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>abs are made in le kitchen

Only an retards would say this
Abs are made in the 10 minute of planks and short ab exercises I do.
correct but most people are retards so it's a helpful saying to get them to realize that visible abs = low bf% and you need to eat less to get a lower bf%
of course it's actually wrong but the vast majority of people are incapable of even vaguely understanding complex systems and need to be led like sheep to the correct conclusions
Everyone on this planet has abdominal muscles. The goal is to get them visible. They are visible when there isnt a thick layer of fat covering them. Fat is stored on the body when you eat too much food. Food is prepared in the kitchen, usually. Therefore, abs are indeed made in the kitchen and OP continues to suck horse cock.
like every muscle they look small and shit if you haven't trained them
Thats what squats and deadlifts are for, retard
>only an retards would say this
Well yeah, only retards do say that. It’s said by people, usually reddittors, who want to sound cool and look like they’re knowledgeable. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. It may have been cool the first time it was ever said 20+ years ago.
The simple reality of that statement is not just what I wrote above, but it’s also a massive cope for a lazy and weak willed faggot who doesn’t want to take his cardiovascular health seriously. Cardio absolutely helps you cut fat faster. Walking, whether you wanna call it cardio or not, is probably the best thing you can do to lose fat. Past 30 minutes it mostly uses fat as energy.
There’s 3 types of people who use that phrase unironically
Those who want to look cool
Those who are lazy and trying to cope
Geared faggots who unironically believe they’re working harder than nattys and are somehow better because of it (I don’t have anything against gear, but someone who behaves like a little bitch is a little bitch, this obviously isn’t everyone on gear).

All 3 of those are relying on 1 thing. Up doors in some form or another to help them achieve their objective via worthless validation. Don’t use forums and sites where people say that and don’t immediately get called out or shit on. Don’t listen to or take anyone who says that seriously. Furthermore outside of cardio benefits some people just fucking prefer to eat maintenance and lose calories via doing more exercise and the dies of working mildly harder makes these faggots head spin so they try to insinuate you’re the moron if you mention that to them rather than immediately praising them for their le heckin awesomesauce super epic regurgitated phrase.
Oh really? Post body with a time stamp then let’s see those abs
Abs are revealed in the kitchen. They are made in the gym.
Post abs
post belly, cause I doubt we'll see your abs
Holding a pose for longer than 30 seconds to a minute is diminishing returns and you'd be better off moving to another pose and back to planks.
Esl bro you dont put a/an when it's plural. So it's "only retards would say this"
>Holding a pose for longer than 30 seconds to a minute is diminishing returns
Diminish returns is not no returns.
I will plank for 10 mins.
I never seen a malnourished POW footage with abs
My brother refused to do ab exercises for fucking years because he fell for the "compounds are all you need for abs" meme and he never developed any. He even kinda still thinks this today and barely ever works them. Even when he was a major gym rate a few years ago he still never worked them. He looked okay by normie standards (dog shit by fit standards) and never ever had abs. Had a decently developed physique at around 18% body fat and just this weird squishy belly and everything else was normie buff.

Don't fall for this horseshit guys. Just train your fucking abs. It's one exercise.
>he fell for the "compounds are all you need for abs meme"
stupidity has a cost, retard. Post abs
Or you could do a set to failure over 60 to 90 seconds and get 3x the gains for far less time spent and relative effort, but if you want to waste your time, go ahead. Don't say we didn't warn you
Please give ab routine
>One set of abs per week on an ab machine at the gym to failure
Legit the only thing you need. A spinal flexion motion gets obliques too, since they also help to flex the spine. It's probably not in your best interest to hit them, as they make the mid section blockier, which many people don't like, but just pick a crunch type movement and hit it to failure with progressive overload. The best machines you'll find will allow you to hook your feet underneath something so that you can both pull downward with your chest and pull upward with your feet. This allows you to train your entire abdominal set as well as the psoas, which you can't see, but it's extremely useful when lifting your knees up. It's very good for climbing and running
being lean is important and all, but all muscles can grow. the whole "abs are built in the kitchen" meme dies the instant you think of the thousands of lean skinny guys you've seen who have no ab definition at all.
alongside the fact that everyone who says "abs are built in the kitchen" immediately follow it up with their ab routine
this. you can do more than one set per week if you can handle the volume, always try to split your volume between at least two sessions if you're doing more then one or two sets.

people train abs with such high volume it becomes cardio, even though they do all their other lifts normally, they think the abs have to be different for some reason.
>decently developed physique at 18% bf
lol, lmao
Literally just do hanging leg raises to failure 3 times, hold the last rep as long as you can, fight it with all you got on the way down.

Once or twice a week of that and you are good to go. I had to start with just knee raises and now I do ~14 reps of toes-to-bar
it's part of the story just not the whole story
need to achieve caloric deficit by daily activity and train
I meant that he was muscly underneath that fat

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