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Is having an Arm day Gymcel cope, or is it just better to cut 1 day off the routine to have an extra day for recovery, and just throw some curls at the end of back day, and tricep pushdowns at the end of chest day?
What the fuck people actually do arm day??? Triceps for chest, shoulders and biceps for back day, legs for leg day.
I knew one of the world's strongest men. 1200 squat at 225. He said just roll them in with big muscles. Training specific muscles will hurt your athleticism later. It's how your arms work with your back, trunk, legs etc. Do them with your chest and back.
Most people have been duped by roided up fitness influencers to do professional bodybuilding routines that aren't suitabe for beginners or even intermediate lifters. Every guy I talk to about lifting has such a retarded routine it's not even funny anymore
>does 8 different chest exercises
>has an arm day
>has a shoulder day
>has a fucking FOREARM DAY
>nobody does any barbell exercises except bench
>machines machines machines
>generally all exercises they do focus 1 single muscle
>training core? nah I'm good, I'm not lean enough for abs anyway
>does 50 reps of a bullshit exercise at the end of workout because it "burns so insane and gives me killer DOMs"
I stopped trying to give people advice. Even though they acknowledge I'm way fitter than them they just say I have good genetics or whatever and then continue to skip the gym for 2 weeks just to follow it up with the 2 hour chest only workout.

>leg raises
This is literally all you need. You can do this as fullbody workouts, 2 day split or do a 3 day splite and throw in some accessories if you are feeling fancy. Also consistency>diet>form>>>>routine
It depends how you respond to compounds. For me, for example, chin-ups and pull-ups really don't build my biceps very much, but build my upper back quite a bit, so I have some "pull" days which are more arm focused rather than compound-focused. Some people can build decent biceps off of pulling exercises and decent triceps off of dips and bench. Exercises at the end of workouts are going to be less stimulative than those earlier in the workout. If your arms are lagging, it's reasonable to either set aside a day for arms, or to start your workouts with intense arm focused exercises
Best post on here in a long while.
Everyone in this thread has shitty arms and won't post body. Me included.
Gymcel cope.
NOBODY HERE needs 12+ sets for triceps or biceps. Jesus, people, arms are the EASIEST things to train if you're doing compound movements during the week since you're still taxing them on other things.
Literally, all you need is to hit 4-6 sets for biceps and triceps after your upper body work. That's it. You can do it twice a week if you want, that's fine, but I have NEVER seen anyone who has dedicated "arm days" spending 50+ minutes training arms exclusively who had impressive arms. If you actually give maximal effort during those few sets, you have no need to keep adding useless volume.
The guys I've known with the biggest arms are always guys who focus on compound movements for their base and who spend little time fucking around with direct arm work. Guys who live for arms always have spaghetti biceps. It's just how things are.
>Exercises at the end of workouts are going to be less stimulative than those earlier in the workout.
Chat, is this true?
so them faggot
arms are the most aesthetic part of the body, you think doing some curls after your compounds is enough? all the classic era bodybuilders did an arm day.
Shoulders biceps triceps and forearms. The pump feels crazy good
This guy gets it.
When I trained for strongman and spent part of my time doing unconventional lifts as well (Hise shrugs, zercher deads from the floor, 1 arm BB snatches, etc.), and did maybe 2-4 sets of heavy hammer curls once every week or two, my arms were WAY bigger than when I put lots of work into them.
People have fallen victim to paying too much attention to useless e-celebs who spout old 90s garbage or just post some retarded "study" to try and validate their new shitty program. They forgot that there were giant, strong men who existed before the internet doing simple, effective lifts with maximum intensity and effort.
So, now they are doomed to remain small and spend their lives here REEEEEEing about how e-celeb X they follow had a shitty program and how they no longer trust the guy they've followed for years because...well...they treated him like a messiah and didn't realize they followed a shitty plan with their usual low-intensity "my triceps hurt a little bit so I better stop now" bullshit.
I can't wait for gym culture to go back underground again, I'm over this modern faggotry.
You need to get into tendinitis levels of volume AND intensity with arm work to get them to actually fucking grow if you're tall and long limbed. This usually means arm day and extra arm work on your regular days.
This is what I found to be the case.

I had to do tons of overhead tricep presses, it worked like crazy, huge fucking triceps, but massive tendonitis issues

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