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>spend a shitload of money buying pic rel for my GF
>she doesn't lose a single pound

Are some people just immune to this shit?
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There's a spin up time as dosage goes up.

I'm actually on Saxenda, tried it since work insurance covers it. And honestly there's two sides to hunger.

There's the physical hunger, which can be curbed by this stuff, the ECA stack, or what I find the best, Psyllium Husk and Apple Cider vinegar capsules every 4 hours. currently on a 34 hour fast aiming for 48.

Then there's mental hunger. The sudden thought of "Man, I could fucking dummy some nachos right now", or "oh god that cake looks good". It's the mental addiction.

And the thing with fats, and recovering fats, is they can ignore their body. Despite not being hungry, or even feeling full, a fat will still feel the desire to eat. Which is why portion control is so important. It's easy to think "oh I'll make a bunch of ribs but only eat until I'm full and put the rest in the fridge". But the plate sits there, and you slowly just keep eating. You don't even really want to, brain just tells you to. That damn dopamine.

It comes down to self discipline and responsibility. Two things rare in women. I'm hoping I can reset my body with weekly 2 day fasts.
I just told my girlfriend I was into skinnier chicks and she went from 65 to 50kg in the first couple of years we were dating.
She might have some sort of nutrient malabsorption issue anon, does she take any kind of medication or have a psychiatric disorder?
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Nutrient malabsorption but still fat? Get House MD on this shit.
It's not magic, you still gotta diet.
She's got cake retention issues
The weight loss portion of it is really just an apatite suppressant. So anyone who loses weight on it is just a weak faggot with no will power. Anyone who doesn't has even less will power.
>comes down to self discipline and responsibility

doubt you have either
It affects your hunger levels, not your impulse or self control. If you're used to eating despite feeling full, like your gf is, she'll keep eating even on ozempic. Either that or she's lying about using it and dumping them or giving them to friends. Nonetheless your gf is an idiot
>psychiatric disorder
Yes. She's a woman.
Went from 300-210 in a year with nothing but diet and exercise. jumped in Saxenda just to see if it would do much. Not really outside of constipation. At 178 now.

When was the last time you tried to improve yourself, or are you always a miserable cunt?
I told my ex the same and she made multiple promises throughout 3 years which were never fulfilled and broke me
You can't just keep eating on Ozempic, you'll puke if you push it. It does auto-regulate your ability to overeat, because due to lack of gastric emptying, you'll get sick if you go beyond what you need, same as with a gastric sleeve.
My wife went on that shit and lost 45 lbs. with it, but every time she ate a bit more than she should, she'd be running for the bathroom to barf, or, we'd be pulling over post-dinner so she could puke roadside.
My guess? This woman got a batch of fake "compounded" shit from some bargain site online and she's injecting herself with mystery juice that doesn't actually do what the real drug does. And that should worry her.
so you got on ozempic when it started to get hard after losing obesity weight by not drinking soda and eating slop? impressive
It does get used as a cope, but unironically refined carbs and fats are much easier to absorb than some medications and proteins. Plenty of fats have mild malnutrition from shitty diets, even tho their calories are high.
You know you can get 100mg for $320 online right?
>basically just kills the appetite
is fucking useless. there's nothing easier than just no eating, I have to literally force myself to eat most of the time and was sometimes starving for days because I was too lazy to go to convenience store or to prepare food, but it didn't get me ripped. regular meals with intended macros did. proven things like clen, eca, cardarine, etc. are what actually works
No, I got on Saxenda when I was hitting a wall and feeling low after counting calories and hitting the gym.

But do tell me how you're better than me. Seems like that's what you mean.
And if you keep pushing past that instinct to where you puke every time, you'll retain excess calories and become obese. In fact that's how they became obese in the first place.
You need to buy more than one dose, anon.
I’ve seen people out-eat their gastric sleeve over time. Don’t underestimate mental illness.


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