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45 minutes on either the stairmaster or 15% incline treadmill walking a day is NON NEGOTIABLE for heart & lung health
Women age like shit because they spend their whole lives putting chemicals on their faces and hair and then need to put chemicals on to fix the damage done by chemicals.
Outside is always better, weather permitting.
>doing excessive high intensity cardio well beyond your needs is NON NEGOTIABLE goys!
If that’s excessive to you, then you’re not actually fit. Any actually fit person shouldn’t have a problem running a sub 30 minute 5K.
Crazy how low your standard is for fit 30 minutes hahahaha what a fatass
A lot of this board wouldn’t be able to run a 5K in under 30 minutes guaranteed. That’s why I’m using it as a metric.
>everyone always says zoomers are aging like shit
>I'm 25 and everyone thinks i'm 20

uh millennialbros?
Its just jewish divide and conquer, take the worst off people against the best or with the most filters and then say one is better than the other. Monkey level shit.
here is my thought on why alot of these people look old and what causes people to look old in general in order

sun exposure
shitty diet
lack of exercise
lack of good skincare
maybe stress
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looks like someone took the Gregor pill
It's ok to seek help for your body dysmorphia
late 30s, mid 40s, mid 30s, 40-ish.
bitch looking 40
>that wrinkly skin on chest
Lmao no, she’s north of 30 for sure
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Heart rate zone 2 cardio is not intensive you stupid fat fuck. It's actually great for recovery and blood flow while burning fat.
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Dr gregor is healthy, he's just fucking ugly.

There's not some science behind it lmao, he's just an ugly man like most of the male population. You were either born good looking or you weren't. Even white people are born ugly, see pic. This guy is from denmark, literally one of the whitest countrie on earth.
That guy on the right tilts me like no other. He's the "do you know what I JUST learned??" guy.
Why add the incline instead of just flat surface though what's the non negotiable advantage there
Also posts a lot of fast food restaurant secret recipes. I imagine his steady diet of fast food didn't help his aged appearance. Good on him for not being a giant lardass though.
This is serious sun damage wtf
She's past 40. If she's really 25, then use this as a reason to start using sunscreen.
the only cardio dem bitches do is cock sucking
Everyone in that image needs to be sent to a camp
Why does she do the seal clap and tilt her head up like a penguin?
Okay but let's negotiate, What If instead of that I actually do physical activities such as Blue Collar work or sports?
how about I just beat off for an hour instead.
elevated heart rate = cardio
He may very well by ugly but fat """""""""""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are not healthy, stop shoving food into your pie hole
That just means you have low testosterone, if people tell you that you look young.
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I remember seeing that video and everyone there was 26 I think.
>Late 30-40
>40-50 looks like a school teacher that is done with this shit
>Mid 30's looks like a woman that was beautiful in highschool and college and has been constantly chasing that youthful look instead of aging gracefully to look like a beautiful silver fox
> late 20's looks like the kind of guy who has gone back to college to get his degree after working for a few years. Wants to look older than he actually is with beard/glasses combo. doesn't want to be in the awkward middle ground of not young student nor old student.
He's right tho, sub-30min 5k is something even fairly unfit people can do.
I signed up for a 10k without ever training running and I finished in under an hour. I had been lifting on and off at that point. Just run lmao

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