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/fit/ - Fitness

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Any other /fit/izens do construction? How did being /fit help the job or how did your job help you get /fit? Got any good stories?

I'll share some of my own in a bit. I did flatwork from the time I was 15 until 25. I'm a SS teacher now in the straight up hood and, between how dogshit the pay is and my department head fucking me over by giving me the shittiest classes nobody else in my department wanted (econ and government is half this upcoming year), I'm considering just going back in. First story:
>Be me
>Dad says he's getting me a job
>Working on his concrete crew
>The rundown (names changed)
>Anthony: dad's best buddy and the nicest guy to me
>Allen: insane, 6'6, jacked ginger white supremacist, the funniest guy who never stopped busting balls
>Jeff: Anthony's brother, looked like Luigi with long, curly hair
>Roger: Dad's other best friend, complete and utter hard ass
>I'll mention other players as they come along but this was the crew when I started out
My stories won't be in a particular order, they just come to me. Another character I have to mention is a guy we called Ratchet or Crackhead. He was a meth addict who was legitimately the best finisher in our area. He blew all of his dad's inheritance on motorcycles, cars, land, and, you guessed it, meth and was going broke by the time he ran into me when I was like 22. We called him Ratchet because he was all energized for the first hour and a half of the job and talk nonstop. Then he'd gas out. He's in a lot of these stories but he needs this intro.
>Be 2017
>Pouring a sidewalk for Roger's elderly, widowed mom
>Go on break
>Ratchet makes a beeline to her front door
>Straight up tells her he needs to shit and has to use her bathroom, doesn't even try to sugarcoat it
>She lets him in
>Bad move
>He left that bathroom more uninhabitable than Chernobyl
>Apparently some pills may have gone missing from her medicine cabinet, idk
>Next day
>Ratchet takes a step in the direction of her house on break
>Roger gets in his face and says, "If you think you're even allowed in my mother's doorway, I'm gonna knock your fucking teeth out. You set a foot on her front patio, you're a fucking dead man."
>He goes to two other houses asking if he can use the bathroom
2 weeks later
>Pouring the garage floor for my sister's house
>Dad tells Ratchet he is not allowed inside their house and tells my sister to not let him in
>Fucker runs to his car after we get gravel all leveled
>Comes sprinting past us with toilet paper
>Fucker runs off into the woods to shit
>Does this every day for the rest of this job for the next week and change
I’m a lifelong framing and finish carpenter but I don’t really have any hilarious stories. Last year i decided i wanted to learn concrete and started at the bottom as a laborer. The work was interesting but the boss was a prick, i put up with him as long as i could until i quit, left him and 2 guys to do a big foundation with the mud truck on the way. I would still like to learn to finish flatwork but probably stuck framing for quite a while. New boss is good. I think construction can make you fit if you aren’t a lazy ass but if you do everything the easiest way possible you can definitely do construction as a fatto
Well actually once a company I worked for had a lazy ass they needed to get rid of, they knew he smoked weed after hours so they decided to do “random” drug screening after never doing so before. He had like an hour to do it and somehow passed. Fuckin guy must keep fake piss in his glove box lol.
Then why do the guys in your pic look like they don't lift?
Construction is fucking awful for /fit/.
Long hours, crappy weather, constant exposure to carcinogens. In 5 years of field experience I have only ONCE seen someone wear a respirator when saw cutting concrete. Have to slap on sunscreen every couple of hours so you don't look like beef jerky. Not even getting into people who climb into or stand on the edge of excavations without trench boxes.
This fag cares about PPE. Real men have health problems that could be easily avoided.
Has Allen already announced that he is gay?
He's gay for BBC.
kinda related
i used to work as a lawn mower. it was mostly push mowers on residential houses. there was this one particular house where the owner literally never picked up her dog's shit. trudging through mid-shin high grass with dog shit caked on the bottom of my work boots as the mower does it's thing. feels like i got fucking ptsd from that stupid fucking house. and jesus christ i can remember the smell so vividly. no amount of money is worth doing that shit.
Did a lot of concrete cutting for my company and this one guy was in the hospital for a week from silica dust poisoning. I wire mine but I guess because I have facial hair I didn't work because I could still taste the concrete dust.
1 things I've noticed about trade bucks is they are unable to think 2 steps ahead. If you try to plan things out you're process will inevitably be fucked up when a gangbang of retards can't understand. You can say something clear as day and as direct as possible and these cunts still won't understand and repeat the same shit over and over until you can find a translator that speaks fluent Tard.
I did hardscapes for 5 years
Got to the point I could easily carry around 120lb+ flagstones, shovel 3-4 yards of gravel in an hour blah blah blah
Started feeling it in my bones and got an easy job mowing lawns and picking up sticks at a retirement home
It pays the bills but I should start my own thing
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Construction workers are actually more unhealthy than most of the general population. They smoke, do tobacco with nicotine that constricts their arteries and eat cheesy burritos, tacos and burgers on their lunch breaks. They breath in shit all day that destroys their lungs with dust.

All for $21/hr in america right now. If they were smart they'd become a car camper and stop contributing to the jew but some of them are trapped with kids.
Yeah fat office workers who sit on their ass all day aren't much healthier if at all.
I work manual labour (archaeology) and all it does is make you too tired to go to the gym after work
You also forgot pounding 3 or 4 monster/rockstar/nos/redbulls to "stay hydrated" while working.
They are probably.

Monks who sit and walk around all day live to 90 and office workers eat salads and don't smoke or drink usually.

Working out constantly doesn't mean you're going to be healthy, see jim fixx, dude ran miles everyday and dropped dead of a heart attack with 3 90% blocked arteries including his widowmaker.

Nutrition is arguably more important in terms of long term health because the #1 killer of people by the age of 50 isn't lack of exercise it's heart disease from plaqued arteries and eating like shit for 30 years , and that doesn't happen without eating saturated fat foods like burgers, pizza. It's scientifically proven
not in construction but I helped do some roofing for charity work
>scared to shit of heights
>like go to actual catatonic state if going up too tall a ladder
>sign up to do some charity work, think habitat for humanity
>going to do some basic home repairs for older people who can't do it themselves or too poor to hire someone
>get on a roofing team
>tell them I can't do jack for ladders and apologize
>wind being in perfect position to get supplies to team on roof
>fairly tall at 6'3" and house is single story
>able to lift up packs of shingles from the ground and get it up to people so no one needs to spend time going up and down the ladder, I just pick it up
>helps speed things along
>shoulders dead by the end of the day
Not construction, but I did some pretty labor-intensive work in mining exploration. Work basically consisted of hiking around in super remote wildernesses with heavy ass bags for like 10-14 hours a day. I did a 70+ day rotation of ground geophysics which was like 10-20km of walking every day while carrying like 60+ pounds. This was near the Torngats in Northern Labrador, so if you want to see pics of what the terrain was like just search that.

Anyway, when I got back from that job I was the leanest I had ever been. I decided to do some running to see what I was able to do and ended up running a marathon in like 4 hours with no training having never run more than 20k before in my life.
Lmao shut it ketolard.

It's been known for 100 years that saturated fat and cholesterol is casually coorelated with heart disease.

Cheese consumption in the US is shot up through the roof in the last 40 years as well as beef.

In the 1940's-1960's people at a lot of mashed potatoes, vegetables and lean meat like turkey and at most they'd drink milk, they never scoffed down cheese like they did today.
>less obese means health

Depends on what kind of obese were talking about. Do you consider 30lbs from a man who's supposed to be 170lbs but is 200lbs 6ft obese?

Or do you consider 50-100lbs obese.

It's really a scale. I wouldn't call a man who's 185lbs obese when he should be 165-170lbs
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Worked construction and hard labor for years. Still do. Went from slangin' guitars to tree work after a big hurricane years ago before I started this life. Loaded with stories.

Personal favorite:

>Be me.
>Be working tree removal.
>Work with a 5' tall meth badger; we'll call him Mark for the sake of these instances.
>Nobody really likes Mark but me. He's nice to me because I don't treat him like total shit. He's a good dude, just a fuckup.
>Mark is our Climber.
>One day the badger ripped his blunt a little too hard and is 40 ft up in a pine tree having a panic attack.
>Only I know he is high.
>I am also stoned to the bone.
>After watching him not move and start to get exhausted like an overweight squirrel, boss starts yelling at him to hurry up. They start arguing.
>D-Ring on Marks climbing saw snaps mid argument, and that bitch turbo drops into the earth, 5 feet in front of us at the base of the tree, bar burying itself into the soil.
>None are worthy. $600 saw is stuck.
>Best friend, (different coworker) eventually rips it out, does a back flip with the release in pressure, and somersaults 10 ft in reverse.
>Still high as fuck.

Another day:
>Mark is now 80 ft up in a broken tree, topping it.
>Everything is bent and twisted post-hurricane, incredibly dangerous.
>Tree has immense pressure on it from crane truck.
>Mark is high again; only I know.
>Boss yelling more. Mark shaking in fear knowing what is coming.
>Massive weight release as top of tree yanks free of base.
>Mark screaming as the remainder of the tree swings 20 ft back and forth with him still attached.

Construction jobs can make you immensely strong, but the often repetitive nature of the work and lack of rest days take a toll on your spine and connective tissues. Your're immeasurably worse off if you do what most guys in the trades do and drink or use drugs. The older tradies I know tend to have health problems from due to the combination of chronic overuse injuries and poor lifestyle.

I get most of my income doing construction and landscaping. I also take care of my health by getting adequate rest and nutrition and avoiding heavy drinking. Despite the precautions, I tend to accrue a lot of inflammation during busy periods and I'm often forced to scale back my workouts in order to adequately recover. Cardio and mobility work help a lot with this.
Hey, you are insanely based being a framer, just wanted to let you know broseff
Obese is a bmi > 30
Hahaha what is silicosis you stupid fucking nigger. Look who didn't pay attention in their osha40 class, if you're even certified that is. People like you fall off ladders and don't report because you're addicted to Roxy's. Can't wait til your dumbass cuts off a finger on the job.
Get ready to have to do heavy stretching or yoga every day.
First day on the job I watched a drywaller kick the absolute shit out of an electrician because he was accused of stealing a set of pliers. literally like 4 different crew witnessed it, next day no safety talk, no nothing. I heard they both kept their jobs
Masks don't work without a proper seal, which is why the Covid masks on men with giant beards was doublely comedic.
Soldiers required a clean shave for their gas masks, it's what did away with the giant bushy mustaches tradition.
Rubber/plastic to skin and get a proper mask with filters you can change out and read online how long their last, and actually replace them in a timely manner.
I've heard enough stories about silicosis from cutting granite and manufactured countertops to know to avoid manual labor. That's not even including all the other things associated with the jobs.
Working heavy machinery would probably be the best and easiest job.
pull up that fucking rebar, it does nothing on the ground
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the tradie shovels my shit for a penance of pay. hats off to you blue collar cuck!
It's just temperature and shrinkage bar; the mix likely has microfibers in it too. Doesn't matter. Nothing matters.

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