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At what age do you think you'll gracefully retire from lifting heavy weights?
60ish if I make it that long, I want to maintain my joints for as long as I can because looking at old people move bothers me. So I intend to get fully into being a mobility and bodyweight guy when the time comes.

Yes, it's dumb sounding, I'm okay with that.
i'm a 38 father and i've transitioned to just retaining muscle mass. lifting heavy is a young man's game so I just make sure i do a light work out every day - there's no point in pushing myself hard.
it's funny, i still have a better body than 95% of people i see.
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Think about this all the time. My answer is when I'm medically inhibited from doing so. I don't have an amazing physique right now (<1 year lifting with adequate nutrition) but I go every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I take pride in knowing as long as I maintain my gym habit I will beat out all the kids my age with yuge biceps, because the average American normalfag shits the bed at forty or so. No lifting, no cardio, shitty office job and frequent restaurant food when they look like shit. Why?

I might not be Peter Zane doing heavy lifts at retirement age, but I sure as shit won't grow one of these disgusting beer guts everyone miraculously acquires after they've "made it", nuh uh never.
okay so this old guy is definitely on TRT right?
My lifetime goal is to be over 100 years old with a 4pl8 deadlift.
5 years of lifting is more than enough to know whether you should continue or not. And it's for a variety of reasons. Maybe you genuinely enjoy increasing your numbers so you lift even for 5 additional pounds on your squat a year. Maybe you like the miniscule changes to your physique every year. Maybe you just like the pump. The common demoninator here is that you shouldn't continue, especially if you lift autistically, unless you genuinely enjoy it. I don't genuinely enjoy lifting, that shits hard. But I do it because lifting has changed my life and because I'm still a relatively new lifter it is still changing my life. If you can tolerate lifting then you can more than tolerate an athletic activity that you enjoy. So if it's not lifting then use the strength and coordination that you gained from lifting and go play some pick up basketball, start running, do yoga idk. Lifting has its place but it's not like lifting is mandatory for living a healthy life. Most people can't even run a mile and a lot of them live long lives so who cares what you do for your health
Never, I aspire to be the gym boomer talking about how I used to squat 500lbs back in the day.
>when the roach kebab is extra irradiated
Around age 50. Lifetime goals before then will be:
5xBW weighted dips
1xBW weighted chinups
After that point i will just focus on maintaining muscle with bodyweight calisthenics, staying lean and playing tennis
That's the dumbest shit I've read all day.
>okay so this old guy is definitely on TRT right?
Not necessarily. Every lifer's prison has more than one old (70+) guy like this and they suffer from shit nutrition and unavoidable high stress (no matter how zen you are, when the little gangbangers or the 6'9" 30 year old Negro pod bully come to take your commissary, you'll get stressed).

The evidence seems to be if you can avoid injury and train hard for an hour every day, you can maintain almost indefinitely. Also notice every single one of these guys is under 140 lbs.
Honestly at that point i'll probably be too busy immersed in the latest vr porn experience to even bother working out. Porn in the future is gonna be something else
and your dick will stop working by then
I'm a gigamanlet so I don't expect this to be too difficult. I don't have the wherewithal to fuck up my joints or the digestive system to metabolize enough to age fast. My lifetime natty bench goal is like 300lbs (if we're talking clean reps for development and not an anything for the green light pl cope bench.) As soon as I hit that goal I'll simply lower the weight and increase the reps for my joints and do no more volume than I need to keep a 300lb estimated 1rm. I'll basically just have to warm up and then bench 2pl8 for 10 reps every monday. That doesn't sound too rough.
Never. I'll take example from Jack LaLanne and lift and fuck until the day I die
There's a whole 70 years between now and then. Hell, there are people in their 90s who have done it, with whatever medical and health support they received during their lifetimes. I don't think it's that far-fetched.
If trolling, excellent work. If serious, you’re part of what’s wrong with the world.
First off these guys are midgets

To answer your question I will quit at 30
I don't see myself going at the same intensity as now, but I'll keep exercising even if I stop lifting.
what did he mean by this?
That’s retarded but I respect it. As a 37y father of 2 I only do compound work 4 times per week for 40min. I go up to as close to a max as possible and drop down and then do some kind of carry like farmers walk or sandbag carry. Todays workout was DL to 240kg then drop to 160kg for a few sets then I stack 3 plates and carry them around my lawn for a while.
Imagine wasting your time on this shit at 90 when retirees in The Villages are having orgies that would make Caligula blush
That's the most based thing I've read all day.
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Lifting heavy is safe for oldfags and it's the best kind of physical training there is. Use good form ya dingus.
Im 32 and feel like it will take years to achieve my goal body. I like to stay active and while out hiking I'll sometimes see like 70 year olds jogging around. I'm determined to be a ripped old dude. Seeing those old people who can't hardly walk scared me to death.
That's the most cringe thing I've read all day.
I used to live with an old Indian farmer and he would get drunk and do pull-ups and flips at parties
As long as you keep exercising daily, you maintain a higher amount of physical ability than people would expect
If you become sedentary, the end is soon

I understand that people can be forced into sedentary lifestyles by illness/injury, but for most people it’s largely a choice

I’ll stop deadlifting but I will never stop going for walks and doing chin-ups
China absolutely mogs the US at aging
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If you aren't prepared to die in the gym from a massive aortic dissection, you were never gonna make it.
Not entirely, but I've already retired from lifting heavy
Even if I committed myself to it entirely I doubt I'd be able to beat any of my PRs that I care about, now I just lift because I like it, and because it's good for you
I'll die of a heart attack long before then. I plan on using steroids after 35 and dying at some point before 50 from the effects

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