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File: Anabar Whey Protein Bars.jpg (234 KB, 1500x1294)
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Anabar seems to make the best protein bars, but they're pretty damn expensive. How do you make these at home? The most I was willing to spend was $30 for a pack of 12, but this jackass on ebay cancelled my order after I paid him and refunded me my money before jacking up the price to $40 for a pack of 12, and amazon is just a couple dollars cheaper.
Honestly, the only reason they're the best is because they have a bit more protein, have decent macro ratios, and don't have any bullshit sugar alcohols that give you gas from hell.
why have this when you can have a stick of beef jerky for more protein and less calories
It has to do with sleep hygiene. I usually consume whey protein with milk after mixing it with an electric milk frother, but drinking too much liquid before bed will give me insomnia. Eating protein bars is a good way to get around this, but they're too expensive, and I'm not going to eat some cheap robert irvine bullshit with sugar alcohols that wakes me up in the middle of the night from the smell of my own sleep farts.
Are you fucking retarded?
Why don't you just have a protein shake at literally any point earlier in the day instead of using that weak ass excuse to eat slop
What do I eat near bed time? What if I can't fall asleep at night and get really hungry? What do I eat then? When I'm bulking, I don't give a fuck. I'd enjoy eating a 400 calorie protein bar that functions as a meal replacement. Bonus if it has a good amount of fiber in it.
>What do I eat near bed time?
One of your full proper meals 2-3 hours before bed.

>What if I can't fall asleep at night and get really hungry?
Won't happen if you are eating proper foods at proper times.
>What if I can't fall asleep at night and get really hungry?
>Won't happen if you are eating proper foods at proper times.
Insomnia is more complicated than that, anon. I want to get rid of a decent amount of the water in my body prior to falling asleep, since it is way more difficult to fall back asleep after needing to take a piss, along with taking more time even if I am successful. It is also difficult to fall asleep when you feel hungry, and I can't tell if I'll fall asleep in a short amount of time or a long amount of time.
I'm here to help you fren, trust me on this: oats + casein (possibly with taurine), ditch whey before bed if you can afford it.
>oats + casein
How am I supposed to prepare this? I usually heat oats by first heating up some water, but nowhere near to boiling, and then pour some of it over the oats
You will have to consume a certain amount of water with any kind of food. But I get your issue, I drink a lot of water before sleeping to get my supps in. If I overdo it, it fucks with my sleep. You can add salt to slightly limit this issue. Also you might want to optimize sleep in other ways:
Dr. Andrew Huberman has said a lot of dumb shit before. Also, he's covered in tats. He just covers up all his skin so you don't see them.
You can also make them in advance and do like overnight oats (or overday in your case), they usually require a bitt less water, but I'd rec milk because it makes you sleep better
Alright, but how do you prepare oats and casein? What are the ratios in volume? Do I just add some oats in a bowl with a scoop of casein protein and then add some water?
I just need something to feel like I'm not starving so I go for 30g of oats, 1 heaping scoop of casein and whatever fruit I have. Experiment a bit with the milk or water ratios, I like it super thick so I need maybe 200mL but I just eyeball it usually.
reminder to report that chink to ebay for price gouging or something
manufacture an email saying he demanded you pay extra or he'll cancel the order and send them a screenshot
>reminder to report that chink to ebay for price gouging or something
I don't want to lie, but what he did was really nasty. This is the seller, by the way. Just a few days ago, he was selling packs of 12 Anabars for just $30 each.
How does that have anything to do with his post

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