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Curious as to what your experiences with this program have been.
>What did you notice about your lifts?
>How did you customize it, add supplementary lifts, etc?
>Is it a solid late-beginner early-intermediate program?
>From previous, can it be modified to benefit more experienced lifters?

I plan on compiling your input and possibly posting a "/fit/'s Greyskull Variant" or something along those lines, so what you have to say is greatly appreciated.
not enough volume
That's valid criticism, but not crucial for beginners.

GSLP and the Phraks variant are probably the single best beginner weight lifting program there is. The AMPRA set is designed really well and the insistence on microplates is great too.
The biggest advantage is, that you basically progress no matter what. Did 5 reps? Good, add 2,5lbs. Did 3 reps? Good, deload 10% and enjoy doing 3 reps more than you did before at that weitght. Did 10 reps? Great, add 5lbs.

I don't have the book on hand, but the free template at lift vault has the following accessories:
>Tricep extension
>Bicep curl
>Ab rollout
The OG variant has neck harness, iirc.

The negative is, as the other anon suggested volume. I think it'd get difficult / supoptimal for someone with say 1-2 years of dedicated lifting to still progress on it properly.
Each week on average you get
>6 sets of squats
>4.5 sets of OHP
>4.5 sets of Bench
>4.5 sets of Chinups
>4.5 sets up Rows
>1 set of deadlifts

Not a fan on the low deadlift set numbers but the rest is definitely okayish for most beginners.

Other than that, great stuff, read the book, pick accessories and get some volume up.
I felt like it was too little, it's probably good for a beginner who wants to get into powerlifting specifically, but I personally prefer Reg Parks 5x5 for beginners.
I started my fitness journey with Greyskull. Got me from those 30 lbs bars on most lifts to one plate squat, two plate deadlift and 45 kg Bench press 30 kg OHP in 4 months. I got stronger and gained a bit of muscle. Oh, it also got me to my first pull up.

It's early beginner/total novice, for sure. Not for intermediates.
I found most 5x5 programs pretty tough once you get to higher weights. It definitely was also my ego and a shitty program, but doing 5x your proper 5rep max is fucking brutal on squats. First time I puked in the gym and first time I passed out was on a 5x5 routine.
In hindsight, with less ego and a smarter program it would probably would have been fine.

The one thing I'd recommend with GSLP is to use the 4 warmup sets as high volume work. First set is usually done with bar only and on bench e.g. you can easily do 20+ reps for fun.

Can only speak from anecdote, but four of my friends switched to GSLP, deloaded heavily and went with high volume warmups. They smashed through their former plateaus as if it was nothing. One dude went from 1.5plate OHP x 3 to 1.5plate OHP x 12 and progressed all the way to 2plate before slightly deloading again. That's definitely an okay result.
To correct myself, it was 1plate OHP to 1.5plate. The 1.5 to 2 was on bench but with shoddier numbers, because his technique is wonky.
Don't compile my comments into a program, I don't know what I'm doing.
I more-or-less follow this program, but I sometimes don't make it to the gym 3 days per week and I often get lazy with my AMRAP sets. I think it's good for a beginner like me, but I feel like it would cause too much systemic fatigue for an intermediate lifter. Doing it at a higher level would probably need you to be really strict with yourself about the deloads.
The comments about volume are probably fair, but I also do quite a bit with my warmups for every lift. For example even though squats are the third exercise, I'll warm up with 5 reps at 20, 60 and 100kg before my work weight.

I supplement it by adding one set of dumbbell pullovers before each workout as a warm-up, and do a set of cable lateral raises afterwards. I also switch up my row variants quite a bit because I see them as more of an accessory for deadlifts and chinups, so lately I've been doing chest supported machine rows.

If it matters, my lifts are (all 3x5 except deadlifts which are 1x5):
>OHP: 45kg
>Bench: 79kg
>Chinups: 12.5kg
>Squats: 115kg
>Deadlift: 140kg
The thing about most 5x5 programs is that they aren't actually 5x5, but really 3x5, for example in Reg Parks 5x5 for beginners the first two sets of any compound movement are always warm ups, one at 60 and one at 80%. They are more time consiming though I'll give you that.
How long are you supposed to do greyskull? I've never been able to hit 2 pl8 bench doing it, usually cause I get injured up around 215
Thats very odd. I find GSLP to be about the most injuryproof program there is.
4 warmup sets, starting with the bar.
Microplate progression on upper body.
Regular deloads.
I guess it's fine for complete beginners, but even then only for like 3-6 months. Then need to start adding volume.
I've run gslp a few times. It's really good for strength, aesthetics and mental toughness if you actually push the sets.

This anon puts it well, but the squats and deadlifts are alternated every day. Only phraks version uses 1x week deadlifts.
>muh volume
You don't know what a failure set really is. Only your max set matters so just doing a single max set would work. There are no "working sets" those just fatigue you and bloat your muscles full of blood. All bodybuilders are doing is trying to bloat their muscles so they only train to stretch the veins and sacroplasm. This doesn't cultivate strength.

I do 2x5 and guaranteed mog you to the edge of the universe especially in terms of strength.

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