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>38 years old, 5'11
>tired of auschwitz mode
>started lifting semi consistantly 8 months ago
>went from 140-160lbs
>been stalling for a month
Some days are just harder than others.
>its one of those days
oh well
amazing body and improvement. I would have never guessed that was your age based on these pics alone. Good luck on your continued progress anon

Here’s actual boomer progress. 6’6 190
Sorry I meant 5'6
You’re just upset you got slapped around for samefagging. It’s ok
Go take a nap old man
>he doesn’t believe in the goodness of strangers

I actually remember your pic from another thread. Its crazy how hard the chest hair goes after you put on some muscle. Really inspiring improvement. Props to both of you.
Wow, I actually stand corrected. I was out of line
I appreciate you anon and I’m sorry
i will be leanpilled and have abs someday if it kills me
Funny how you got the girl on the right but are alone on the left.
awesome progress tho.
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no stolen valor
Oh, I thought the guy was replying to himself.
But now realise he was mistakenly calling us samefag.
Life goes on.
Thanks for your kind words.
Progress must and will continue
>before: mildly chubby but in the arms or a gf or wife
After: leaner but alone
Why even lift
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That vascularity is wild

5'11" 184lbs
Imagine needing to samefag this bad to discredit me
I’m taller, richer and bigger than you. Concede
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I love tadalafil

lmao, your radar is a bit off.
Those are my only posts:
Stop skipping legs,
>........ but it's hard

Gives me headaches. Pump is decent but I prefer citrulline malate. Would rather take a supplement that's works just as well.
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More or less a year between each photo. First one a few months after starting.
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Got really bad tonsilitis and couldnt really eat or even drink properly for 2 weeks and lost 7 kg but atleast iam lean now xd
I weigh 88 kg(195 lbs?) in this pic
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currently drinking bud lights with my schizophrenic ex-con neighbor and watching what might be the worst movie of all time (literally), as he went back to his apartment to get his samurai sword which he is gifting to me since he's getting rid of all of his stuff because the apartment is kicking him out as he has no money left
Peak form. Are you just maintaining right now or building? No notes brother great work.
thank you anon. actually I've been trying to get as lean as possible starting like a week or two ago, and its tough. I realized pretty quick how much fat I have stored in my thighs and lower back, and how I have to lose a good amount of weight to have a chance to "uncover" my lower abs, which I've never done. hopefully its possible
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I've started isolating my abs. In two more weeks I'll have a proper defined sixpack.
you have pretty eyes
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In 7 months I have gone from obese to normal weight and got a little jacked in the process. When do the newbie gains stop?
with those shoulder veins you should the beastmaxx
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10 year progress,
183 cm
70 kg before, 82 kg after
Just finished 3 months very disciplined cut, got to 79.5 kg and then carbed myself to 82-82.5
Doing modified phat for the last 9 years cause i enjoy strength i get from it
During bulk i get to 88-90 kg, but after 85 i seem to get mostly fat cause my frame is pretty much capped with muscle, if i wanted to progress further i would have to use steroids but i am satisfied with the way it is. My biggest goal right now is to bench press 5 plates, i ll try to get that after my ac resection surgery this fall (i destroyed almost all my joints)
Bitches leave
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>all the jeets are brown
>CBT is gayyyy
>how much does kam weighhh?





>likes the reddit gold
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5'10, 30 years, 1 year progress

I have some gay pec deformation which is why they'll never look good but I try to work around it
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Started August 2023 @ 130 lbs, maxed out @ 158 lbs this January, (involuntary) cut since then to current weight @ 138 lbs. I'm fully addicted, need to stop going so much.
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Solid, I was in the same boat. Not wanting to be skinny anymore.
I'm up in the air about if abs are genetic or not.
Nice shoulder to waist ratio, nice biceps.
How can I get some?
Lookin shredded.
Good timing for summer shred lol.
Good on you, he might be lonely?
Nice progress, good inspiration.
I feel your pain. Life grants gifts and curses.
looking lean as hell bro. delt routine?
Is this the DYEL general?
looking fantastic. what an awesome transformation. how close are you to 5 plates? I don't want to discourage you from it, but since you're having joint issues already and a surgery, I'll just say, you have a phenomenal physique and you could maintain it indefinitely without going ultra-heavy anymore. I only say that cuz I met this guy last month who was in his late 40's and jacked like you, and I asked for his best training advice and his first thing was he regretted going super heavy for a lotta years, and he's only hit light weights for the past 10 years but still looks jacked & ripped. then again, there's glory in being strong AF. just my 2 cents bro, you look sick
post physique. if you mog us, then give us advice. otherwise gtfo
Eat my poo saars redeem the cow piss
Thanks man, i am at 4.5 plates, didnt lift too heavy in the last year or so, and now that i know i ll get surgery in fall i am optimistic about my future lifts.. and you are right.. pushing big weight is fun but could fuck me up in future
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You all look like shit and need to eat more
Quit using machines and doing isolations like a roidtranny and switch to compounds 3 days per week
I was planning on starting going to gym but if 8 months progress is that then probably wont
>that body
>giving lifting advice
>telling other people they look like shit
kam is an unemployed obese schizo virgin
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let me rest
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5'10 203 training to be Barron Trump's mightiest warrior during the great American crusade
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I can’t stop cutting. I’ve been like this for years. Any time I try to bulk I hate myself.
Not the worse physique to maintain. I think you'll still gain muscle maturity if you keep working out. Try just adding more protein and see what happens
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bit of a backslide, around 180-185 in first pic, 145-150 in second pic. Lost a lot of weight due to inconsistency with the gym and work stress, hoping to work back up to 170 or so in a few months
Nice chest. Cock stats?
small, big chest comes from high estrogen levels
Looking absolutely jacked bro, mirin’ intensely. Keep working on those abs and congratulations!
>Final fantasy cuck
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Powersharting from November '22 to May '24. Yes, the "before comes first" joke is very funny, but I regret nothing.
Let's go. Feels much healthier, doesn't it?
This is the peak if you ask me. The physique with the strength to boot. Sick. What are your other lifts at?
you looked better victim mode
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we exist to make boys mad
i ejected all your grandpas out of the system yesterday, they no longer exist
i don't wanna be here, i hate this planet, men are a cancer and must be eradicated
i marked james hetfield, a glowing masculine pillar, for death
good luck on your article
how did you manage to eat so much?
I'm struggling so much
Meds now schizo
95lbs is not a 1pl8 bench
Lol what is wrong with you assholes tonight, y'all on a fuckin mean streak
Oh it's Friday and you have no friends, forgot
Not really. The former looked much worse clothed; people often thought I was a teenager. All the benefits outweigh the little fat easily.
You need nutrient dense food and you need to track your calories. I always entered my three big meals in the morning, as well as any staples that I eat daily, and then I knew how much extra stuff I had to find throughout that day. That way you keep yourself out of those situations where it's an hour before bedtime, but you're a thousand kcal short.

Just from quark, nuts, and milk alone I can easily get 1600 kcal (85g protein) every single day and they don't fill you up -that- much. If I didn't have those staples and had to think up shitty snacks or find random not-nutrient-dense snacks like cookies, then I probably wouldn't manage to hit my targets.
Impressive. Keep bulking up

Gotta take a step back to take 3 steps forward sometimes

Awesome potential, get those shoulders and chest up to par with your arms and you’ll be solid

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So, it's been almost 2 months since I last did my workout. 54 days to be more precise.
And it's all because I've got drafted into army. And they feed me dogshit. Low calories, low vitamins and all that, but mist importantly - low protein. And I've lost up to 7 kilos, maybe more. I've weighted 64 before, now maybe 56-57 if I had to guess.
And we don't have normal fucking physical trainings. Basically, it's mostly cardio and the shit that kills your back.
It's over.
And I don't have a time or place to do my workout. And I want to be alone while doing it.
Idk what to do. Recently I've bought some protein powder and creatine powder, but it seems to me that it's useless when we can't have normal physical trainings besides cardio and back destroying shit.
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you faggots keep banning from your fit servers and really need advice!!

Brosplit 6 days a week!!
taking supplements and lifting for about 2 years, what the fuck am i doing wrong.
You’re training too much. 4 days max. You’re also probably not eating the best it’s more about diet desu.
This is the superior server fag boy

i really am sorry for all this
this is completely out of my hands atp
i'm just along for the ride
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5’6 140 age 23

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