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How do I inow if my arteries are clogged?

I'm genuinely scared
Try flushing them like you would your pipes at home. Chuck an IV drip into your arm, pour in a bit of hot water and baking soda followed by some vinegar. Anything clogging your arteries should be cleared out, it'll come out in your piss
Carnivore fad takes another one
Dont follow retarded meme diets and you'll be fine.
You'll know when you die of a sudden heart attack.
CAC scan
>calcium scan
I drink a lot of milk eat yoghurt and cheese too. Am I at a risk?
As long as you're getting enough Vit D you'll be fine
check your LDL cholesterol levels, its responsible for repairing the veins, but if its to high it will clog your arteries, the general consensus is that saturatad fat increases LDL cholesterol, so make sure that you don't exceed 20g of saturated fat a day. carnivore diets like your pic have easily 50g-100g a day or even more.
this is the only way to know OP. there is hope though. I learned that I have genetically high cholesterol in my 30s. This disease causes people to die of heart attacks in their 40s. But I got a CAC and I have no measurable atherosclerosis. now I take a statin and everything is mostly fine.
Get vit k2 mk7 or mk4 (cheese got good amount of this) more, nattokinase 8k-12k fu daily, coq10, magnesium. And recently I read about phosphorous being too high shit fucks up everything and also oxalate.
As long as you avoid seed oils you will be fine.
this is the only example that vegan soi faggots point out that carnivore is bad for you. is there seriously not anyone else who has died from this epically scary right wing carnivore diet?
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Consult your nearest healthcare professional and do your part
>all these people with meme diets having strokes and heart attacks
Maybe just be a normal fucking person.
The vast majority of people alive to day don't follow any diet, and they'll almost all die of metabolic diseases, try again.
Lol retards blaming the diet but are the same knuckleheads who got vaxed. Anyone who isn't a retard knows the answer.
Get a doctor you trust, schedule yearly physicals, and be open about physical issues you're having. Are you kids completely fucking incapable of living in an adult world. I thought "I can't into adulting" was a lame millennial meme but it turns out people think they needed a high school class to do basic shit like pay a fucking bill.
Hoo boy
it's just a matter of naming it, which is why it's called the standard american diet
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>stressed his body out doing cardio and weights over 5x/week
>ate low carbs, AKA the fuel you need for such workouts
>B-but I fasted!!! I didn't eat sneed oils!!!
why are normies so retarded? They think not eating seed oils and skipping breakfast makes them insanely healthy. Congrats, you avoided eating goyslop, that means you will totally live forever.

Doing their shitty halfassed workouts 5, 6, even 7 days a week to look like that, just stressing their weak little hearts out with no potential for recovery, no carbs to fuel glycogen and testosterone, turning into a dried out wrinkled faggot.
Actually the absence of carbs raise ldl the most. You can have high ldl on a vegan keto diet
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why would I waste my time waiting at a clinic filled with niglets and sick old people every year? So some old codger can fondle my nutsack to check for cancer? dumb faggot
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I eat 5 eggs a day, am I gonna die?
Wow. This is based.
Speaking as an exfat, you come into fitness with the idea of going all out. Some how more equals better when it comes to being extreme. This leads to fasting, 6 day splits - etc. Recovery is not something people learn for such a long time which is retarded considering it's growth
>averaged 62g sat fat the past week
hnggggg... /fit/zibart, forgive me...
How long was he on a keto diet? Atherosclerosis is very slow process, it takes decades of plaque buildup to cause problems.
>Low carb
Who's gonna tell him
>so make sure that you don't exceed 20g of saturated fat a day.
Yo is this true?
Truth: it is completely genetic. He probably has thinner arteries. Mutation somewhere in his family line.
The health industry is nothing but pure fraud built on scam supplements, scam diets and bullshit corporate woo

A statin and SSRI a day keep the doctor away
>Carnivore fad takes another one
Kek, might actually be the case and would be hilarious if it did.
It's not like there isn't a mountain of evidence that eating vast amounts of saturated fat gives you heart disease.
Take them out and blow through them.
No. Eggs are healthy. You'll be fine.
Put everyone on SSRIs if they eat a non standard diet.
Non standard diet = Health obsession = mentally ill
Still waiting for vaxxtards to all drop dead btw
Dietary cholesterol doesn’t actually affect your blood cholesterol, that’s been debunked now. Eat as many eggs as you want anon :)
Gotta go get an MRI or some other scan done. That's really the only way to know for certain
If you have calcification in your arteries, you'll likely have calcification in your eyes as well.
look in a mirror
Get CAC (coronary artery calciun) scan. Its pretty cheap quick and noninvasive. Its also the best predictor we currently have of future heart attack risk. If you get a zero odds you have a heart attack are really low.
Actually true

Stress is the biggest factor/predictor of heart failure/strokes
>Dont follow retarded meme diets and you'll be fine.

the average diet now is full of fats and processed sugar, later causing strokes and heart attacks and the beetus
the “average diet” you’re referring to is the American shit diet, which is a type of retarded meme diet

don’t be a retard, eat clean meat, fruits, veggies and carbs and avoid junk food, sugar, grease, and don’t eat uncooked raw meat

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