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/fit/ - Fitness

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Reminder: dad bod is just a very muscular body with a little more body fat. Don't fall for the "girls don't like muscles" meme
one anecdote from a woman that lives in Costa Rica. dad bod is Danny Devito that’s why women find him incredibly sexy
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The opinion of an oilfaced shitskin turdworlder larping on twitter as a nymphette is less than worthless
What if I'm legit quite fat but also spent all that time getting fat putting on way more muscle? I can cut 10lbs of fat in like 6 weeks and lose barely any strength(baby lifts).
Becoming a man means realizing that what women say they want and what they actually want are often two different things.
>Don't fall for the "girls don't like muscles" meme
The only people taking this even remotely seriously and at face value are literal autists.

Many, many women will tell you they prefer a man that exercises, stays in shape. They're not hiding this fact at all if you talk to them. Gymcels hear this and interpret it as, woah I just need to lift 800lbs like Batman while having ultra low BF so I look like a superhero and women will finally love me. Simply put, you have a better chance of getting laid if you work on your personality and learning to socialize than pumping crazy heavy weights.
If you're already fit, this is really nice. Makes you feel better when you're bulking. They do legitimately like the look on the left. In fact I find girls like running their hands on my body more when I look like the left than the right.
Less than 25 who want good genetics
Want some fucked up abomination and don't want to have kids unless their 80iq fag brains signal they need it to survive. No 20 year old woman is gonna prefer someone who can outlift some queer gym maxed natural by 20-30%.
Both have thin frames and max 4pl8 bench natural maybe 455
>max 4pl8 bench natural
Oh damn bro that sucks
If women didnt like muscles then why is it one of our first responses to trying to look more attractive towards women
Checkmate blackpillers
saw this going viral on X. here's the truth. women know who Jason Mamoa is. jacked, handsome, rich, successful, popular celebrity actor. who the fuck is the guy on the right. I don't fucking know. do you?
ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL - chicks will prefer ripped abs over flab. don't let these broads psy-op you with their opportunistic social media posts
I'd like to see her use a picture of someone who doesn't full head of hair or is 6"7
Yes, they're very dishonest scumbags. We know.
Right person is just a gay roider and women hate that.
I've realized this lately. I wish it wasn't true.
You know why women say they prefer dad bods over muscular ones?
Because when you just say that they'll picture the guy with the dad bod as a mostly normal guy, who has a job, a house, and can do handiwork when needed, while they picture the muscular guy as some fag that makes a big deal out of going to the gym, is on a fad diet and wears shorts and baseball caps carrying a shaker everywhere
Women love muscles, but hate gymbros
Reminder: "Dad bod" is a psyop from lazy and covetous women to restrict a mans ability to leave her by keeping him less attractive, thus limiting his options, ensuring her financial stability
Women are realists who try to appear romantic. Men are romantics who try to appear as realists.
Bro this is so deep
Pretty much this
Stop flexing. Everyone can tell youre flexing and it makes you seem insecure, and theres no amount of muscle that can make up for an insecure fragile mind. Dudes on /fit/ dont notice because theyre doing it too.
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You probably knew that was a cope while you were typing and you still hit post
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Guy on the right is less attractive because he gives off tryhard douchebag vibes. My goal physique would be something like Chris Pine here.
You seem upset
I appreciate the You brotha
I have a 6 pack but I don't make a big deal about working out so my gf just calls me a nerd since I program with chatGPT.
Nah bruh lol I’m jealous of your gf
Hey there ESL, greetings from America
If that makes you feel better to imagine im upset go for it
NP famalam
>Goal physique

Fuckin hell, the ambition on 4chan is rock bottom.

"I want to look average."
Anytime you hear a woman say she likes dadbods, mentally change that to king body.
She's talking about a guy who looks like he'd be a medeival warlord who's spent all winter feasting and is getting ready to ride out at the head of 300 men to plunder his neighbors for fun.

Strong, wealthy, and enjoying himself instead of being an uptight neurotic about everything.
>Goal physique would be DYEL
You have body dysmorphia. This >>74781088 is a great all-around lean and athletic look that isn’t too difficult to maintain.
Do you know what seem means
Not saying that isn't better than 80% of men.

If you can achieve more, why not achieve more?
Personally I don’t really care about size. I just want to stay trim and athletic looking.
Weak bait
How is that bait, you moron? You legitimately have body dysmorphia if you don’t think that’s a good all-around build.
>You have body dysmorphia. This >>74781088 is a great all-around lean and athletic look that isn’t too difficult to maintain.
you are absolutely right. living like the OP photo on the right fucking sucks balls. ive gotten that shredded and its A LOT of upkeep. Not a bad idea to get there every once in a while for a vacation because it looks great and clears the runway of a lot of fat to bulk on and improves your p-ratio.
Yeah that’s why something like that is my goal body. Decent looking arms, chest and shoulders, but a reasonable body fat level that can be pretty easily maintained with a clean diet.
>Yeah that’s why something like that is my goal body. Decent looking arms, chest and shoulders, but a reasonable body fat level that can be pretty easily maintained with a clean diet.
Exactly. I've fucked girls and they complain about the guys on the right. I'm still getting laid with 0 effort like them, but the girls actually like me as a person.
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Women sure do love dadbods
I wasn’t implying that they’re dishonest; I think they’re unaware of it. It’s possible for a person to think they want one thing but then they actually act out on another, opposite alternative to that thing.
>Don't fall for the "girls don't like muscles" meme
we all know that women lie anon, they just try to lower their "expectations" because they know they cant get the right anymore, so they go one step lower which is the right with body fat
Women over 25 are post prime. Why would you want them?

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