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No matter the strategy I adopt (slow tempo with lighter weights for example), I only feel them on specific exercises (cable crossover, pec fly, leg extensions, seated leg curl) but not at all on compounds and barbells exercises? What am I doing wrong?
how long have you been at it, anon?
2 years
This is normal. That's why people used to do isolations, they force mind-muscle connection.
Do you get a good pump? Yes? Then they're being targeted
People keep telling me I should feel the targeted muscle EVERYWHERE on ALL exercises
Not really, I don't have good pump on compounds, it really depends on the exercise and the muscle. I can do 4 exercises for my back and still don't feel anything at the end of them all
hello im new ot lifting.. should i feel sore at all? i've been doing 4x10 reps for the past week. i feel great after a workout but i don't feel sore.. i have been eating lots of protein so idk if that plays a part
I don't feel sore either except if I start lifting again after one or two weeks of vacation. Some people tell me I should feel sore after EACH workout otherwise it means I'm not working out with enough intensity, some others say it fades away when you are used to working out (so after several weeks) and it is normal
Kill yourself
Whether you "feel" the muscle or not has no effect on hypertrophy
Alright I'm sorry.
What does your gym routine look like?
Are you doing a ~10 rep retard routine? Cut it to 3-5 reps. You should feel damage down to your bones. Your very structure should start to give way towards the last rep. Your bones, connective tissue, and lastly muscles will adapt. Stop going for a "pump" you fucking gay homosexual. That's only training your muscles to adapt to hold more blood. That isn't strength.
>I can do 4 exercises for my back and still don't feel anything at the end of them all

Its possible your form isn't perfect and you might be pulling with too much bicep
you might be gay
What are your rep ranges? Could be bone density coming through
Another incel that picked up weighlifting lmao
You probably just adjusted.
I only feel muscle when i have had good rest. Then i go aupwr hhard, like deadlifts, cleans and then arms.
On arms i can do till exhaustion without any mental barriers. Muscles dont ache but aaimply cant lift more.

But after any super heavy lifts like deadliftt day, i dont feel the pleasant pump-like DOMS but muscle ache all-around.
I have lifted for 10yrs and i can say its just your body having adjusted to being fit and strong.
Pump pain =/= gains often.
You can gain even from 1 heavy workout a week (lol i dont like mentzer but he was right in principle). You can gain from e.g. countless light lifts - e.g. swimmers can develop massive frame without overexhausting themselves.

Consistency is king. Call it Kingsistency
If you do anything consistently your body will adapt to it. The stupidest fucking routines will work, so focus on what's actually going to help you gain a real athletic function. I can tell you right now the dumbest routines to do are the 8-12+ rep ones. You're not using weights properly, weights are to reach failure sooner. Ideally in the 3-8 rep range but 5 is the golden zone where you're not too heavy to risk injury but not too light that you're not stimulating bone density and connective tissue adaptation. Two things very necessary for real anaerobic strength to flourish. 10+ reps is almost in the aerobic territory, it won't do shit but bloat you to hold more blood and glycogen.

Mentzers method will obviously work but it's suboptimal. You're already going to the gym just to do one set, which you will adapt to and make progress at if you're going to failure, but the results are shown to only give 60-80% depending on how responsive the subject is. Add one working/warmup set and you're closer ti 100%, but at that point you're closer to 3x5 which is a solid proven method that's worked for many people. If you really had reason, you could cut down to 1x5 and still get ok results so long as you're consistent. If you have volume fears, 3x5 will shut them up and you're gonna see great results on this routine like everyone does. Or try something in the middle at 2x5, this seems to be the golden zone between amount of effort and realized gains. Success probably depends on how hard you can push failure, that's what these 10 reppers are afraid to do and why most don't respond to such a shit method of training.
yes you do
lower the weight until you do. i used to do knee pushups or 1pl8 on the decline bench because it was literally the only way i could feel my chest working. any heavier than it just becomes raw force shoulders, neck, and triceps and i cant feel the chest.
Sometimes when I lower the weight it works (lat pulldown comes to my mind right now), but for some other exercises I don't feel anything whatever I do, for example the bench press. I've already tried to lower to weight, to do as many reps as possible with the empty bar, but I don't feel my chest being activated
Bone density? What do you mean? My rep ranges vary depending on the exercises (from 8 on compounds to 15 on isolations)
stop looking in the mirror when you do this, I only do compounds and feel each and every muscle so I know how I am doing.

I've been at it for 7 months
When I do what?
Who cares just do what you gotta do
does it matter? you're still moving the weight. it's not like invisible goblins are lifting for you if you don't 'feel' it
When I'm looking for information online, people on forums dedicated to lifting mostly say it is important
So what?
if youre eating good and sleeping well then the latter is correct especially if you do low reps
if i lower the weight too much on the bench press then I can't activate the whole chain. meaning this: it i bench heavy i can push all the way from my feet, with low weights i just use my upper body. at any rate i never EVER feel my pecs
So I shouldn't lower it too much to feel the pump?
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wait im supposed to be utilising my legs when i benchpress?
Its because you have bad posture even if its just minor it'll make a big difference.
You want to feel the muscle you want to grow or you'll get injured eventually.

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