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/fit/ - Fitness

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What are your thoughts on the current state of /fit/?
People just need to be more kind,, and more honest.. If they can't be that way themn,, I don"t wann to be here
Not enough Indian Fitness Threads.
True. Also, the jannies need to be better about doing their job
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how do i get one of these
Ban porn and shoot degenerates in the head.

That's all :)
/fit/ has always been antagonistic but there was some decent tips and fun threads

Now this is just an extension of /r9k/ and /soc/

I had not seen a creatine thread in three weeks so I posted One and got zero replies. An hour later there is now three creatine threads.
Have you tried asking one on a date? If not id start there
I'm thinking about developing a personal Jannie 4chan addon where anyone who uses it gets my jannie services across a few boards (for free). I will act as your jannie and remove any thread that is off topic or extremely low quality from your catalog the moment I come across them. I'm on 4chan pretty much all day so this will rack up hundreds of deleted threads very quickly.
Would you guys be interested in this?
I think anons are so obsessed with immutable elements of aesthetics that it could be classified as mental illness.
>pear is gone
>gynonigga only summer posts
>Gobu fucked off
>Randy left in 23
Indians post less on summer
>Kam still here but is relegated to cbt and no one cares desu
Fit is healing.. but at the cost of losing our characters the board remains more dull and repetitive than ever
How about you get a fucking life instead faggot
That's a noble sacrifice, you'd be among the first to face the wall :'(
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So we need clowns? I am know a guy.
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>Would you guys be interested in this?
I don't think this site's worth it. Let it go.
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Rangeban India before it's poo late
>I had not seen a creatine thread in three weeks so I posted One and got zero replies. An hour later there is now three creatine threads.
This website is done for.
It's tough to respond kindly or respectfully to spoonfeed requests and retarded takes. Yesterday I discussed with someone who believes gluconeogenesis rates are the same on ketogenic diets and diets that have enogh carbohydrate to prevent nutritional ketosis.
amazing board, would change absolutely nothing whatsoever
>post less on summer
And esls post more in summer apparently
You’re just upset you’re one of the namefags I called out ITT,it’s okay. Seethe and shhh
Better range ban Canada if you even want any hope of stopping us lol faggots
Hard catfish. She’s ugly as fuck
sure, may as well give it a try if you already spent the whole day here
remember shelbyfag
Sure I love getting a curated worldview of what someone else deems acceptable feed me bugs yummy yummy
Remember your gay Corolla LOL
I was gonna say it's been a couple of months since shlebey fag has been caught here

But give it time hell be back....
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Hate the ads, hate the r9k doomers, hate the discord troons. 'imple as.
Stop browsing fit in your spare time
it's not worth your time. A noble aspiration, but don't do it
Nailed it on the head
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i hope gyno nigger finnaly gets enough money to get surgery then dies during it would be too funny
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Too many Indians like most boards and it will only get worse as more of the third world is brought online
/fat/ continues to be one of the best generals on the website
I used to think fit was going down the shitter then I went back to tg and realized how bad things could be
Stop getting rid of the tomboy threads you fucking Discord tranny jannies, we have one a fucking week and keep to ourselves, and I've gotten better fitness advice in those threads than most of the other threads on this damn board.
You can ask one out of there are catalogs at hotels to choose from.
ogremode faggot is a jannie everytime he gets made fun of the thread disappears
>Stop getting rid of the tomboy threads you fucking
Good; masculine women are freaks (except for maybe short hair).
Be white.
you forgot to mention be white and dysgenic enough white girls ignore you
liking tomboys is gayer than trans women
its another cope for guys who can't get an 8 or above blonde girl with blue eyes
Are you unironically fucking retarded?
Asians are easy as hell. Almost as easy as black girls. If you don't have one, you simply didn't try to get one.
yes sorry
Eunuchs almost always are more masculine than "tomboys", so no.
I coomed inside gobu on the night of the solstice
Its been ruined by the 3 C's
>CICO deniers
I believe it
xir will never turn down dick so they can claim they are not an incel
The only bothersome among those.
It's spammed with shit, like all boards. Why the retard mods here haven't banned faggots shit posting is beyond me.
the third world ie not america getting widespread internet was terrible for white people
Some things are better.

>feels bar is correctly opened on the weekends rather than every fucking day like it used to be.
>demoralization threads pruned relatively fast.
>generals remain constant and without any new bullshit trolling ones like /nopoop/.

Of late there are more coombait stupid question threads that show up during east coast hours. They usually get pruned.

Not sure when the janitor hours take place but it’s noticeable when none of them are around.
yeah, its really obvious that one janny just has a hateboner for that thread for some reason.
the dyel nigger with tits who posts him failing at beginner calisthenics is one of the jannies who prunes those threads
I believe it
>demoralization threads pruned relatively fast.
>>74771565 two days old
>>74778927 more replies than this thread
Just look at the catalog, it's all trash outside the generals
that's fine. those threads keep the trannies engaged so they don't bleed into other threads
>it'd be better if they were all b&
Newfags. All of you kys and lurk moar

Also /fit/ sucks. Needs better moderation to not be the next /b/
Backpedaling AND moving the goalposts
>all anons are the same person
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both dyel and under 6 feet tall kek keep coping tho
The man has a reasonably attractive wife and kid
Like bro what do you think he's coping about?
why do you have some rando's pictures saved?
you should post yours
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bugs attractive? kek ok pajeet keep posting racebait
>disappers as soon as he gets called out
like clockwork kek
they hated him because he spoke the truth.
if 4chan rangebanned all of asia and south america this board would improve drastically over night
Nah coomers are far worse than any fad dieter
>t. Durka durka
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You can really tell how damaged the newer generations are when it comes to being social and shit. I really don't think it's a meme anymore and most of the zoomers on here have never so much as spoken to a girl before, hence the nonestop coom posts.

Less people post their bodies because when they do, everyone gets jealous and just insults them.

Obsession with finding the most efficient form of lifting is wild, just go to the gym and lift weights and you'll get stronger and bigger it's not as complicated as people are trying to make it seem.

Racism has always been around but now it's far more prevalent.

Just the newer ipad kids doing ipad kid shit, my wife is a teacher and she's noticed the same thing as well. kids and teens are just awkward af these days and you can tell from the posts here.
the board's purpose should be to encourage those who are uneducated and lack confidence to show them a potential path, or multiple. for building discipline and well being. Instead we have people (pretending) to be confident by showcasing their "progress" to strangers on the internet who can see thru their weak efforts at desiring mires and applause. If those folk truly had what they were looking for, they would seek it outwards in the real world somewhere. We have the fitness equivalent of middle schoolers trying to pass third grade, by making fun of those who are clearly less developed or progressed in their journey, like a bunch of fragile bullies.
Fortunately there is hope, it starts with (you) anon. Post honest and truthful advice and sentiment and it will echo. These backhanded compliments from some people come across as faux once you have seen enough truth and deceit. It'll likely never get fixed without true huge intervention, but ignore those who clearly come here to bully, demean, and invoke feelings of jealousy / envy. I have never met someone in real life who scorned me for my fitness efforts, in-fact, many gargantuan sized weightlifters, athletes, and well-spirited people all want to teach and help those in need. The answer isn't just to be more kind, but to be more truthful in all your interactions. It will reach those who need it the most.
evey time someone post an actual aethetic body you have 100 dyels crying about roids everytime kek
Nah. Catholic.

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