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I miss Phenibut so much bros... it was my wonder substance. While it's effects were somewhat subtle, the placebo in me always gave me a feeling of wonder and positivity. >Why did it have to be discontinued???
> Will it ever return?
>Is there any other substance that has very similar effects??
It's not fair bros. I should have stocked up when I had the chance.
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It won't return in the mass produced american market. FDA is putting pressure on these companies and a lot of these drugs were produced in Asia were they also cracked down on these pharma labs.
It isn't. If you're a man your dose should be between 750mg to 2g per day.
With 1.5g being average. If you listened to the weirdos who told you to take 250mg per day then yeah you wouldn't feel much. It does work for anxiety, it's a GABA agonist.

You can still get it. Rupharma sells the actual pharmaceutical products from Eastern European drug companies. It's much more expensive but it is accessible and if you have a middle class income you can definitely afford it. Cheapest pills are $10 for 5 grams which is enough for 5 days on a light social anxiety dose, 10 days for a sleeping dose, or 2.5 days for becoming temporarily extroverted
It was placebo for me. My tolerance was super duper high. I would take 4-5 g twice a week and barely felt it. It did make me feel sleepy at times but the placebo part is what I enjoyed the most. I never felt like I was sober drunk like these guys say, but just a sense of wonder and positivity instead. Have you bought from that source before? I honestly don't trust any other source besides Nootropics and Liftmode. I feel like I'll get scammed by the others.
It's still out there, easily available in Europe. I bought myself some from the Netherlands, and it made it to Australia no problem.
The closest is alcohol, but obviously you know that, and know why you don't want that.
Other drugs in the same class are gabapentin and pregabalin. They have nowhere near the same recreational use as phenibut.
Are you sure? Did you have bunk product? Did you weigh your stuff? 4-5g is enough to basically get high off of this stuff. Make you feel drunk as fuck.
>nootropics depot and lift mode
Well shit I've always had good stuff from them. Idk OP you're weird. 4 to 5g is a really high dose and twice as much as the maximum prescription dose for hard-core anxiety. And yeah rupharma is the go to. Ever since the other places like science.bio and ND shut down their ops, that's pretty much where you have to go. There are a couple of other sites that sell it but I haven't bought from them.
Yeah I'm taking a break off alcohol. Made me get fat lol. Do you know if they ship to the US. Also, I don't want to get into legal trouble since it's been discontinued.

yup 4-5 g was my amount. The only downside was the extreme sleepiness from time to time. I guess I'm just built different. I'll check out that source but it won't get me into legal trouble if it's purchased in the US right?
Is this stuff dangerous for someone who's kindled their brain from repeated alcohol withdrawal
Just snort ketamine or nibble xanbars like a normal person
you can buy that easy on the street or darkweb, rather than phen from some east euro pharma to get seized in customs. works better too (for me anyways)
It's highly addictive and is just as dangerous as Benzos
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It gave me superpower. Now it doesn't work anymore even after extensive breaks.
maybe to the average person since they all claim to get bad withdrawals after taking 2 g. I'm the op and I used to take 4-5 g but I don't condone nor recommend that to anyone. we are all built differently

not to me. it was more like my pacifier more than anything. Haven't had any since they were discontinued and I have no cravings. only desires
I think it's banned in one of the southern states, Louisiana or Alabama or something, but as far as I know it's legal to possess and use. It's not a scheduled substance, it's not a prescription medication in the USA, you can import for personal use. Rupharma sells some other things that are prescription in the US so if you buy anything else from them make sure to check the legal status. But phenibut is fine.
>seized in customs
On what grounds? Phenibut is legal to possess in the USA.
OP literally never do this.
Xanax is more damaging, more addictive, and more dangerous than phenibut. Not to mention it works on GABA A receptors instead of GABA B. It gives you a different form of anxiety relief. Less of a social drug, more of a sink into the couch and become a zombie because you don't care about anything drug
OP, these are dangerous drugs. Consider it a blessing in disguise that you can't acquire them any more.
You really can't buy this stuff anymore? Man that sucks. Used to love taking this stuff before a night out as you could save tons of money on alcohol since you got the same effect but better. Figured it was just a matter of time before they shut it down since it basically was the same as benzos.
Jewish post
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You can buy it. You just can't get the cheap commercialized powder anymore. You have to buy the actual pharmaceutical products which is probably for the best honestly
well I live in Canada so it's most likely not going to be available for me anywhere unless I try some sketchy website.
I said earlier rupharma. They have an American counterpart called nootropicsbase but they don't carry phenibut so they ship it from Russia.
Being sober is so damn boring bros. I'm taking a break from alcohol because health problems and it got me fat but now im just yawning constantly with no motivation to do anything.
Don't take this shit. I used to and it's not necessary. You can't take it every day without building massive tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. I can't even do one day without getting rebound anxiety now.

Deal with your anxiety naturally through exposure and relaxation.
You caught me. I'm part of the homosexual Jewish conspiracy that is trying to destroy the fabric of western civilization by convincing you to live a clean and sober life.
lol I bought the 200 gram tub in 2016 and its still like 75% full.
Took 3 grams last week and its still just as potent.
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all these posts and nobody mentioned this guys
i thought this was a schizo fitness forum. what happened? all newfags now?
these guys*
was gonna say "this website" at first or something idk
>everything i dont like is drug!!!!
Nice try goldberg, ivermetum is horse paste too right
i don't agree with banning it (or anything really) but it is a drug
If it were truly bad then FDA wouldn't have banned it, they allow worse drugs on the market. They have a long corrupt history
I didn't know they still sold this stuff.
The FDA didn't ban it. They're just putting pressure on companies that sell it, getting them on technicalities. Alabama banned it. It's legal in the other 49 states. It's a more affordable and accessible form of gabapentin really.
meanwhile pharmaceutical grade is freely available in Russia
you had fake phenibut lol
Nope. I ordered from Liftmode and Nootropics for years. Always took the same amount. You sound jelly because you get seizures at 1 g
Rupharmas good. I only used 250mg phenibut at a time so i didnt feel anything but their clenbuterol and modafinil was legit. Maybe i underdosed piracetam as well because it didnt have an effect either
Forget phenibut. I'm still mad modafinil got whacked after covid. Teva doesn't sell, and the usp grade good shit stopped among generics. Idk what happened maybe they all got the main chemical from China and got pozzed by the memedemic
Jesus Christ, faggot.... you've mentioned it 8 times already. Go buy a fucking ad.
>oh so just because I am trying to create an authority to arbitrarily remove your access to things I am a jew huh?
I've mentioned it twice. Every other post is other people. Obviously they don't need ads

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