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>ultra processed industrial slop full of refined sugar is marketed as 'healthy' to children
I'm so glad I didn't eat this garbage that much growing up. No wonder Amerimutts are obese. It's over for them the moment they are born.
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Yeah because you were forced to buy it at gun point.
I ate sugary cereal and nutella crumpets all the time when I was a child. I'm so glad I found you, /fit/. You gave me body dysmorphia at age 15, and after 13-14 years of fluctuation, finally I have a healthy relationship with my body and I just post here for lulz and feels.

Sugar is completely unnecessary. Your body produces all it needs out of the carbs you eat. Never eat it.
I ate that shit a lot as a kid and I'm not even american
me and my brothers grew up on that shit and none of us were ever fat
some niggas just got no sense of moderation
Bro the more abusive aspect than filling your kid with processed sugar would be allowing him access to 4chan
>marketed as 'healthy' to children

When was this a thing?
>I'm so glad I didn't eat this garbage that much growing up. No wonder Amerimutts are obese. It's over for them the moment they are born.

Cereal is hardly the problem.
Kellog's has $13 billion in revenue. Post has $6 billion, and General Mills has $19 billion.
Coca-Cola has $45 billion in revenue and spends up to $4 billion a year on advertising.
>i can't stop myself or my child from spending my money on a product and then overeating it, i need the government to tell me and everyone else that we aren't allowed to
Can't imagine having a mental state that cucked. The only reason Euros are thin is because they make food illegal. Zero personal accountability to take charge, put down the spoon and walk.
Bro stuck in 2012 with his braindead libertarian arguments.
>umm dude like keep government out of food, lol you need government to tell you what to eat
Meanwhile these food companies lobby, give money to politicians, push rules and regulations, pay off ''scientists'' to push studies that promote their products
This muh libertarian shit only seems to go one way. When the proposed change is good then it's bad and we need to be anti-government schizos, but when the proposed changes are bad and pushed by big companies then it's good and we need to turn a blind eye
Damn that sucks, have you considered not giving them your money?
Nonamericans don’t understand the concept of freedom, it scares and confuses them to not be a slave with no money
>Meanwhile these food companies lobby, give money to politicians, push rules and regulations, pay off ''scientists'' to push studies that promote their products
What is your point
Nobody has ever thought these were healthy. If you had raisin bran or Wheaties or something in your image sure, but not these
In 2017 there was over $70 billion SNAP benefits.
Over $3.5 billion of that was spent on soda.
For how many anti-capitalists faggots exist and think corporations always get bailed out, for some reason they will never call to cut SNAP benefits because it will hurt the poor.
Grew up eating cereal every day. Not fat. Never have been. Didn't turn into some tranny manlet either I mog most you fags. Its all genetics
I don't know if you're legally allowed to be within 100 yards of playgrounds and parks, but kids will burn off all that sugar playing for an hour or so.
A can of soda has 3x as much sugar in a serving
The occasional snack. Too bad I'm on a cut.
>Muh sugars

It's the seed oils, retard. Always has been.
just eat the non-sweet ones and it's no better or worse than eating rice or bread.
You've been here 13 years so it's no wonder you're completely retarded
>healthy heckin relationship with my body
Stfu retard holy shit
Not relevant to anything

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