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My favorite part of lifting is when I almost blackout during a real bitch of a rep. What's yours?
The poomp.
that would be mine too but a close second is catching second wind after a tough set. happens rarely but when it does it's truly something. i usually crash afterwards.
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I like to skip leg day
by which i mean you have a tough set that almost breaks you but then you rest and the next set you hit it out of the park, better than the previous set. crazy adrenaline feeling with a little death wish thrown in the mix. great stuff
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hell yeah
I like the feeling of pushing through a difficult set, but also the feeling right after working out. It is hard to describe, but the post-exercise feeling is good.
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i love monky
"blackout" is a noun; you mean "black out".
Hell yeah. Hope our chimpbro is winning.
>hell yeah
dude same lmao I have to grip the fuckin rack to gain my ground again but God damnit that pump was sick as fuck
had that today with squats also
>those post workout endorphins that either make you fall in love or cry
nothing better in the world
Haha yes!!! Did this yesterday on bench. Was coming close to my max, threw on https://youtu.be/ezLw9bGrcCY?si=UgDjBYFM3WoFULcK
1:27 helped me push 10lb past my max for two. Almost cried when I got up but I cranked that mother fucker to 11 and gassed myself for everything I had in the tank
I like feeling like jelly
Hell yeah
almost blacking out is nice because I'm not quite sober for a while
finding the grip and movement groove on bench or ohp after a few awkward warmups or first set always makes me feel superhuman
also the odd smell of gunpowder after a hard set of squats is fantasy-tier
>the odd smell of gunpowder after a hard set of squats
cute kitty
Am I missing out on gains because of being a stoic, unemotional lifter?
unironically yes
you're literally not even trying

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