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/fit/ - Fitness

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I gave in. I ate a huge burger with fries and chicken nuggies

I'm pathetic. I actually want to die
Brother don't beat yourself up over it, if you like, you can fast the next day. Or try out waterfasting for the next 3 days. That will help offset the excess calories and help you get peace of mind, making up for that overeating. But listen, we've all been there before. Im a ripped chad with abs, going to MMA 6x a week. Even I have that odd saturday where I drink a cola, chocolate milk and have tons of sweet cereal and hate myself. This will pass and you will come back better. Fat-wise, 1 time pigging out barely makes a difference. 80/20 rule, brother, even ripped people have disgusting cheat days once in a while and next day they still wake up ripped. Don't think such thoughts, you got this. <3
It's ok. I'm doing recomp and had a full chik fil a combo, waffle fries and a lemonade cause God fucking damnit it's so god damn hot. My body appreciated and I hit new pr with the potato in my blood lol
Gonna get back on it today, disciplined eating ect.
Just got my 2egg 2 bacon in with no sugar black coffee w cinnamon

Didn't read

No faggots allowed in my thread
Joking or not, it's Friday. Go express your lack of interest in anything and seething because your life is FUCKED somewhere else. Demoralizers are worse than gays.
WHAT? You got proteins, carbs and fat???? Use those for fuel for lifting, just out of spite go lift or do calistenics until failure and your body will use your "cheat" food to recover and repair your muscles to be stronger. As a skinny fat I accepted my belly and now I eat even more but lifting gives me the good gains.
Food is a pathetic addiction, get a fucking life
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You better do 10x10 @ 60%1RM on squat, bench, and deadlift next session.
3 day fast? Are you a fucking goy? Lol jk fasting is to get closer to God but also opposite of gains. Love and peace brudda, it be Friday :)
puke it out pussy
Brother that right there is ENERGY that you can use as fuel for COOL ACTIVITIES. Go on a long trip on a bike, lift some heavy shit, run through the woods, wrestle with half naked oiled up Turks, climb a mountain, fuck for hours, swim across the English Channel.
its not over bro
you just lose a street fight and you're acting as if israel is taking over palestine
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This is now a pushup roll thread!

Too low, rerolling
Third time’s a charm
Only faggots diet 24/7. Everyone's allowed a day off once in a while. Just don't start doing weekly pig days and you'll be fine.
If this was just a one-off you will probably just shit it out and not absorb too many of the calories.
Don't choose cruelty over kindness, anon
You only have to pay back what's over tdee.
The proof for this is: taking a woman / your family out for a nice meal. Unlikely to fit in your macros, but worth it once in a while for the happy memories and human connection.
Only incels with no friends or community are able to achieve perfect diet every day without fail.
Who gives a fuck. Look forward to the gym tomorrow. Holding yourself to immediate let downs is on par with immediate gratification. Both completely ignored future potential growth. WAGMI, anon.
One less.
>I'm pathetic. I actually want to die

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