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Note that the intent is to supplement boxing, not make sick gains

### Day 1: Upper Body Strength
- Jump rope: 5 minutes
- Dynamic stretches

1. **Bench Press**: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. **Pull-Ups**: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
3. **Overhead Press**: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
4. **Bent Over Rows**: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
5. **Dumbbell Flyes**: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
6. **Face Pulls**: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

- Static stretches

### Day 2: Lower Body & Core
- Jump rope: 5 minutes
- Dynamic stretches

1. **Squats**: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. **Deadlifts**: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
3. **Lunges**: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg
4. **Leg Press**: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
5. **Russian Twists**: 3 sets of 15-20 reps
6. **Plank**: 3 sets of 1 minute

- Static stretches

### Day 3: Power & Endurance
- Jump rope: 5 minutes
- Dynamic stretches

1. **Power Cleans**: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
2. **Medicine Ball Slams**: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
3. **Kettlebell Swings**: 3 sets of 15-20 reps
4. **Battle Ropes**: 3 sets of 30 seconds
5. **Box Jumps**: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
6. **Farmer's Walk**: 3 sets of 1 minute

- Static stretches
I’m a dumb fuck. What would happen by changing the mass of the proton?
All life would end, and the universe would be very different. I don't know exactly what would happen, just that it would be mega fucked.
Your mom would be considered skinny
This is fucking stupid. It shocks me that nogains waste so much time when I literally do 2x5 and mog them.

You need to take the Mentzerpill.
You would break nuclear physics, probably.
All atoms in the universe could potentially become unstable. Most would, it would undoubtedly end all life on Earth and other planets until the universe could stabilize and life could kick off again.
The point is we have no idea but all intuition suggests it would destroy the current balance of every last molecule and object in the universe. There’s a theory that we live in a finely tuned universe and if just a few things were off, nothing “work” as we know it. If you change the mass of proton it would be some other type of “finely tuned” universe and it’s likely nothing possible in this universe could exist in the other. From elements like gold or hydrogen to things they’re able to make like H2O may not be possible whatsoever
everything in the universe is tuned to the conditions of the current system, the planets, molecules, orbits everything, it exists because the physics didn't allow for all the other molecules, orbits and planets to stabilize and exist. change the physics and then maybe what's "allowed for" will have to be rediscovered, and everything there is here now will not be allowed for. the universe itself is not fine tuned for anything, it's just that the things that can exist are the things that remained, by process of elimination. changing proton size would probably just create a new process of elimination
You don't need to jump rope or do dynamic stretches for resistance training. Just warm up with a couple lighter sets of each excercise not taken to failure, if anything.
Don't do DB flies. There's zero tension for like half the ROM. Do flies on a pec deck machine or cables.
Russian twists and planks are meme excercises. Train your abs like you would any other muscle: with heavy resistence training. Do machine crunches or cable crunches.
Your entire routine for Day 3 is suboptimal for building muscle, and probably strength too. So unless those excercises provide some athletic benefit specific to boxing that I don't know about, just do more of the excercises in your other two routines.
read “The Gods Themselves” for a good explanation
Not interested in learning what a child molester with AIDS has to say about anything.
subatomic particles are not real. they are just a fancy invention to explain chemistry
copilot is a scam, I left after a month
it's unanswerable but if we could somehow simulate it, it would tell us which relationships scale linearly in proportion to the density of matter and which have a more complicated relationship. Others have said matter would not be stable but it isn't because of any atomic property since the atom is charge stabilized not mass stabilized, but the phenomena that lead to macroscopic coherence of materials may not persist. So hydrogen atoms would certainly still exist but the physical properties of a cloud of hydrogen gas may or may not be the same depending on which properties scale in proportion to every atom having n+x mass. This is the dire implication of quantum computing that normies are having a hard time understanding. Once we have powerful quantum computers, simulations like this will be in reach and there are much more malicious questions that could be asked. also im gay
what is your fucking gripe with based asimov? I can't find any allegations of him being a child molester and he was diagnosed with aids after receiving contaminated blood during heart surgery
based and true. They have a chance of existing at a point in time but actually exist as a probability distributed field represented by a wave function. Modern science assuming that particle physics was more than a model is the root of all basedience
In goyim terms it’s like throwing your pc into a lake and expecting it to still work
Change some of the constants and nothing would really exist. For example if the rate of expansion were one part in a million different slower or faster, there would be no "thing" at all. Faster, no stars would form, all matter would just expand forever in darkness. Slower, it would crunch back together. Or, if the quarks and antiquarks existed in equal numbers, instead of there being 0.0000001% more quarks than antiquarks, the universe wouldn't have any mass. Either the universe is fine-tuned or there are an extremely large number of them, it didn't just happen once randomly.
it's the mass of a proton, not the *charge* of a proton. All of maxwell's electrochemical relations would still work; you would be mainly messing with strong+weak nuclear forces that direct the composition of stars (creating the base elements up till iron). It's unknown how it would interact with gravity as there's no good explanation for it on a microscale.
Timmy Turner is a beta fag who gets everything he wants with no effort or toil. He literally was given fairies who give him fucking anything just bc he has a shitty babysitter and teacher as if we all didn't grow up with the same thing.

Jimmy Neutron on the other hand is a gigachad GENIUS. He is a smart and hardworking kid who is able to build fucking anything bc he knows he's just that fucking smart and capable. REAL winners know Jimmy is the true hardworking and smart champion of the people. He is a true winner.
Imagine remembering any of this. All I remember is wanting to bang icky vicky.
>devolves into being a coomer

you either get it or you dont.
Nice thread about fitness lmao
Fairly Odd Parents was one of the last good western cartoons to be made. Now kids are exposed to mindless tranime that turns they weak and gay. Good cartoons should make you question things in a healthy and fun way, tranime is just aw look at what happened, i hope it fixes itself or with low effort. Timmy turner was spamming war tanks, had femcels who wanted to bang him, subdued the stacy of the school and their friends and his dad had a ramming thing to fuck up timmys door when timmy didnt answer. Damn, i should rewatch this thing
In what way is jimmy neutron's natural genius more virtuous than timmy turner's luck of the draw when it came to getting fairies?

I guess it's true that timmy can just wish for whatever but he is limited by wanda (though cosmo will usually give him whatever he wants like the meme suggests) but jimmy can do whatever he wants because he's a genius and really nobody can stop him except for himself
I asked for thoughts on my program. Not my fault the board is full of manchildren
If you're supplementing boxing, why not ask your boxing coach for a lifting routine? Unless you're training for boxing without a coach in which case have fun getting your face mashed in by a 140 lb mexican guy I guess
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You know what, Jimmy?

While I can't say that you have never been responsible for helping out the town you also created or influenced the vast majority of major threats in the first place.

The Yolkians only came to Retroville because of your signal. The same goes for Meldar Prime. The Nanobots, Shirley, and Evil Jimmy were all your creations. You caused the ice age. You created the sentient pants. You made the sick patch, you turned your teacher into a fifty-foot monstrosity, and you injured Santa Claus, almost ruining Christmas.

The vast majority of this town's problems are caused, at least indirectly, by you. And you know what? In all honesty, that would be fine. You are very intelligent and you almost always do fix it, and in the end it's extremely unlikely that you won't end up benefiting the world a lot more than you will damage it. My children and my children's children are probably going to live in a world free of war and disease, and I'll have you to thank for that.

But fuck, dude. You can't keep using your intelligence as a way to escape your humanity. I didn't ask you to say salt because I thought a customer would seriously care or because I was insecure, I did it because it made you look weird and I was trying to get you to adopt behaviors and use language that makes you come across like a normal fucking person.

Everyone knows what sodium chloride is, but calling it that outside the context of a chemistry class makes you seem like someone who defines themselves solely by their intelligence, which is undeniably who you are. I know you think that there's nothing wrong with being that person, dude, but there is. Taking your IQ and deciding that it elevates you above the rest of the planet is an awful decision that will lead to a life filled with misery and alienation. It will color every interaction you ever have and make it impossible to have real friends or relationships.
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I’m not saying that you won’t have any. But they won’t hold any meaning to you, and they certainly won’t bring you any happiness. Sure, you’ll probably manage a pity-fuck or two your sophomore year of college after giving some drunk sorority girl a jetpack ride, but it’ll bring you nothing but emptiness. Maybe you’ll eventually abandon women altogether and decide that “your true love is science”, secretly seething inside whenever you see a guy like Nick or Bolbi getting married to someone he really cares about, who cares about him.

You’ll say I’m exaggerating, but dude, look at how you treat the people in your life now. Carl and Sheen, quirks aside, really do see you as a friend, and they’d go through some serious shit if it meant helping you out of a scrape. Can you say that you see them the same way, as anything other than the only two kids your age willing to put up with your ridiculous ego? What have you ever done for them?

Inventing doesn’t count, dude. Even when you build something for someone else, you’re really doing that for YOU. Every llama-bot or Ultra Lord simulator is only created with the expectation of further praise. They’re not friends to you. They’re worshippers.

And your parents? Lord, the way you treat them. You think I’ve got folks that care about me the way your mom and dad do, working in a shithole like this? I wish. Everyday your dad watches you scarf down the dinner your mom slaved to make for you and prays that you might think about spending some fucking time with him instead of disappearing into your lab to do god knows what. They watch you toy with dimensional-warping science that they can’t wrap their minds around on a daily basis and you laugh at them for worrying about you.

Have you ever played catch with your dad, Jimmy? Ever asked him how his day at work was? You don't have a clue what I'd do for a dad like yours in my life, dude.
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What about your mom? Why not invent something that’ll make her life easier instead of gallivanting around the Bermuda Triangle to play with fucking seaweed?

We both know the reason. She would thank you for it, she’d be happy to imagine a version of you that thought for an instant about the needs of another person, but she wouldn’t call you the greatest thing in the universe for it like your friends do. And in Neutron’s world, whoever doesn’t do that might as well not exist.

Ignore me if you want. Keep going the way you’re going, and I’ll see you in thirty years, lugging around sixteen Nobel prizes in your pockets as if they could substitute for a lifetime’s worth of human love and interaction. You’ve always mocked Calamitus for his inability to finish what he started, but the man had a wife and a daughter that tolerated him enough to want to stay in his life through everything, and at the rate you’re going I’d be amazed if you could manage the same with Goddard.

The rest of Retroville, Jimmy, they’ll never be able to do what you do. They’ll never be able to invent rockets or solve cold fusion or add three numbers together. But they will find genuine friendship and love, and they will call it salt, and despite everything you accomplish you’ll only be remembered as nothing more than the man who wouldn’t. Who couldn’t, perhaps.

Get out, dude. You’re fired.

Big McThankies from McSpanky's.
>much more malicious questions
Like what? Let's get fuckin mean
Coomer is synonymous with 12 year old. At least in the 20th century.
All matter would instantaneously explode. Virtually all galaxies would either explode or implode into black holes (depending which way the mass is changed). The periodic table would no longer be valid -- the elements we know would all no longer exist. Expansion of the entire universe would probably speed up or slow down

And all this would happen at the fastest possible rate. There would be no time *at all* for timmy to change his mind. He would be instantly annihilated in the purest possible form. Any residual unexplained consciousness would be fundamentally incompatible with the soup of complete nuclear destruction that would be the entire universe

And if he decided to do something like "lets change the mass of the proton to 1 g to keep it simple", then the entire universe would implode into a swarm of black holes. Literally all matter would be consumed by black holes. Expansion of the universe would likely rapidly change, to the point either the entire universe would almost instantly explode so badly even black holes explode, or implode into a reverse big bang, turning everything into one ultra hypermassive black hole singularity

The faeries would probably survive and reverse it all though, so its all in good fun
This image is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time
Nta but Asimov is dry af.
Even Frank Herbert is more comfy.
1) Would be better if you spread out the exercises of each day and make all 3 days full body
2) Could use cable twist with different angles variants (instead of Russian twist)
3) Needs more explosive overhead movements
4) Could use one-arm landmine shoulder press (if your gym doesn't have a landmine attachment, just gut a tennis ball and bring it with you to the gym)
5) Could use more unilateral push/pull exercises for the upper body in general
6) Needs neck work
7) Could use some prehab for ankles, knees, hip and shoulders

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