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-10 curls
-20 situps
-200 jumping jacks
-10 bench presses
-5 pushups
what should i change/add?
Just go to the gym and do starting strength my green nigga, you're wasting your time a bit.
>ring pushups xF
>row xF
repeat until you can do 12/15 with good form, then start learning dips and pullups (while doing pushups and rows and losing weight)
once you can do pullups and dips for reps you do that
This is how you start. Get good at basic calesthenics if you've been sedentary all your life first. After you can move your body through space well, I'd recommend doing one of the beginner programs from this article
Sticky reads x F
>bodybuilding program
>for a beginner
Commit suicide
this. fuck being nervous baout being a fatty/dyel & hit the gym. ppl don't make fun of fatties in the gym because they are trying. we make fun of fatties using motorized carts at walmart
The only time your mother will be happy is when you stream your suicide on liveleak you worthless fuck. And you know the sticky is wildly out of date from the days of powerlifters being the only ones with a voice online
i have too much social anxiety to go to the gym. feel free to call me retarded. i can try rows tho
i've read the sticky already
Just follow a routine and study
i'm following the routine i posted, i'm asking if it's good
study what?
Stronglifts 5x5, all you ever need
OP do not listen to these anons >>74780184
Nobody wants to see another fatty in the gym. Lose weight first, don’t stink up the equipment others are trying to use. Lack of food is all it takes to lose weight, demonstrate you can actually do that before wasting money on a gym membership.
i only have dumbbells
i mean i could use my moms gym membership if i wanted, but as i said im too autistic
I would veto the bench, curls, and situps in favor of more pushups, rows, and bodyweight squats. You'll develop significant core musculature from compounds alone, and once your compounds are strong you can start isolating core from there.

If you have a pull-up bar, even if you can't do pull-ups yet, you can start doing just the negative. I would also do some chair dips to start developing the musculature for ordinary dips.

I think a reasonable workout would be something like 3x10 for pushups, 3x10 for chair dips, 3x10 for rows, 2x5 pullup negatives, 3x20 bodyweight squats. This is by no means a highly optimized training regiment and you will need to introduce progressive overload as you develop strength, but I do think it's a more balanced starting approach.
thanks for the advice anon. i dont have a pullup bar and the heaviest weights i have are 45lb dumbbells which i've been using. i can barely do 5 pushups at a time right now so ill have to wait on 3x10
Liveleak doesn't exist anymore you beady-eyed skelenigger
He should get a pull up bar anyway, pull ups are goated and you can also do core shit on the bar.
>to go to the gym
my fellow autist then calisthenics parks are for you
>everyone minding their own business
>99% of the time literally empty because goys don't have enough self control to just go out and train for free, they need a coach and a monthly subscription to motivate them
>improve your social anxiety or whatever you want to call this gay ass cope by touching some grass and being in the open, if some retard laughs at you for being fat then who cares literally
>you might find a calisthenicsbro that will assist you in your trainining
all literally at a modest price of $0 + your free will, time, effort, dedication and consistency in your diet and training
complete meme routine but that's the sort of shit I was doing when I first tried working out so I have sympathy for you
I assume you have dumbbells from what you listed, look for a good dumbbell routine online, or follow one of the standard barbell routine and sub dumbell movements in as much as possible. it won't be as good as a barbell routine you could do in a real gym (btw - you should just bite the bullet and go, no one gives a fuck, seriously. don't let social anxiety rob you here. it becomes painless after like 3 sessions) but it will get the job done as long as you have heavy enough weights to keep challenging yourself
good advice to start with for sure
not good

1. get on calorie deficit with a healthy diet that you like eating and walk every day
2. fix yourself with basic sports training/pt exercises first

You will feel when you are ready to lift heavy
then you won't have to make up idiotic workout plans.
no clue what a calisthenic park is but the closest one is 40 mins away according to google
you're right, i really need to, i just cant get myself to do it. im trying to get an on-site job after working remotely for 2 years and doing college online because of covid so hopefully once i do and start leaving the house regularly itll be easier for me
i'm already dieting and exercising, i've lost a ton of weight in the last year but im still fat. i just started to exercise with weights to expedite the process and not feel like a weak faggot.
>pt exercises
you mean just like stretching? i dont get what youre trying to say
>>pt exercises
>you mean just like stretching? i dont get what youre trying to say
Not stretching. I mean basic weighted exercises that fix your posture and prepare you for the major lifts.
Sports training is mostly about not getting injured.
For lifting it targets the muscles that are usually weak and need to fire when you lift.
It's what olympic lifters or powerlifters do for warm up.
Your room + pullup bar + two chairs is enough of a calisthenics park to get started.

Guys in prison work out with even less than that and get into insane shape with subpar prison food.
This nigga doing negative reps, you will get fat that way!
Negatives are a good way to push past failure
wtf is a negative rep? google says its when you move the weight down, so why is that bad?

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