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New studies indicates that any level of alchohol consumption has negative effects on the body. Don't drink poison in any regard, focus on your heath instead!

>dont have fun goyim! focus on making money for me- uhh health
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I quit drinking because it makes me tired and sleepy, I avoid all substances that make me sleepy because that's what (((they))) want. My brain is good enough I don't need any extra sleep to slumber like a baby orangutan.
>'X study claims X'
>'Z study claims A'

fuck all these fake faggot (((studies)))

you don't need some faggot college cunt to tell you don't drink poison
Is wine bad too, bros? I'm med and it's customary to enjoy some good wine with a meal from time to time in my culture (ROMANITAS)
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>any level of alchohol consumption has negative effects on the body.
Wrong. I personally don't like alcohol so I'll just link a video that explains why there's such a thing as heallthy alcohol intake for those interested in another perspective.
you can consume low doses of poison and still be healthy
It's ok. Your body has an amount of alcohol dehydrogenase and that shit that breaks down acetaldehyde on standby constantly. If you drink a glass of wine with food you're ok.
Sure, but what I claim is that a small amount of alcohol improves health; about a half to one drink per day (as an average intake).
How does drinking alcohol prevent you from working for them? If anything it would blind you to the reality that you need to stop.
And that is simply false drunkard
Alcohol is not fun. You have an addiction and you cave in to peer pressure.
I don't need studies to tell me that, I know that.
and I've been avoiding alcohol, smoking, drugs, roids, and so on. And always will.
You have to be a sucker to do these things.
>needing a study to know this
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have a friend who drinks daily and has become a complete and utter faggot because of it. he can't help but cut himself or engage in self abuse. cries constantly about how bad things are for him (they're not) whilst spending every penny on vodka. drinking once a month or so is my limit, if you need to dumb down your conscious to cope with life then you're kinda really a huge fag
Probably an imbecile or a former """reformed"""" addict. I said I don't like alcohol.
>but what I claim is that a small amount of alcohol improves healt
false and gay. Literally made up to sell your product.
>if you need to dumb down your conscious to cope with life then you're kinda really a huge fag
If you've been through some real shit then I get that, especially if it's a temporary cope. However most people who do that didn't go through anything worth obsessing over, we truly live in a sedated, neurotic society
Whatever you say rabbi.
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Alcohol and weed are disgusting. Ketamine is the only good drug. Too bad it’s addictive and a ketamine habit will fuck you up. It’s the reason I quit alcohol and weed. I realized anything that isn’t K is a waste of time. Now I’m sober because I can’t afford to be addicted to K.
Alcohol tastes like shit, being drunk makes no difference to being sober and I never had to fight or rationalize why I dont drink alcohol, you're coping with denying yourself acohol. For the reasons stated I consider you inferior subhumans.
>Literally made up to sell your product.
Sure thing, schizophrenic. Only thing more insane than people like you is arguing with people like you.
I quit drinking two weeks ago. Still not over the fatigue. But I agree.
>Yes goyim tears yourself with poison that you will buy from shekelstein industries. No goyim it won't make you fat or addicted, it won't slow your mind either.
Forced cultural alcohol consumption is a shit convention.
>If I don't drink I won't fit in with the depressed whore millennial girls who will father three different children from three different fathers!
If your social life depends on alcohol you are a degenerate.
look at how hurt it is, how it recoils at the idea of lost profits and less control of the masses through dumbing them down.
But Jesus turned water to wine.
Your nose is showing mr. Goldberg
>p-please consume our product, but it please!
you're fighting it, you want to but you dont.
I dont fight it, I dont drink.
You're a subhuman with inferior genetics.
I'm incapable of addictions,
I've done coke, marijuana, alcohol, heroin, nicotine, a few times each, I just stopped, I dont have withdrawals, the effects themselves werent something I crave.
You're all subhumans with inferior genetics who are constantly fighting against yourselves
what is the rabbi even attempting with this
polcel subhuman with inferior genetics
it's over for you, that's what's going on with you
You pose as a perfect individual but you're inherently a subhuman with inferior genetics, constantly fighting against yourself.
You'll never be like me.
>New studies indicates that any level of alchohol consumption has negative effects on the body. Don't drink poison in any regard, focus on your heath instead!
>Alcohol drinkers are taller, leaner, healthier, with longer life expectancy than teetotallers
In Italy, even recovering alcoholics are allowed wine with their lunches.

You American Puritans are funny - fat, depressed, low IQ and hilariously race mixed for centuries, yet claiming to know everything and being the most pure. Thankfully, you're already gone pretty much.
D&C, let the boozeheads and puritans fight each other.
A real perfect individual with superior genetics doesnt fight, exerts no force, flows into the perfect state. You'll never get it, that's why you care about this subject at all. Subhumans with inferior genetics:
>full damage control
hilarious, look at them scramble!
Nigga crashing the (You) market with his low IQ mass replies, very (((interesting))) behavior it's like he can't help it
This is what happens when you're a manlet and you need to establish some way that you're superior to other men. Doesn't matter what it is.
>go into thread
>look for majority opinion
>disagree with it and claim superiority
>checkmate lanklets i am the ubermensch now because i disagree with the consensus
It's not going work, little fella. Find another way to cope.
If you feel the need to call others subhuman, you are just projecting.
This thread was made by a Muhammed
keep fighting your impulses subhuman. You think it makes you civilized, it simply shows how much of a subhuman you're. If you even have desires like alcohol, you'll never amount to anything. This is why you post in 4tranny
Brown mudslime
Verification not required.
>This is why you post in 4tranny
W8 then what does posting here make you?
I have no impulses, alcohol tastes bad and it's detrimental to your health, there's literally no reason to touch it. The only impulse I have is ravaging your boipussi and no sel-reported superiority can save you
>Puritan monkey mad
Ook ook eek eek?
Alcohol tends to create more problems than solve it and that means the jew profits from our suffering.

Hard pass.
Drinking is bad for the body but good for the spirit.
On the contrary. Alcohol being prohibited from work and most modern places of culture means that people's GABA levels are struggling without any natural recourse. So we have higher rates of mental illness, anxiety, depression, dread, stress, and so on which is treated with opioids, benzodiazepines, and other powerful drugs when your issue could be solved by simply having a couple drinks with friends.
What about kombucha?
Is an italian really pretending to be tall right now
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>explains why there's such a thing as heallthy alcohol
Anyone who denies this is a subhuman low-inhibition ape-nigger who reflexively dismisses this because he can't control himself. What's harder? Never drinking or drinking in the smallest amounts and not going buck wild and drinking too much? Or masturbating once but not even giving yourself an orgasm and exiting before the video even properly starts. One way is hard, the other is 1000x harder. Strictly relating to alcohol, if you're a MAN you can easily drink JUST enough to get benefits and tell yourself to not get drunk...and proceed to do just that. The true power of sobriety is tasting temptation then pulling away, not abstaining forever.
>So we have higher rates of mental illness, anxiety, depression, dread, stress
only druggies face these made up problems
>I'm civilized because I control myself
ur just a nigger with extra steps lol
But we can take GABA in all those places
its not that deep
Just islamic propaganda due to the rising influence of asiatic cultures in the west. If you still believe muh science after corona you can't be helped anymore, it's over for you-
>drink alcohol
>feel kinda nice for a bit
>depressed as shit for the next 2 days
Truly the best medication.
Based basedjack
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If fermented carbs are bad then explain how I've still got it WEHEY-ACK!
drinking culture in 2024 is odd to me
>hangout with guys
>they get smashed drunk
>they want to keep getting drunk at 4am
>no one is talking to women

What the fuck is the point? To literally just be a blackout drunk on the streets?
>New studies
They aren't new at all, it is well known that any alcohol is bad for you, and if you want its phenols you should take a supplement, not a glass of wine, the concentration is too low, you'll die of alcohol poisoning before getting your optimal dosage.
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>hell yeah
good one jew, no athlete unironically drinks jewish estrogen sludge
You think alcohol isn't making Jews money? Lmao bars are literal goyslop farms. Goy media, goypop Applebee's music, and goyslop pussy.

I tended bar for 8 years. I assure you all you're dumb as fuck when drunk. I can hit a bar sober, pull all the girls, and whoop your ass at darts without a hangover.
I know fit is mostly filled with black pilled autists who have this "sigma male" mindset, but to be honest, going out for a few drinks, having some fun with my friends, flirting with some girls, is literally the most motivating thing in life. I think it is 100% worth it if it is a little bad for me.
Jews have historically owned breweries and distilleries. Alcohol keeps you down and stupid. Also, having "fun" is for children and women.
Yeah, I quit doing that over a decade ago and my life has improved. You can flirt and have fun with your friends without zogsauce. If not then there is problem with you and you should work on yourself before it's too late.
This guy gets it
Teetotalers never look like that
Yeah, they're far more handsome.
Cobson and chud are NAS
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>Teetotalers never look like that. You should see me and my jacked warhammer 40k crew with our craft beer, one of us even got to 200 lbs.
In my experience teetotalers are just picky eaters who don't drink because they don't like the taste not because they have wisdom or anything like that
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>Cobson and chud are NAS
Nigger humans evolved alongside alcoholism. Alcohol isn't the devil incarnate just because some people can't handle it in moderation.
Where do you live? Somewhere exceecdngly gay like oregon or england I imagine
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Fact is I am better than you by not drinking
Cope is always wrong
>You can flirt and have fun with your friends without zogsauce. If not then there is problem with you and you should work on yourself before it's too late.
"I don't need alcohol to have fun!" people are the worst. I'm not saying I NEED alcohol, I'm just saying it is fun to drink a few beers. Honestly, if you need a black and white approach to everything, YOU are probably the one that needs to work on yourself before it's too late.
But you CAN have fun without alcohol, thougheverbeit.
>Honestly, if you need a black and white approach to everything, YOU are probably the one that needs to work on yourself before it's too late
This. The need for extremism is a sign of weakness. It's like those ex vegans who go full carnivore. They are still the same weak minded gullible idiots who need an extreme ideology to guide them through life.
>made up problems
Consequences are real.
GABA doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, that's why you take specialized drugs or alcohol.
>feel like shit the next two days
Sounds like your GABA levels are perfectly normal or you process alcohol horribly.
>no one is talking to women
As if women are worth talking to when you're out with the guys.
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>no athlete unironically drinks jewish estrogen sludge
Jack Daniels is estrogen? Oh you must have gotten confused with beer because hops have phytoestrogens and there aren't any in spirits. In any case athletes drink all the time and they have been doing so for about all of recorded history.
>Sounds like your GABA levels are perfectly normal or you process alcohol horribly.
Nah, drinking large amounts of a toxin will make anyone feel shittier for a couple days. Easier to recover in your 20s though.
You are not affluent, you don't not grind, and you are not sigma
You are a neckbeard posting on 4chan from your single mothers guest bedroom on her wifi.
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You on the right
There are many benefits to moderate tobacco smoking but the science will never really be explored too much
See Harvard review therapeutic benefits of tobacco and nicotine (I think 2014)
The older I've gotten, the less appeal drinking has. The more /fit/ I've gotten, the less appeal drinking has. It's not that I'm making a concerted effort to not drink or preach something about alcohol bad, but when presented with the choice to drink or not to drink alcohol I haven't felt like doing it for quite a while now. I might have had two beers in the past 3 years.
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>moderate drinking
That doesn't mean anything. It's red wine that has health benefits, not "moderate drinking". Red wine is made from fermented grapes. Both grapes and fermented things are healthy for you.
Alcohol in general has health benefits in moderate amounts but yes red wine is the healthiest option
Small is more appropriate; 0.5-1 drink/d.
Maybe if you're chinese or something. Anyone of european descent can easily metabolize 2-3 drinks for optimal health
>2-3 drinks
That's not what the epidemiological evidence suggests and the study subjects are probably overwhelmingly European. Now, you can be healthy DESPITE drinking more than that, that's for sure.
>t. projecting alchy
I have a drink maybe once a month on average. You are subhuman.
wrong and made up by big alcohol business.
if you hang out with the right people these are the best nights you will ever have.
to add
Lifeless mutant.
thanks for proving my point.
cheers bros, heading out for a beer with the missus
The fact that so many people want you to drink without knowing who the fuck you are is enough not to do it.
Who are these people? You seem schizophrenic.
Think of all the people who believe they'll survive if there is ever a collapse.
Now imagine how many of them drink and would suffer withdraws within a week once they're cut off from alcohol.
Almost 30 million Americans have some kind of alcoholic.

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