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Are you lift and sun maxxxxing?
I like having a baby skin and confusing people who thinks I'm early 20s even though I'm already mid 30s.
The sun is the biggest enemy of a youthful skin.
Have spent long hours working outside, sometimes just like to sit outside and read, live in the woods. Thought about setting up a bench like this in the yard, my neighbor did this in the ghetto.
I cover myself in coconut oil and am now a bronze god.
In 100F, the bar is too hot to touch and the bench in the sun after a few minutes burns my back even with a shirt on.
>youthful skin.
what are you? a gay bottom?
I put my t-shirt on the bench in between sets and it kinda helps. But yeah it gets spicy out there.
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>sun maxxxxing?
Not everyone is a disease and aging chaser.
>The sun is the biggest enemy of a youthful skin.
No, EXCESSIVE sunlight is. The sun is overall beneficial to the skin, especially near sunrise or sunset. UVA releases nitric oxide from the skin, for instance.
It's 110 out, you fucker
I had a home gym on my last home but i moved to a tiny apartment. Had to get rid of threadmill but i kept the dumbbells and bench. My place is so tiny i cant even open the bench. Maybe i could carry all these things to the rooftop and do some bells in my gym rest days. I might get some 80yo granny to mire while she hangs her clothes to dry them.
>rooftop workouts
that sounds amazing

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