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What looks off about my body?
show dick, i need to fully assess you
lack of upper body mass, especially chest
Nothing, looks good but if it was me I would focus on arms and upper back a bit more.
Imo chest looks perfect, not anyone likes the manboob look.
all op needs is MORE MASS
Bro you got anorexia.
thats impressive anon
>he thinks 5’8 is short in usa
Bulk from now until Feb/March then cut back to current leanness
Out of curiosity, How long did it take to get there?
Been on a cut since May 2023 so maybe a year give or take?
You cut for a whole year? Got a before pic or how big were you? How much deficit? That is impressive, I couldn't stay on a cut for that long.
I've also been training a year, I recomped for about 8 months, cut for 2-3, maintained last month then started bulking again. I was gonna cut to 10%, but I don't think I have enough mass to look good at that bf% so I'm gonna bulk until Oct, maybe do a minicut, then bulk Nov to Feb or March and do my pre-summer cut.
U mog so hard d man
arms are good
abs are great
lats are alright
shoulders are meh
traps and upper chest is nonexistant
can we see a picture of your back? what does your routine look like?
You look great! Just beef up and you're gold mufukka! Looking mean and lean
You look good, stop obsessing over details. However, you'd look better with more chest and back mass. What looks "off" is that you're lean but not massive, you can fix it by getting massive

You got soft hands brother.
More chest and back.
Your knees crack and your stroke is half cocked cause your shit ass dyel back muscles are lil Vienna sausages
I think good chest and shoulders would carry this build but you need to get those first
honestly your body looks fine, your face looks a bit dweeby
bulk more, you need to un-reveal your abs
u skipped face day didnt you ?
you look good, keep griding king

Also you need to bulk up, you're lean but you're small, small arms, little to no chest.
Looking solid bro. Don't listen to the body dysmorphic retards on here. They're as insane as anorexia encouragers on discord
Fuck the chest, you need more shoulders and back.
Nothing you look great, concentrate on improving athletic ability while staying lean and you're in for a long and healthy life.
way too skinny, you need to add another 20kg of muscle mass
Your shirt.
Lack of muscle.
female here, i would fuck you
small pecs and you might need to hop on the bulk soon but that's up to you
Nothing, you are ripped and worthy of love, you fucking nigger.
the budding gyno
Bulk for bout a year, then cut 3 months. If you did it right you should look like that but have mass

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