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>Clean and jerk? You mean the ideal wife?
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>if you jerk and forget to clean, you might be a redneck
>Nothing better than a 200 pound snatch, if you know what I mean
Kys op
hahah those were good
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>and after you're done you feel like an asshole
>after you put your banana in the snatch
>total ape man we are apes holy shit
I still haven't found a joke of his funny. Why is he so popular?
>broooo cocaine xD
Haha yes because women clean up my baby ass and rub my penis until sloop juice comes out hehe
So funny
Fucking kek you owned him with your Reddit sarcasm
I hate comedians
Because he's funny. That's why he's popular and you're not
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>I hate comedians
I wasn’t being sarcastic
>>I hate comedians
t. idiots who still find Dane Cook funny
>Clean and jerk? You mean the ideal wife?
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top kek, well meme'd
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You know, I was watching these weightlifters doing the clean and jerk. Yeah, it's impressive, but the name is confusing. Clean and jerk? I thought that was just a description of a well-groomed guy who cuts in line at Starbucks.
>Why did the beginner fear the clean and jerk? It reminded him of the well-groomed chad that fucked his potential girlfriend raw in the Walmart parking lot. My god.
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>Who writes these?!? Who writes these? Did you write this!?
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Modern comedians are proof that you don't have to be funny or smart to make it. Just know the right people or be born rich.
I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe
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Nicely done

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