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/fit/ - Fitness

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/fast/ing general
What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, dry fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode

Snake juice:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s-xjsR89XI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9idhb2aAfns [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]


>any more info?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfR6bAXr-c [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Doesn't salt make you explode?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amJ-ev8Ial8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dan8qtgQRi8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]


>Fung talks and lectures:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuj-oMN-Fk [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/PSR82vmZ5lk [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/v9Aw0P7GjHE [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Keto causes hairloss, kidney damage, liver failure, and redditor syndrome.
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Remember to refeed when you're breath and body odor starts to smell like German whores.
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I keep watching this Dr Frank O'Neill guy and think he's pretty interesting. He's got a series about how to fast without losing muscle and one of the points is that the more fat you have to lose, the more quickly you can lose it without it also digging into your lean mass. Depends on other stuff but anyone with more than sixty pounds fat can do real long fasts with no issue
Why do you post this copypasta?
just wrapped up my first ever 3-day fast last night. i decided last minute to also not drink coffee or tea. water with a bit of sea salt tasted nasty, i might squeeze some lemon into it next time. no issues whatsoever aside from feeling really sleepy 2 out of the 3 days, but as far as hunger it wasn't a problem at all at any point. i was also able to work out normally.

i will say though, that HOLY FUCK it feels like i grew a new set of tastebuds. i had some kimchi last night and even though it was the same shit i've been buying for months from the grocery store, the flavor profile was completely different, I tasted so much more sweetness. same with my milk this morning - full fat, tasted like I was drinking melted vanilla ice cream. kind of awesome, I hope this lasts for a while.
4 days into my fast. My friend and I are competing to see who can fast the longest. Loser has to pay for some udon.
Are instant noodles that bad for you? I don't understand what's supposed to be so terrible about them. I want to do 3x packs of instant noodles + a few fried eggs as my OMAD while also saving money. I just see people saying "sodium bad" which seems like a meme
You done need a general. Just dont eat.
You don't understand, it's a support group.
>5 days in, feeling good
>8 km walk/jog everyday + work = 16 - 17k steps a day
>light pull / push weight training everyday
Maybe it is too early to say, but this routine seems pretty sustainable.

Yeah I am planning on breaking the fast by going out to a fine dining restaurant just for the reason you described. Fuck bone broth. If I'll shit my pants then that is what God intended.
I just ended a 132 hour fast. I was planning on the entire 7 days but I am afraid of refeeding syndrome.

Did I do good anons?
it's been a while since my last fast, and my schedule was perfect this weekend to do one but damn. I'm 42h in from 84h fast, and I'm not hungry but very very tired. There's also a heatwave on my city and that plus fasting I just want to lay down. I've been taking my electrolytes and all, and I don't feel bad, just very tired, I don't know if I'm gonna make it bros
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since sweat has salt, does the amount of salt you deplete while sweating have a meaningful effect on your electrolytes? it being summer and all, I'm sweating a bunch, should I drink more snake juice? how can I know if I have enough electrolytes?
I have hyperhidrosis and I sweat approximately 10 times more than normal people. Have done multiple 4 - 8 day fasts with just mineral water and sports electrolyte mixes. You can feel when you're low on salts, a slight numb headache and general fatigue, drinking salts will fix it in minutes. So I wouldn't be too worried about it.

Almost identical hours here. Maybe I should read more about this refeeding syndrome. Guess I've never gone long enough for those problems.
Often when I'm out running or cycling I'll leave actual salt crust on my clothes lol. I like to mix up some shit like powerade or whatever 50/50 with water then add salt/potassium/magnesium. Not a huge amount just a bit.

Like the other guy said, you'll know when you're getting depleted cause you will feel weak and unenergetic.
Alright, well the fucker called me this morning and said he broke it 2 days ago and just wanted to see how long I would go. So I guess Ill break it tomorrow morning since its the weekend. I guess Im having udon for dinner tomorrow night.
Ive done 136 before and thats roughly where Im gonna end tomorrow. I was fine, but I was also drinking snake juice semi frequently.
>Break fast with bone broth
>Wait an hour or 2
>Eat proteins, veggies, and dairy
The worst I felt was the sudden lethargy from the massive insulin spike, but that was just about it.
On day 20 of 50 bros, we all got this.
my mouth tastes so fucking bad I've brushed my teeth four times today and it barely helped
Picked a bunch of cherries from a tree in my front yard since they were starting to fall off. I did this activity with distain knowing I won't be eating them for a while
A video on the benefits of Fasting:

i was doing 18hr fasting while training and got a cold, how the fk am i supposed to fast if i get sick everytime i do it?
How can I make sure I fast safely while still doing cardio and going to the gym and shit?
Honestly even if I lose half of my muscle it would be worth it reaching 10-12% bf. I've been "Strong Fat" for way too fucking long, strength gains have been great but nothing feels as good as being lean. And anyway, I can always rebuild a good foundation and muscular aesthetics once i'm lean.

My biggest regret was falling for the SS bulking meme.

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