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Helpful e2 side info graphic op edition

Read the r/steroids wiki.
No Steroid Source Talk.
If you ask about sarms you're not going to get a good answer.
Previous: >>74753447
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I can and probably will going forward, the last few injections haven't been horrible, but I reckon I can still use those needles for anything under .6ml, or anything subq. So it's not a waste at least.
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red pill me on roids ruining your skin
>which drugs make it worse?
>can I take anything to avoid the side effect like palumboism?
>would skin care help?
It won't ruin your skin, if anything it will make your skin better. Eq always gives me such a nice golden glow. If you're prone to acne and high e2, you'll get some acne. If you bathe regularly it's not an issue.
My wife has always had hormonal acne, bad rosacea, etc, and on cycle it's not nearly as bad and her acne is basically completely gone.
Nigga you're not gonna get that.
oh to have a big titty cute IT gf to help me study for CISSP
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One day brother wagmi
Hey OP maybe just type the title and edition and not all the other gay shit we didn't ask for faggot
Testosterone (and probably other androgens) can cacuse the skin to thicken while you are on. This skin thickening makes it look courser, more haggered and older than natural. It will look better when you come back off. In the polar opposite this is why when trannies go on their meds their skin can end up much softer and better looking. So it's partly or mostly reversible depending on how long you're on or how much you come off.

Some people can get acne on gear. You can minimise this by extra washing with a skin safe soap of areas prone for it (chest, shoulders, back, whatever it is for you). Also changing shirt more often, pillow case (if face is prone), etc.

Some people if they pin more frequently can reduce symptoms as they find that the bouncing up and down of levels can cause it to flare up.

Do those things to try to mitigate it before considering accutane as it's best if you can just do it with more frequent pins or washing obviously.
>It won't ruin your skin, if anything it will make your skin better
you are retarded it makes you red and course as fuck
>red pill me on roids ruining your skin
>which drugs make it worse?
Really all AAS are bad for your skin (given you are healthy before taking steroids), but in the end it depends on multiple variables. Which compound you use, which ester is attached to it, which carrier oil is used, frequency of injection, what and how much solvents are used can all influence the effect on your skin to some degree. And that is just the steroids themselves. Things like ancillaries to manage E2, other PED's or medications, supplements, diet and sleep can affect your skin as well.
>can I take anything to avoid the side effect like palumboism?
Palumboism is not really related to skin, neither is it likely to be a result of AAS use.
>would skin care help?
>which carrier oil is used
>and how much solvents are used
Underlines why it's important to get good quality gear and a reputable lab. May as well try to minimise the problems and side effects.
That chart could do with some additions. Like enclo as an option instead of clomid.

Also people use HCG when they crash their e2 sometimes and it can help resolve those symptoms faster as it's known to raise it during normal use on cycle. It's worth having even just for crashed e2 recovery.
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Holy fuck the lethargy is raping my ass
Woke up at 11pm, had breakfast, took a nap on the couch till lunchtime, after lunch I lay on the bed and woke up at 5pm
5th week of 500mg test, no AI
>5th week of 500mg test, no AI
Brother take an AI. I am on week 16 of 500mg test and dropped my AI around week 6 or so because 0.5 armidex crushed me e2 very low via blood test.

Well the last month I've been extremely tired and lethargic, and finally took a 0.5 arimidex on Monday and it literally went away immediately the next morning. I am so mad I even dropped my AI to begin with. My energy is back and I no longer feel like shit.
wonder if CCFC is dead by now
Probably twinked or trooned out
you should definitely take some AI man, if you have asin take like half a dose if you're worried about crashing or something. you're definitely high e2
>attention whore as a child
>attention whore as an adult
Does not compute. This is full blown life failure.
She got her hair combed and now guys will line up to dick her.

We're not allowed to give sources as against the rules here.
Ironically it's legal for him to buy and own in the UK for personal use so he can just buy it from a domestic source to avoid any problems rather than international shipping. No one will give a shit there unless he's running his own lab.
You dumb fucking nigger, this is 4chan, it runs on american servers and it's under american law.
Discussing obtaining illegal substances on this website is against the law.
Just become something is legal in your 3rd world shithole it doesn't mean it's legal in civilized countries.
Please learn to read and try again after you adjust your e2 levels. You were way off the mark.
>Please learn to read
It's funny how fucking retarded you are. You're the one who cannot read.
Also, in UK posessing steroids is legal but buying or selling is not legal.
You are a total moron. A drooling retard who needs his mommy to wipe his poo poo butt every day. You continue to dig yourself into a hole because you cannot read. You literally cannot read and understand what is posted on this site because you are stupid and you are so stupid you can't admit fault so you just double down like a chimping out nigger.




I wonder why did he get banned? Keep your retard faggot mouth shut.
>buying or selling is not legal.
Plz stop lying.

Importing them from abroad via mail is not legal.
Bringing them in personally through customs for personal use is legal.
Selling them is not legal.
Possessing them is legal.
Buying them is also legal - but not foreign purchases as that is importation.

Reality is no one gives a shit about it. It's already estimated about a million have tried it in the UK as it's so casually available with no risks. Cops don't care. Court doesn't. It's far lower on the list even than weed and half the police are dabbling in weed and the other half are buying steroids 100% anyway as the UGLs have regular police customers so they aren't going to bust their own suppliers. As long as the UGL doesn't deal in recreational drugs that get you high or anything that's contraversial in the news they are fine.

As it's legal for personal use you don't get the squeal chain risk of other drugs either.

UK is not the same as Germany or Sweden as far as how they treat these things. Very different attitude from the authorities.
rate chatgpt's cut
8-Week Cutting Cycle for Fat Loss
Compounds:Testosterone Cypionate: 300 mg per week
Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate): 400 mg per week
Anavar (Oxandrolone): 50 mg per day
Cycle Plan
Weeks 1-8:
Testosterone Cypionate: 300 mg per week (inject twice weekly, e.g., Monday and Thursday)
Masteron: 400 mg per week (inject every other day)
Anavar: 50 mg per day (split into two doses, morning and evening)
>seems pretty standard to me, 6.5/10
>I wonder why did he get banned? Keep your retard faggot mouth shut.
You are the dumbest faggot in town. Your own parents cry at night because they didn't abort you and try for another non-retarded child instead. You still can't learn to read. You are still factually wrong.

I bet you even reported him like the queen of faggotry too. LMAO
he realized he's retarded and now he's playing into it with intentional trolling so he can pretend it was what he was doing all along. you can stop giving him (You)s now
the doses are weird but not catastrophic, the length of the cycle is too short, mast p should be injected ed, 50mg of var/day for 8 weeks will almost certainly annihilate your lipids


Nigger, all i did is posted a picture as a reply to a post and you started strawmanning so hard it made you cry.
When i told you that asking for source is against the rules you started backpeddling and changed the subject. Just shut the fuck up already.
>too short
I told it to do 8 weeks specifically so that's on me
>mast every day
you can do mast p e3d without much trouble, it's actually in the reddit wiki as every day and e3d in different cut cycles
50mg is pretty standard for men, I was surprised it mentioned splitting the dose though

I told it that cycle was a 6.5 and it added 300mg equipoise per week to the second version, which was interesting
it also added L-carnitine and a few other supps like fish oil and BCAAs
I just don't trust these chat bots as they keep hallucinating and making shit up. You'd be better with a cookie cutter one from various sites and forums as at least it's been tried by humans. What makes the bots sound worse is they sound like they are an authority on the subject and have that air of being Star Trek tech.
Is that not a lot for a cutting cycle? I guess it depends on what you're on now but usually cutting cycles are quite low unless you're going for stage work. That's just over a gram a week. I've seen some big (non pro) guys cutting on 600mg per week.
>you can do mast p e3d without much trouble,
you CAN do whatever the fuck you want, it still has a 1 day half life.
>it's actually in the reddit wiki as every day and e3d in different cut cycles
no it's not
the reddit "advanced EQ cut" is almost exactly what chatgpt said after i told it to make it better, if you want a reddit answer it seems pretty good at giving it without needing to go there and suffer through that place directly

it's a lot but I saw a certain hgh source running a sale on mast and other injectables
already have the test, eq and anavar
tempted to pick up some deca/tren and run Brandon Lilly's strength cycle too
straight from the wiki:
Advanced EQ Cut
Ensure that you have run several cycles with these compounds before
• Weeks 1-20: Equipoise, 200 mg (E3D)
• Weeks 1-28: Testosterone Enthanate, 300 mg (E3D)
• Weeks 4-20: Trenbolone Acetate, 50-100 mg, ED to your
tolerance level
• Weeks 1-20: Masteron Propionate, 200 mg (E3D)
EQ to allow the Uncdeylenate ester to clear.
this is literally nowhere on the wiki. link the page.
pg 221
the wiki doesn't have "pages" lmao it's not a fucking book.

find it for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index

good luck.
It’s a shit cycle anyway, EQ on a cut is counter productive and the mast prop needs to be pinned ed
Is this a competition level cutting stack? Seems a lot for a cut for most people. I'd have thought some test and anavar (or other equivalent) on a cut would maintain almost everything unless you're normally on grams of gear regularly.
Been going through a rough patch with $ so I've only had test on hand. No supplements/vitamins other than zinc, magnesium glyc, vitamin D, NAC, and P5P, and creatine monohydrate.

I'm out of touch with a good stack of supplements that I should be taking, what's everyones vitamin/supplement stacks as I got some $ going again?
Milk thistle is one I add in to that just as a precaution. Glucosamine for joints. Biotin as it's supposed to help with hair, skin and other regeneration and growth (prob placebo if you get enough from food already). Fish oil/Omega 3/DHA for better heart and bloods health. Copper to go with the zinc if you don't have a combined copper/zinc pill. Q10 because it's another faddy wonder thing that I jumped on and hope it works.
why are her BREASTS so damn BIG ?!?!
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To keep the office supplied with milky coffee and tea.
God, I love big tits. See what you've done, anon?
fuck off
Is liver toxicity from orals overrated? You never actually hear of people who go to the doc to find out they have permanent damage from taking an oral, even for extended amounts of time. In fact I don't remember the last time I've heard of some kind of liver failure from steroids
Test should be prop and both should be daily
Decent to me
Not far off from what I like
300 test e, 300 EQ, 200 mast, 200 Tren
Not bad
>EQ on a cut is counter productive
It's why it says
>Ensure that you have run several cycles with these compounds before
If you know EQ causes insane hunger for you, you're not going to run this cycle
EQ doesn't do this to me, but Tren does eventually
You need to occasionally take breaks
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Getting diarrhea from 50mg anavar/day while on cycle. Second time I've used anavar and the second time I've got diarrhea. Using 1.2g nac & 550mg tudca for liver support. How tf do I make it stop?
Replace all of your protein shakes with chicken breast
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8 weeks of 50mg of anavar ED had my liver tests slightly high after 4 weeks off

pleb, mine has pages
I had surgery 2 years ago, fell into depression, lost all my muscles and got chubby.
I want to lose fat asap, going to start DNP after summer to fasten it up, of course, I still go to the gym, exercise and eat well but need it faster.
After that I'm not sure, do I go test for recomp or is something better recommended?
Want my old self back, strength and muscles. It was never anything crazy but still.
why the fuck do so many bodybuilders stick to white rice when that shit is like gruel, grain, shit for your body? Sure, bulking is easy nutrition wise in the sense that it's just calories..but fuck atleast have some awareness to what you're consuming daily in mass amounts for years at a time, and how shit that is for you.

Simple fix? Replace all white rice with sweet potato. You're still getting the insulin spike from the natural sugars. It's found in the wild.

White rice is so far removed from what is natural and healthy, and alot of these deaths and organ issues we see could probably be adverted much, much more with simple diet replacements. Just think how many calories we are consuming, and what is conducive to long term health when we're already blasting gear.

Any other anons have opinions and changes they've made towards this goal?
I have a retarded question, do I increase calories to account for water weight? Like if I'm 180,start dbol, then shoot up to 190, obviously a lot of it's water weight. So do I increase calories despite my actual lean mass not changing much? If I was 180 before and eating x amount, even at 190 I'm probably still the same lean body mass right? This sounds so retarded
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Can't be that easy
>some guy compiled the wiki into a pdf 8 years ago
>reference this instead of the current wiki with the retarded shit from 8 years ago removed
anytime anyone says anything about insulin spikes (or insulin resistance) you can safely discard everything they say. you are a retard, anon. a peak dunning-kruger retard.
Lol ok, low IQ faggot response with no value but sure, shit up this thread with your faggot shitposting that holds no rebuttal or points of value.

The funniest thing of all? You're genuinely too retarded to understand that I only mentioned insulin if said white rice eating faggot (like yourself) is concerned with such a thing, and is why they picked refined gruel, again like yourself, nigger.
2 actually
deleted and a bummer because I was interested in EQ based cycles without tren or deca
Yeah it seems pretty fucking advanced when you can cut hard without literally any substances lol this is how you get to 7% and lower
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Bros my bloods after 500mg test for 16 weeks are not amazing as far as liver and lipids. I've always had a little higher cholesterol (I'm pretty lean, 6'4 205, probably 13-14% BF rn), and especially after the first 4 week on anavar, but I've been off of it pretty much since because my lipids went to shit from it.

With that said, did bloods today, and triglycerides went from 44 to 66 (50% increase), HDL went from 48 to 57, and LDL went from 129 to 158. So total is over too now. It got much worse.

AST went from 27 to 49 and ALT went from 27 to 41.

Been drinking just a bit lately and diet isn't been near as dialed as usual (normally eat steak 6 and eggs 5 times a week), but it hasn't like drastically changed either.

Is the lipids mostly from just being so deep in the cycle? I plan to go to 20 and then cruise and this is my first real cycle. Do you guys find blasting test alone can cause either lipids or liver levels to spike? More concerned about lipids obviously.
don't worry about it, the calories from the oil in your test should make up for it.
Wait, what?
if you're pinning, the steroids get dissolved in oil. oil is fat and has calories.
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Has there been a study like this on ostarine microdose? Cuz I sure can't find it. Any microdose/non-suppresive dose studies welcome. I'm not afraid of needles but the idea of PCT makes regular roiding too much effort.
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>the idea of PCT makes regular roiding too much effort.
So like don't PCT? Or PCT once every year or two?
>ostarine microdose
are you retarded?
>White rice is so far removed from what is natural and healthy, and alot of these deaths and organ issues we see could probably be adverted much, much more with simple diet replacements
I don't even know how to address this post. Stop eating crayons.
It probably depends on what else you are taking, doses, your genetics, etc.

If you were taking 2.5mg of anavar per day it's probably different from taking high doses of superdrol.
By the sound of it you've got muscle memory to gain so you can probably aim for a good recomp. I don't know if you really need to bother with DNP to start with rather than just cut or recomp right away (depending upon your BF %). You'll probably get really pleasing results if you commit to diet and exercise.
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those lipids aren't really that bad honestly
my ldl goes down on a cruise dose of test oddly enough
hdl going up is good, it's more the ratio between the two that matters and could be diet related
also just because ldl is high doesn't mean there's artery damage happening, just potentially
make sure you are doing regular cardio and you'll be fine, I prefer a combo of LISS and HIIT
I'd blame the anavar more for liver inflammation than the test
if you want to be proactive, take some fish oil, best quality you can find, 4-6g daily for lipids and some NAC, 1g daily, for liver
you aren't dying so don't panic but this is why you cycle and don't blast 24/7/365
What's the point of doing PCT every two years? You'd already have totally shriveled balls. I don't want to go on a forever cruise either. I just want to do one or two cycles to break the limit.
Not what I asked for, keep up retard
>Has there been a study like this on ostarine microdose?
>Not what I asked for,
Oh, see, you posted the invisible version of the study you found. Go ahead and post the web file compatible version now.
You can actually keep the balls from shrinking to raisins in that time using some things on cycle. Some people also seem to naturally hold on to them for a long time.
I just had something pop into my head again that I've not heard in ages. Remember that bullshit turkeystones that was shilled all over the place here and the internet? Absolute garbage. Weaker than sarms and sarms is already barely worth it and then it all turned out to be fraud layered upon fraud. Glad I just stuck with test because I'm not afraid of pins. Especially as test costs a tiny fraction of the price and actually gives provable results.
Sure, I know about serms, but that's even less predictable than the microdosing thing I was talking about. Will a constant ralox intake on cycle actually shorten your PCT? Who knows!
You niggers just want to have your cake and eat it too. Turky and the ecdysterone class effects are proven for strength gains. It's not "SIDE EFFECTS FREE ORAL TREN", like you tards seem to think a "good natural booster" should be. It's a supplement with comparable or superior outcomes to creatine. As for the source frauds, like me tell you about that indian """primo""" you ordered
ran outta sauce, ordered more before i thought i'd need some but the warehouse fucked up their stock and i'll have to wait another week before receiving my shipment
always order more than you think you need bros
>It's a supplement with comparable or superior outcomes to creatine.
it's literally not, though.
You'd be better with HCG on cycle. You can add enclo or HMG depending upon your funds and sources (HMG being expensive and often fake).
LOL we found one of the retards who actually fell for the turkeystones meme. They were proven to be a total scam. Even better when the guys claiming they were getting gains turned out to be buying empty placebo powders basically so even the promised ingredient wasn't in it. Showed the whole thing was all in their heads to start with.

Why do people say to avoid orals during a bulk (excluding shit like Cialis, MK677, and the like)?
Is it to give your liver a break and to prevent liver toxicity for when you drink during the holidays?
Never heard that one.
>Why do people say to avoid orals during a bulk
literally no one ever said that
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>cruise dose of test dialled in
>graduallly upping by 30mg/daily until I hit 200mg

If the results off 200 are gud, it's time to go blastmode. What can I expect? I assume I'll just feel the same and the gains are better.
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What's his cycle?
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>I don't want to go on a forever cruise either. I just want to do one or two cycles to break the limit
And that's why you will always be weak.

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