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>muh humans naturally only would walk or sprint never anything in between

The literal blood warriors would have to jog an hour to get to water.

At 5:00 in video to see this.

A good portion of this board genuinely believes that running five miles a day will turn you into a skeletal Kenyan distance runner.
>not available in your country
Running is done only by inferior species of dumb animals like niggers. These creatures are so primitive that their only way to get food is just running until the thing they are chasing stops running.
This strategy was surpassed by better strategies hundreds of thousands of years ago. No one in Europe, Asia or even Americas did this. People built traps, ambushed animals and farmed. If you are white your ancestors haven't done this for several hundred generations. If you are black, your dad hunted like this.
I'm never seen anyone say running isn't natural. but slow jogging isn't
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Me btw
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Roontroons be like 'oh yeah lets roon for 20 miles a day and then come home and eat a bowl of glyphosate grain slop like the great blood warriors of Africa! Why are we always injured and feel like shit all the time doe XD'
I hate this "vit d supps don't work" shit. they absolutely do, it just takes a long time to store up with dietary vit d.
also the meat shit is cope, studies show that the tribes that rely on variety of nutrient sources outlive the tribes that rely almost entirely on hunting for calories
You are a perfect example of who I’m talking about here >>74780948. Not everyone who regularly runs is doing marathon distances.
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Nothing synthetic made by nerds in a lab will ever be as good as the real deal it's just that simple, just go in the sun and eat foods with vitamin d instead of popping pills like a tool
What these dudes are doing is totally different to the artificial nonsense a westerner will do from the exertion itself down to the refueling afterwards
>Nothing synthetic made by nerds in a lab will ever be as good as the real deal it's just that simple
they are identical, it's just that simple. there's nothing special about the sun, except it gives you heaps of cancer. you have a white woman mentality where you glorify something "natural", ignoring that humans and pre humans have evolved under hundreds of different conditions in terms of schedule, sleeping rhythms, diets, activity, hormonal responses, climate, etc etc
The blood warriors literally jog
They sound like pussies.
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Yes the sun is in fact quite special otherwise life would not exist. What isn't special is some nerd mixing a bunch of forever chemicals to shit out some product for a fitness company that some retard will buy so he can finally 'make it' Enjoy your pills and powders though bro.
>Yes the sun is in fact quite special otherwise life would not exis
the sun is great as an agent of entropy, it's nothing special for getting vitamin d. how bad is your brain that you see it doing something spectacular in one function, and assume it must be spectacular for everything else?
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The suns reveals you to be the frauds that you are. Not only does it allows us to synthesize our own vitamin D but it provides the environment for all other sources of vitamin D the human body can acquire, yes even your poor imitation. Just look at the Blood Warriors they take no supplements and they mogg the dysgenic artificial freaks that slave away in labs under fluorescent lighting in ever avenue, particularly happiness.
>b-but the blood warriors
why are you acting like they're some unique guide for how to live? they don't live nearly as long as modern people, they're aids ridden, they are lanklets that couldn't outrun me, not to even mention outlifting me
They mog you just by existing bro, they run around in the sun with their family and drink blood and milk and eat meat and fruit and you slave away miserable in your shitty job and then lift weights in a dark room and wash your sorrows down with some powder and pills and then hop on a dating app and hope some STD ridden whore will give you the time of day
Only retarded people like sv3rige think that people who live in a tribe have no stress. They have to lay awake all night and protect their cattle from predators, they have limited food and fast for days. What do you think it is that makes these men tough? Why do you think they never smile? Its the stressful lifestyle they live.
If anyone mentions
I automatically tune out. Its nonsense.
>Particularly happiness

This is something I never understand about the world happiness index.

>US ranked in the top 15 happiest countries on Earth
>Everybody's depressed, on drugs
>most people know someone who killed themselves
>Everyone has either ADHD, Autism, Bipolar disorder or some other fucking mental illness

>Go to my home country
>Not even ranked in the top 100
>Most people are happy
>Never hear about suicides
>Mfs living in downright poverty and are still happy
>Strong sense of community

That happiness index is fucking bullshit. Just look at suicide rates and they're almost certainly have a negative correlation to the happiness index
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Yes it's all backwards, people in the west are wound incredible tight for the most part
same could be said about lots of tribes that live differently. besides, I have retired early
5 a day is a lot if you're also doing a serious lifting program.
I'm not related to them though
This is just assuming you've accounted for all the variables. You're not even thinking about peptides, are you?
Also, it's not a naturalist fallacy to point out what conditions we've adapted to.

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