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Does anyone love going to the gym but absolutely hates the clientele of their gym?

Like that group of people that always uses the 10 pound dumbells and smells rancid
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Yes, I have a home gym and hate the clientele.
>it's me
>Like that group of people that always uses the 10 pound dumbells and smells rancid
Sir... You fucking bloody bastard. Be more respectful because your're being replaced by us. You wouldn't dare to say this in front of those fine men, you bloody... you bitch.
It used to be blue collar guys and older black dudes, now it's zoomers with goofy hair that look like a /pol/ 56% meme
I miss pre 2019 gyms where it was mostly TRT boomers who ask you for a spot then try to strike up a convo
Dont we all
I don't like women in gyms.
i keep getting fucking cropdusted to the point I was wondering if my sweat smelled like farts. I actually walked away & walked back to make sure it wasn't me. protein shake farts are insane
are you talking about jeets in your gym?
She's pretty, what a shame we let jewish Hollywood turn her into a whore
>hate public gyms
>hate public transportation
>hate big cities

Where does this lead, I was antisocial but it leaves you either hanging out with your GF at all times and moving to the woods or developing agoraphobia from never doing anything you don't want to do
Dude, seriously, just go to a better gym, one that charges enough per month to keep out jeets, tards, blacks, addicts, trannies, and boomers. I did the globohomo gym routine for a while after college, it sucked so I found a gym that charges $150/month, has great equipment, and is clean. Almost everyone is white, the women are attractive, nobody can just “walk in.”

Or do the home gym thing.
>Where does this lead
I bought a farm. My “socialising” consist of going to the supermarket or Costco or going to the gym (got a good home set up but gym has leg press, cables, pec dec) with my wife. Once a year I go out with two friends and do an 18 hour drinking session.
Which is great - not trying to dab on that but if you're not as trad, its not the best option
who cares about the clientele and what theyre doing just go in and do your routine
This. Although some people smell so bad it's distracting.
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Happened a few times, yeah. Not the case now but I will suggest you to go lifting very early in the morning or at the eleventh hour.
>that guy that barks when doing heavy squats
>that boomer with big Popeye forearms
>the janitor that mumbles across the floor
>Rolling Stones hitting the speakers at low volume
>that only MILF that can find time out-of-the-office to train her legs
>the big dude dude with 1000 miles stare after benching 2,5 PL8s
>not a single zoomer in sight

The sound of the iron, plain and simple, being lifted and gently dropped
Honestly, I wouldn't care if they weren't either completely rancid, damaging the equipment, hogging the equipment, blocking pathways, blasting their shitty durka durka music out loud, or some combination thereof. Inderdeeps and high school kids are the worst thing in the gym next to girls filming for OF or social media.
Try >>74780609 or >>74780642, cheap public gyms are not good places these days.
i smell rancid because of my high test high body hair armenian body combined with my intake of creatine
im a sweat god
got a problem with that?
can you hook me up with your armenian cousin?
you wish smooth boy
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>that group of people that always uses the 10 pound dumbells and smells rancid
She’s just 19 you sick fucks
Shit... I didn't know that. You may be right, maybe I'm sick; she's too old.
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my gym was fine just two years ago. since then there's been an influx of
>groups of should be cardio bunnies who now hog the benches to do meme arm isolation exercises
>the broccoli hair zoomer group in pajamas
>women who do glute exercises in ass crack yoga pants right in front of you (don't you dare look)
>groups of dyel bald guys in their late 30s who take 5 minutes between sets (for each guy)
>brown people who play their own music as loud as possible on their phone while there is already shitty music being played over the gym speakers
Yes because I don't like seeing blacks and other undesirable muds in my gym
I don’t hate them but it’s a little annoying when women and browns use the bench and leg press only to load up a grand total of 50lbs + bar.
I mean come on. Do push-ups or something.
Thinly veiled Indian hate thread
Home gym time my friend. Remove those people from your life. How did it end up the only peopled who know how to behave at the gym are 23-30 year old white men, 40 year old white broads, age 25+ filipinos, and there are only a max 2 of these in any order in any gym at a time? Home gyms with your buddies trying to out do,each other is best.
opened the thread to make this exact post
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yeah thats why i dont fuck with commercial gyms

i lift in the weights area of a rock climbing gym and the vibes are immaculate (they only have like two machines but whatever)
I love Indians going off. It's wild they have a caste system where they're at differentn levels while being an aussie just makes you a thousand times more powerful then their own kings.
>I don’t hate them
go back to your pathetic country rajesh
Types of people I hate:

People that lift in slides/sandals/crocs
People that wear pyjamas
People that wear "athletic" wear (like gymshark)
People that do meme unilateral exercises but can't do 2/3/4/5
People that do cable cross overs and raises but can't bench 2 plates
>Rock climbing
Yeah fatasses cant really do it

Guess that rules you out
I hate the women that feel the need to take pictures of every single movement they do. Funny thing is, those are the ones who never come back. Becky with a 4/10 face and 9/10 body who is at the gym to overcompensate the fuck of her ugliness doesnt fuck around with her phone or gigachads. Shes there for her business.
Yeah. There's this one weird cunt who takes his shirt off, hogs all the equipment, poses and flexes in front of all the mirrors, loudly sings and dances, etc. Total annoying asshole.
>t. homegym
Everyone has to start somewhere, 74784363.
I got the best lap dance of my life from this hot Armenian stripper and she was either waxed or had good genes because she wasn’t hairy and smelled like heaven.
Usually the zoomers and jeets have no conception of shower or deodorant, then there's always one jeet doused in Hugo Boss. There's always one chinese with an aura of garlic too. When you're gassed out on your lifts its enough to make you puke.

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