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Humiliation Ritual
Deserved for going to a low class gym
Zoomers are so awkward about sharing machines kek. Every time there's a boomer or millennial on a machine I need I just ask to work in with them and it always works out great. Last time I tried that with some youngster he just replied with "im not done" then kept looking back at me all anxiously then awkwardly left early.

Weirdo generation.
Is this in some mexican ghetto?
Why are they all so out of shape?
They're Samoan, not being overweight is against their religion.

(at least they're generally strong)
I don't normally get into generational shitflinging but the gym was infinitely better a decade ago.

People now are constantly scrolling for 10 minutes between sets, they're weird as fuck about working in, and the whole atmosphere has just gone to shit.

I miss the old gym culture man.
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>I miss the old gym culture man.
Same brother. They were simpler times.
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kek I have literally never met a poly who was under 35% bf but they do make great football players
>ask to work in
>find a comparable free weight exercise
>go to the gym at less crowded times on days you need a popular machine
literally everyone uses a smartphone at the gym you dumb cunt, maybe the mass proliferation of smartphones is the problem, and not muh young people.
>I don't normally get into generational shitflinging
yeah fuck off cretin
I remember those days. The gym was a place of self improvement, of men doing what men do with other men. It was a sacred sanctuary, the temple of iron.

Today, you have zoomer women constantly shitting up the place. Recording themselves and putting it on the internet. And for the young men, you have to understand it isn't a temple to the iron gods, it's a necessity and gains are scarce (to them). (In their mind because of the cultural shifts) they need gains or they won't make it in life. They need gains to attract a woman, to have kids, to become fulfilled in life, to not be a failure. Doesn't matter how shitty they are at it or if they spend their rest periods scroooling. To them it's a place of anxiety and expectations not lived up to. They're not happy to be there, to them it's a second job that is required to be a man in today's world.
Gym crushes are cool but gym boyfriends are better. Gym boyfriends secure machines for you and take plates off machines
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Talked to my gym crush today (asked her if she was using the machine)
>ask to work in
>find a comparable free weight exercise
That's taken too.
>go to the gym at less crowded times
For me this is not an option. My gym opens at 5 AM. That used to be the dead time for about 60 to 90 minutes. Now there's a line at the door at 4:45. I've been at every time of day, it only gets worse until peak times between 5:30PM and 9 PM where it's so crowded I feel like I'm in Europe. It's less crowded around closing from 10:30 PM to midnight but my bröther I have work in the morning it's unsustainable.
>maybe the mass proliferation of smartphones is the problem
He said a decade ago you retard, not 1990. When do you think smartphones were invented?

By the way, tripods and social media existed back then too. SHOCKING
What r u gay?
I personally haven't witnessed a single person under 30 scrolling for 10 minutes between sets and I visit multiple gyms in a major city. People had smartphones around when I started lifting seriously in 2009 or so as well. I encourage you to try asking an older person to work in and then try it on someone in their early 20s and notice the difference. I don't like seeing a culture I've been engaging in for nearly 15 years change, I think that's reasonable.

Dunno if I agree with your first premise. My gyms were always full of women, they just mostly did cardio or machines and now they often lift heavier which I respect. Interesting premise about the young men, but I got into lifting because I hated my scrawny body so is that really so different?
Yes the women lift heavier although they mostly still do meme exercises. And yeah they used to limit themselves to cardio but now they lift. So now these men have to not only compete against other men, they need to compete against women just for a sniff of the coochie. Imagine being a zoomer man in today's world, where housing is unattainable, college education is worth less and less, cost of living keeps rising, women all demand 6 figures and 6 inches and 6 ft and 6 packs and now they're lifting heavy too. So now you can't just be an average guy and get an average girl. You are constantly and permanently under pressure to be exceptional in multiple areas just to achieve the bare minimum. Yeah they're anxious, they're unhappy, and like I said the gym has gone from a venerated temple to a workplace.
>literally everyone uses a smartphone at the gym you dumb cunt, maybe the mass proliferation of smartphones is the problem, and not muh young people.
Addiction, be it substance or your phone is a choice wether you like it or not you baby ass bitch. Shut up, leave your phone stay in your pocket and fucking lift or gtfo.
I'd call you a woman but you'd probably enjoy that.
>he wants to rub other men's back sweat onto his body
I'd call you gay but you'd probably like that wouldn't you gay boy
>People now are constantly scrolling for 10 minutes between sets, they're weird as fuck about working in, and the whole atmosphere has just gone to shit.
>I miss the old gym culture man.
It's because you have a generation of socially retarded people who grew up online and never learning normal social cues and interactions. Their minds are fucked up thinking reddit, twitter and porn are the real and normal world. Generations before then only dabbled in these things in part but had a foundation of real socialization to protect them.
Who's fucking fault is that? How the children were raised is not the fault of the children.
Once you're an adult all further development is on you. I've had to fix so many things my parents fucked up when raising me. Remaining retarded isn't mandatory.
I've met a good amount. They're less common though.
t. living in Hawai'i
you can just say hawaii
Yes, I could say that.
You fags are absolutely (((trans)))parent.

You know, if you go to the gym, you'll have to breath another man's exhalation. Lots of men's. Sounds pretty gay better stay home.
Stop parroting this stupid shit you 12 year old.
What's the name of the country whose capital is "Ankara"?
Imagine trying to justify wiggling around in another man's sweat. There's a reason you wipe down the bench after use. But you don't do that, do you gaynon?
>There's a reason you wipe down the bench after use.
Would you look at that? Guess you can work in after all.

Go lift, faggot.
>he still avoids it
You definitely don't wipe down the bench
Both are true. I don't blame the children but as adults you need to fix your own problems and not wallow in resentment and blame as that is just pathetic and gets you nowhere. If anything it usually makes problems even worse.
I'm a zoomer and this happened to me. I just asked someone if I squat in the rack cause they were doing some weird single leg nonsense on the platform in from of the rack.
They looked at me strange didn't say anything and just mumbled away.
I want to be friendly and try to be as accommodating as possible.

I notice it's only the older zoomers, the young ones tend to be fairly outgoing and it's cool to show them an exercise. Then see them progress in a few months.
Byzantine Empire
>I notice it's only the older zoomers, the young ones tend to be fairly outgoing and it's cool to show them an exercise
Not the guy you're replying to, but I've noticed this as well.
I like to take them underwing as if we were in a prison and they were fresh meat
Trips of predatory prison sexploitation. In a month he forces them to walk around the gym holding on to his back pocket.
Hello fellow Hawaii fag.
>they're weird as fuck about working in
This. Anytime I ask a young person if I can work in with them, they get super weird. They'll say yes, and then immediately end their workout.
If you have to wait for a machine, find a different gym. That's unacceptable and means they oversold memberships. If they only care about profit and not your experience, walk the fuck out of there and let them know why.
Younger kids in my area either do this or they tell me no, that they're still using the machine, like they think im trying to kick them off. It's always little beanshits that do this. They like don't understand why I'm asking to use the machine with them, give a weird look and say no bro I'm obviously on it. One even told me "no me and my homie are using it there's already 2 people." I sat there and watched him do 4+ more sets and no homie ever came, little shit lied just to hog the bench by himself. They're extremely selfish like there's no one else in the world but them.

Also what's with retards doing way too many sets? Doing 10 sets doesn't mean you're gonna get 10x the results. They need to take the Mentzerpill. I'm on and off some machines/racks in one set and I'm definitely bigger and stronger than these 10shitters with laughable physiques and weak lifts.
Damn it feels good to have a minimalist home gym.
If you're 400lbs I hope you can lift heavy.
I bet he says Aotearoa too.
>that they're still using the machine, like they think im trying to kick them off
yup, this happens to me too.
> notice it's only the older zoomers, the young ones tend to be fairly outgoing and it's cool to show them an exercise. Then see them progress in a few months.
Older gen z was ruined by the pandemic and the last 4 years. 18 year old zoomers now we’re too young during the pandemic for it to effect them
>I personally haven't witnessed a single person under 30 scrolling for 10 minutes between sets
I saw this dude so this exact thing one time. He was sitting on the leg press. Did a set of absolute BITCH weight with like 4 inches of range of motion. Got on the phone. Repeat. He did that for like 40 minutes while I was there. I completed an entire workout day and he was still there doing fucking nothing. I feel sorry for people like that, that they're so weak and afraid of doing difficult things that they would delude themselves into thinking they're accomplishing something while doing literally nothing.
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>Shut up, leave your phone stay in your pocket and fucking lift or gtfo.
How the hell else am I supposed to autistically record my new records on each exercise on my Google sheets page if I don't have my phone with me?
>le pen and paper zoom zoom
Fuck off, Luddite. Digital recording is superior for this particular task for me
Are you fucking retarded? Older zoomers were already adults during the pandemic. It's the younger ones who spent their important developmental years locked up inside.
>but they do make great football players
I hate them for the fact they make me look small whenever they walk by me and they devour KFC all day. I want to so badly be able to mog them but I am addicted to cardio. Can I ever be big and have decent cardio at the same time?

It's odd how girls don't even find them attractive when they mog every other male when they enter the room.
This is the most homoerotic thing I've ever read.
Unironically true though
I'm a Midwestern chud and want to move to Hawaii, do you recommend? Is it comfy in Hawaii? I dislike it in the Midwest.
They just don't know what working in means. It's the same shit as being in a cafe or something, or picture going to breakfast at a hotel and you're alone, and you get seated at a table for 4 with some random guy and have to eat there.
I think it goes deeper than smartphone use but that's a part of it, it's the oversocialization aspect that they can't deal with being in a potentially socialized environment with a stranger, but someone they know would be fine. They can't work in with you because for that moment the two of you are now in sync and aware of eachother and they can't handle you being aware of them the same way they can't handle you sitting at the same table as them eating breakfast because they become hyperaware of that a stranger is now part of their attention.
>gen x fags seething that zoomers won't share equipment with them

Aren't you guys too old to be lifting anyway? You might hurt yourselves.
That or they immediately are defensive and emotional if you ask them how many sets they have or if you can work in
>I just got on it!

It’s like they can’t have a normal interaction with strangers without some fight or flight response kicking in. Zoomers are emotional wild cards
They’re fat browns who love the Kaiser, are extremely insular, and extremely Christian. The jew has invested millions into sandbagging them in media
>literally everyone uses a smartphone at the gym
wrong. only retard zoomers do that
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It's expensive as hell because everything has to be shipped in, it's an island so real estate is scarce and thus pricey, there are a ton of homeless addicts, jobs are basically healthcare/construction/hospitality, and there's a fair amount of racism toward whites because Asians make up like 40% of the population. It's also incredibly liberal because of that and taxes are high but at least there are no blacks.

The weather is nice and there are a lot of hot chicks, especially the half-Asian/white kind. Some people tend to get island fever cause they're "trapped" on an island and you can drive from one side to other in a few hours.
Lmao we should start staring at zoomers to induce panic attacks.
i think it's only like that for zoomer bodybuilders. most do bodybuilding and despise strength training because they never actually liked lifting. they only go to the gym because they want to look good, so they fling bitch weights around and look like shit forever. it ties in with the whole feminisation of men i think. go to a strongman, powerlifting or olympic lifting gym and you'll see none of what was said above among the zoomies.
homegym masterrace
Homegym chads can get their workouts done in the time that these people are just waiting for machines or racks.
This. Zoomers are awkward retards. Im a millenial and i have fun at the gym because theres always some boomer giving advice or some other millenial to compare dicks to while lifting. Zoomers just do a cycle of 5 reps and staring at phone for 30 mins in some machines and always avoid to even say hi to the receptionist
older zoom zoom here
we are just demoralized from the pandemic + job market
There's no excuse for demoralization, that means your morals have been removed. If you mean morale that's dejection, retard. Demoralization is a specific process of removing a society's existing morals and replacing them with new special interest friendly false morals. I think there was a campaign to hide the true meaning of the word, just like there's no word to describe inherent entitlements related to human dignity. We use the word rights but that's a legal word meaning written protections in law. People always whime about muh rights but you don't have such rights if it's not specifically written in law. They don't want you to know this because then you'd campaign to get those perceived entitlements written into law so they'd be actual protected writs. It's baffling that we would never define such a concept that we regularly discuss, we use the misnomer and non-laymen laugh at us.

Islanders bulk from child.
Weird, never had this happen to me. I usually don't ask to work in, but I of course do it regularly enough to not say "last time I did it was in 2023...". I live in Sweden FYI, and Swedes are known for being introverted, but the truth is we're duty-bound. We're quiet generally because there isn't a reason to talk to each other above human desires. We used to be more socialist. I don't know what came first, the Swedish attitude or the politics (It was the attitude, I've studied this), but now that we've been americanized we might start seeing the same issues you guys face.
Colossal faggot.
Do some rope neck hangs until failure
What the fuck is up with all these gay men on /fit/ trying to get me to roll around in their gym sweat?
2. The act of corrupting or subverting morale, discipline, courage, hope, etc., or the state of being corrupted or subverted in morale.

Oh wow look at that words have meaning
There are people ITT trying to get you to "work in" with them so they can watch you get their disgusting sweat and body fluids all over you and yet you find this post homoerotic. The post about the struggling of modern youth and the whey of the iron temple. Anon I don't think I have ever met someone as gay as you in my entire life
It's a false meaning and I just told you why they want it to take over the real meaning, they don't want there to be a word for that process or it will be easy to identify. Ever read 1984?

There's already a word for what you're describing and it's dejected. No need for a new one when it means exactly what your dumb illiterate ass meant.
true. It's always the 40yr dyels that do 10 sets of 30 with the stack on the second lowest pin that stare at their phone more than they "train"
It's not just zoomer women. I think the majority of women in there are shitting up the place frankly. Most women are wearing the super skank clothing. I've seen maybe 2 girls in 2-3 years wear normal shit in there. The rest have been in basically bikini's and try to distract me the whole time. I appreciate the attention but it seems like they're just trying to get some themselves. I just want to hurt myself in a productive way.

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