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have you ever been liftmogged by a female?
Next thread please.
Same thread thanks.
Lol yes, anon

>be me
>first week back in gym from wind meth binge
>skinny, weak, and frail
>leg day
>squating (and struggling) with 25’s
>thicc plap hog dressed in spandex warms up with 25s
>as I do my last set she’s crushing 45 plates

I didn’t mind or care. But it must have been quite the dichotomy

I’m still sober and in the gym
w-why is she looking at me like that?
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yes, it was hot
You wouldn't get it.
Huh. Been looking for this for a VERY long time. Thanks bro. /ss/ crossed with muscle girl.
that's impossible. unless it's legs so it doesn't count cause its a meme
Not in real life.
You will never touch a woman

>be me
>second month working out
>program I'm running has me doing hip thrusts once a week. Too fiddly with a barbell so I use meme hip thrust machine. Same motion but you lift the weight with a heavy duty belt you tie over your waist.
>work in with this early 20s girl
>load up one plate per side and do my set. I'm exerting myself quite a bit
>she says she'll use the same weight
>"huh, not bad" I think to myself
>I go for my second set. Quite tuckered out after.
>"same weight?"
>"no I think I'll add some more"
>she proceeds to add 4 plates per side and reps it out. No sign of exertion on her face.
>I finish my last set. Glutes and lower back are dead.
>She keeps going. Pretty sure she added more weight too
>I leave wondering wtf I just witnessed
Not exactly but there's a bbw at my planetfitness who hit 315 for a triple on squats, was mirin from the stairmaster in between scoping out the rest of the soft asses on cardio bunnies and latina milfs.
excuse me what is wind meth
li wenwen
are you sure anon??
Yep. Saw this girl using the seated leg press and put on like 10 plates. I can barely do five because of a fake knee.
currently being mogged, least through my own self imposition.

>had a crush on a girl in college
>nicest ass I've ever seen in my life, 1.25bw bench press, straight up gorgeous tomboy
>ask her out, turns out she's a card carrying lesbian, not like 'oh teehee,' like gnoshin on girls, does not like dick
>move on, date others, graduate college, get a job, life goes on

>fastforward 5 years
>googled her name to see where she ended up
>she did a uspl meet last year
>her lifts absolutely embarrass me
>currently just trying to match up to her

I'm a manlet, so we we're basically the same height and bodyweight - there is no good excuse why she has a bench 40lbs higher than mine.
Xena lifts in anon's gym.
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no but I swimm 4 times a week and sometimes a 14 year old girl is in the pool at the same time who belongs to a swimming club and mogs me so fucking hard its not even funny. Her freestyle is like 20 seconds faster on 100m and she can keep it up for an hour.
I am 6ft 200lb and above average/intermediate strength
I have never seen a woman stronger than me irl in over 12 years of working out

But I have seen women mog me on pull ups and cardio. There are some women stronger than me online but not many
gross beta manlet fetish fantasy...
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The fantasy is ruined when you realize how little these weightlifting numbers translate into the strength needed to be dominant. When I was sick, weighed only 140lbs, had no training to speak of I was hitting the heavy bag harder than every single female lifelong athlete in the gym. Somehow squatting and deadlifting and hipthrusts never translated into fighting strength.

Your fetish is gay and retarded and has no basis in reality.
>muh funkshunul strength cope
Talk to her anon. BBW powerlifter pussy is a sweet treat like no other.
squat yes because I don't squat
otherwise, no, never
I do diddy, leg curl, leg lift, leg press, and hip thrust occasionally.
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The closest thing would be seeing some massive pig squat 315. This chick probably weight 400, tho. I was move impress that her fat ankles didn't explode.
anon was fighting for his life while his gym mates were just going through a warm up routine
shh don't tell him it will trigger the MManlet rage and he'll make 10 threads about how BJJ midgets could easily kill every weightlifter or bodybuilder in existence
>Let's talk about /fit/ girls, /fit/ girls are sick

>Nooo but even if they lift they can't PUNCH people man, they can't PUNCH people, they can't be DOMINANT, even if a girl lifts more than me they're not DOMINANT

>I'M the strong one goddamnit, the world wouldn't work if I wasn't the strong one

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