killed himself from an overdose on purpose. Glad he's dead. All these guys had problems. Even if you gain social success it won't solve all your problems. Better have your philosophy figured out or nothing will make you feel better
Well 5’9 here and was 10% at 72kg and I only had 5 gf’s in my lifetime and I’m 31.
this, below that is when not even womanlets want to be with you
>only old women at work commented on my weight loss.
the time tested rule of thumb is that if old women are mirin and commenting, then yound women are thinking of you. The older you get, the less you care about what people think. Old women are blunt about their attraction and in general are way hornier, but the thoughts cross theind of the young chicks. They're just more reserved. There's still a seed of sexual attraction to you in their minds even if it isn't super overt. Your job as a man is to take that seed, water it, and make it grow. You can make these young women obsessed with you if you can successfully feed their sexual desires through how you interact with them. You just have to start playing the game. If you don't behave as a sexual creature when talking to them and also treating them as a sexual creature, then they won't respond to you or be attracted to you. As long as you have gotten some mild level of interest from them, which you have since old women are commenting on you, then you have a good chance with young women. Just stay away from online shit and approach them in person. Chances are astronomically higher in person
It's how you walk, talk, and carry yourself man. Behave like a man that is deserving of respect. If you get the feeling of insecurity creeping in and it's trying to tell you to do something, it's generally best to do the opposite. Women are fucking disgusted by insecurity more than anything else and they can smell it on you like you're slathered in dog shit. They expect you to be confident, even if you have no good reason to be. Anything else is weird and extremely unmanly to them. Just gotta be manly and wear it on your sleeve. No negative feelings allowed. No insecurity allowed. No lame attitudes allowed. Everything is good. You're happy. You got shit figured out. If you act like that, women will want to be around you. Act like you know something that other people don't, even if they don't know what it is. Even if you're fucking ugly (you're not) act like you're the most handsome man on Earth. I could literally walk up to a woman and say, "I have a 3 inch dick, I live with my parents, and I'm unemployed. You wanna be my girlfriend?" and if I said it with enough confidence, she would be interested and still want to be around me. Depends on how you say it. Depends on body language. Depends on tone.
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Interesting read

>They could be loud and often were. In conversation, they had a particular sharpness to them. They were very fast to respond, clearly listened very intently. Maintained a very high and intense energy at all times. Always had this sort of leadership energy. They all made an effort to keep the social energy high.

This felt fucking personal. I'm 5'6 at 22, and i have to say the part where you describe it as being sharp is on point. In my case i learned to pick up on the tiniest of details everywhere since nobody is honest about anything, and i was tired of it. The sharpness isn't just about what you say though, it's more akin to picking up if your words match your body language or what you do. Being short as fuck i know that i am at a disadvantage, no need to sugarcoat. So, i need any edge i can get, and that i get by something that is sort of manipulation but actually really simple. It is responding to what people do and NOT what they say.

Example; Let's say i tell a chick a story where i did some assholeish shit, whatever the story does not really matter as long as you sound fucking convincing and sound like you are having a fucking blast telling the story.

Now. She will 99.9% always respond with how you are an asshole and yadayada, but if you see a glint in her eyes, or shes laughing, or really anything like that you are doing exactly the right thing. If she says she likes it but does not show signs of approval then you are fucking up. The real trick is to keep the attitude going until you see something that works. Once you do, go all in on that and she WILL crack.

Things like that. With guys it works sort of the same way except you arent trying to fuck them, just get close to them.

tdlr, i look at what people do, and dont give a fuck about thier words.
this is exactly true. most of human communication is not done through words. words are simply a vehicle meant to carry meaning, but much meaning can be derived without the usage of words. by focusing on words, people often miss the entire point of their interactions with others. people need to understand that words are merely a proxy for meaning and not entirely meaning itself. by gaining a mastery of the totality of the information that you get from somebody in context with how you are interacting with them, you can learn to hack that system in a sense and learn how to be more meaningful to them in a much more profound way, which in itself is extremely magnetic when it comes to personality. anyone that is extremely popular understands this. this is a hard thing to teach though, because most people only consciously interact with others through their speech and they don't understand that everything else about them is bleeding information to the other person without them even consciously being aware of it. how can you explain level 10 to people when they barely understand level three? most people are hopeless in this regard and will never be able to fully comprehend this concept. none of this s*** even makes sense to a lot of people. this is one of the things that I learned when I took psychedelics for the first time and I truly felt it and knew it and experience it on a very real level and it wasn't just words and theories anymore. I saw how literally everything connected to everything else and all of it in contact with one another. It blew the doors of perception wide open for me and I've never been the same since. It was a life-changing experience
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Yep. Most people cannot understand this. Even if they try to they won't truly "get it" until they themselves put considerable effort into it. I would argue you need to basically reach a state where you do not care anymore, and not just saying it like most morons do but acting on it.
How do you know the difference between the two? Simple, the person who still cares says they don't care, as saying and talking about it spontaniously means they do actually care, and a lot at that. But if you see yourself moving past the "need" to talk and think and just act on the principal, you actually do not care. Once you reach that point, you may start formatting yourself to really start learning about this. You cannot just teach this like it's a lecture.

This is also the same reason why women go back to thier exes. They might say they dont care, or use all kinds of mean words to describe him. But. They are talking about it. And talking means they are thinking about it. Thinking meas that person and in turn the idea is in thier head. Now if women say stuff about sex or "we won't fuck" outright to you without you talking about it that means you need to keep doing whatever tf you are doing and you WILL fuck her. The brain does not recognize the don't input on a subconcious level, it only recognizes that you thought of something.

You probably hear all kinds of shit about "personality" and how it matters. It is not entirely a lie, except women do not give a single fuck about personality, they care about persona. Two entirely different things that sound similar. The persona is the person you are in your head, and that has to be on a deep level, not just telling yourself that you are the shit in a mirror like some lunatic, but acting the part and not saying a word about it. And when i say acting i mean acting, not play pretend. Also two words with very different meaning that are often misunderstood.
People just have too many mental barriers built up that prevent them from allowing themselves to be the most interesting person that they want to see in the world. They're just scared and acting on any of this is just too hard for them. If only they could be shown what their lives would look like if they did this vs if they did not, right now and at their old age, they would probably be terrified of holding themselves back. Lots of rewards. Little downsides. Very exhausting though. People in general are also not worth putting effort into. But for any anons reading this, you too can become a social rockstar with some effort.
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Yep. You summed it up nicely. Most people are robots. NPCs. Just existing and following norms, that are just set forward by other robots. Treat them as such, and you will be free.

They look at you? so what? Did you care before they looked at you weird? are you gonna care 5 minutes after? no. You just care in that moment, learn to let the moment go, it does not exist.

You are alone with your thoughts, even with people around you, the way you see yourself only exists in your mind, if you see yourself the way others see you, you are not yourself anymore. Let others go, they are just void with a voice and do whatever YOU want, we live once.

Do as you will.

Good luck to anyone else reading this. Im going back to shitpost, if thread still exists later i might answer further shit.
>SR and the lean pill
This will be me this next summer, I fucking swear it.
And ends at 12%
Holy fucking shit it's Rapunzel. Holy fuck. She's so beautiful.
I now have a new workout goal, look good and lean enough to have a woman who looks like that want to love me.
I did LL surgery and got lean, people treat me better, thats for sure. Before you blow your brains out, at least try to maximize every possible aspect of your life, and dont BS yourself. The end justify the means
>Also on two plus months semen retention.
cuckhold fetish lmao
>not jerking off watching other men fuck other women is the same as wanting to watch men fuck other women
wat. It's the opposite
Look at the hands it's AI you stupid fucking coomer retard
6’2”, 205, and 12% bodyfat? Lol, bullshit
imagine being so fucking full of yourself that you type out this long ass faggot reply

you honestly have a personality disorder anon either narcissistic or boderline im not joking
I'm ugly as fuck.
I'm 12% bf but no one approaches me.
post dexa scan results
Are you a coomer? Do you lift?
You are a slave to others and will never be free with that attitude. >>74781905 is absolutely right.
Looking thick, tight, solid
Girls don't even look like this anymore so whats the point.
How do you know your body fat? Did you get a DEXA scan?
Did girls like this used to exist or was it made up?
I shit you not, these were considered the ugly girls by most guys
>glass shatter moment
I forgot. I just remember the one or two that weren't
I mean they were hot, but there were hotter girls. By today’s standards, they’d be the hottest. Things have just got that bad
In my school these girls skipped gym class every single day and even if they were thin they were unremarkable because of the hotness factory that is cheerleading. All the hot girls were cheerleaders and I think they actually have a rule about looking normal.
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Reminder that Super shrunk Bulma down to be the same height or in some shots even shorter than Bejita because women cannot be taller than men in media unless it's a defining character trait.
I find liquid diets much easier to maintain. Restricting cals makes me lose it in a week, and feel like shit. Water fasting makes me tap out in two days because of the headaches and lethargy, regardless of my electrolyte supplementation.
On a liquid dirty, I noticed three great improvements. It doesn't make me feel cravings for anything. I sleep and go about my day better because I'm not digesting and shitting as much. It also gives me more energy towards the end of the day. Try it.
Yeah I'm 186cm, king of manlets in the Netherlands and I get a decent amount of looks, between 6-8% bf

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