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why do women do only this exercise?
>why do women
Its supposed to give you a big ass while looking sexually suggestive to all of the people in that gym. Women love both of these things.
>t. Dwarfmaxxed manlet tired of normies doing retarded shit at my gym
>why do women do only this exercise?
they want glutes, they are not getting it anyways
at around 3 minutes nipples talks about posterior tit of pelvis, he is talking but the model does none of the shit he's talking about lol
>to prevent excessive lumbar extension
>does it in full fucking lumbar extension

entire spine is bent, lumbar is extended, thoracic is flexed and cervical is also extended and pelvis is in full anterior tilt lol (maybe once during entire video she does one slight motion of posterior pelvic tilt) - that's not glutees, that's QL and quads hams, something, not glutes because glutes do only the posterior tilt part of the motion

for starters - your quads and hams do nothing, NOTHING U UNDERSTAND? u're not pushing and u're not pulling with ur legs
secondly u flex ur lumbar spine and extend thoracic and elongate ur cervical spine as u let ur head lay on support - this will already move pressure from QL to the glutes (because QL is stretched with lumbar extension )
and then u move pelvis into posterior tilt performing bridge with just the glutes
> i don't feel it, don't understand
get into position i described above and try to move into anterior and posterior tilt back and forth with nothing else moving
it's funny because u think nothing is happening but u've just isolated glutes for the first time in ur life - careful with it, glute doms are worse than anything and u will fucking get them, it's completely new movement for u, prepare for pain and NOOB GAINS and sexy dimples on your lower back
> what weight?
no weight, just body tension and positioning - u do not need much resistance once u isolate the muscle
>what rep range
static hold for 30+ seconds
I like asses and they know that hip thrusts makes their asses bigger for me. That's all.
why does pooping feel so good? theres no way to chase the feeling of a firm turd sliding out of your colon. Nothing I can do in life matches how good it feels take a nice shit. I can't replace it with drugs or lifting. I don't want to do gay shit so having a man fuck my ass is out of the question but I know that at least half of that time I'll be in the heights of absolute pleasure. I tried to stick my finger in my ass once but it hurt and pulling it out didn't feel like taking shit. I would quit drinking if i could replicate the experience of laying a solid log. The pleasurable apprehension I walk to the toilet, the relief of pulling down my shorts and my cheeks hitting the porcelain. The visceral feeling as the turd pushes out of my anus and dips into the water to coil into a satisfying pile. It's one of the sweetest gifts of life.

Do women enjoy pooping?
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I used to do those when I played football as an accessory to power cleans, they're legit
>refers to a study
>n = 2
>only 8% difference

Is he for fucking real? For someone who supposedly loves science, it's fucking insane to refer to that and act like hip thrusts are superior. Especially when they can cause harm to the back

For real though, why do people always have to make shit complicated? I've neglected leg work for years and only started going all out a couple of months back. Doing the leg press with less weight (120kg) at the moment but with perfect form and I'm noticing my butt getting more volume and looking better than most chicks' asses too. Just stick to great form and you don't even need heavy weights but it's like proper squats and leg presses are some sort of forbidden sorcery at this point because everyone keeps on doing these new-age exercises
>s he for fucking real?
no, he's an actor bot that reads from script just like curleanX
>leg press
and what glutes maximus is supposed to do there? muscle fibers are not straight between attachments - lowbar squat simulation is of no interest to me just like any barbell squat lol

>then why u do glutes with your awesomest, one and only glute isolation
i found it trying to isolate abs from psoas (and yes i was successful), then u nudged me into thinking of excessive anterior tilt threads bot, one thing let to another and now i am doing both - perfect abs isolation, perfect glute max isolation combined with psoas stretch - it's awsome, it was just what i needed, thx bot for trying to fuck me up reletlessly, the inspiration i get is invaluable

u r the same fucking bot lol :D
To get a big ass. Wish they wouldn’t do that.
teach exercise for foot center trike please
I'm always afraid the bar or barbell sliding on my toes during this.
t. homegym
he is a grifter
I get great glute DOMS from doing atg squats
Are you a man?
Why the fuck do you have this much autistic knowledge about hip thrusts?
>glute doms are worse than anything
But that's not hamstring DOMS tho
Because they're too stupid to just take estrogen/progesterone to get a huge juicy ass and massive tits. They seriously think lifting weights in a gym like men is going to make them hot. They just end up looking manly with muscles and their muscular butts don't even feel good.

The god tier bimbo instagram models are doping female hormones and exercising lightly just to keep a slim flat tummy while their tits and ass grow to epic proportions. Don't even have to remain on cycle long and the results are permanent, ask trannies who grew "natural" tits without implants what doses to take.
Trap bar deadlift and sumo squats blew up my ass
This is a sex haver filtration exercise, only sex haver males know this exercise is king
now please do the thing where you call people bot with rhyming insults
>at around 3 minutes nipples talks about posterior tit of pelvis
Lol the pun is messing with your brain. Tit of pelvis sounds like google translate slop.
They are attempting to signal their fertility to Chad
Use just the bar first, and move up to low weights you know you can control. If you’re really worried, you can get steel-toed shoes to work out in.
I don't think I ever heard Nippard's voice before. He talks like a computer science major.
To steal my gains
I stay poppin the pussy on the sussy 9000 with the rest of the gym thots, my ass looks great and they all love it. It's only gay if you're a fag about it.
is there something weong with being gay? fucking imbecile
There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual, but as you've demonstrated, being a lil gay bitch boy is bad, yes.
>There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual
glad we've cleared the air, have a good rest of your day
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>poppin the pussy on the sussy 9000
Samesies, see you on leg day boo
Please, by all means, keep hating while I absorb the pussyjuice of 10,000 varbies through my sweatpants and blow up my hinder.
Being gay is disgusting. Gay people are an abomination.
since it seems like this is the glute exercise thread, do any of yall do reverse lunges? seems like they work my ass better than anything

i dont do hip thrusts too often since they're usually a pain to set up but maybe they're worth doing
>Gross = wrong
There are grade schoolers more mature than you.
Lifting has been too sexualized by instagram/Tiktok etc. The women who do this dumb lift are misguided consoomers. In a few years some studies will come out and show what a waste of time this exercise is. Thrusting a 200kg bar isn't going to improve your body or strength or get you better at sex.

This is a bad post because many gyms have a glute machine but what a surprise the women never use it.
How to I convince my manlet friend to start dwarfmaxxing? It's his best shot.
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Everyone knows it's okay but also everyone knows it's inherently degenerate. Even fags know it. You know it.
this is just the same lift in machine form lol
Thats my point, its the same lift and they don’t use it. Cause they think it looks cooler to have a full bar and weights thrusting off their pussy in the middle of the squat rack (usually whilst making weird grunting noises).
4chan is also degenerate and yet here you are lecturing about degeneracy
degeneracy is a normie concept
the daily browncel thread kek

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