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I've heard that meat/ eggs/ and milk are significantly better for you when consumed raw, is there any truth to this? Ive only ever had raw oysters, sushi, and my moms undercooked steak. Also where should I go to buy raw meat that won't make me sick?
>Raw meat may contain harmful bacteria including Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter and E. coli that can cause food poisoning. These bacteria are destroyed when meat is correctly cooked.
if ((they)) say it's bad then it's definitely good and you should try it and keep us updated anon
I'm currently on a trip and I pretty much have to eat what everyone else is eating but I will try when I get back home
i heard that too. id recommend giving it a try with chicken. let me know how it goes
Raw vegetables also have bacteria and are potentially harmful but people eat raw salads without thought
Depends on the meat, generally you could potentially get more vitamins and glycogen if the muscle meat is raw, but it's better to just cook it rare or medium rare. Organ meats however you can potentially eat raw there's merit to that, if you're not eating any vegetables or fruits. But you have to either raise the animal yourself or get it from a trusted source.
>Redpill me on raw meat

You buy it like that, then you cook it.
Do raw and cooked meat have the same amount of protein?
Yes however if you overcook it, it'll denature the shit out of it. And your body would have a hard time digesting it.
That's not natural
Wtf Asians shouldn't do this. They havent evolved on dairy and meat but rice gruel and fish.
Its true. The reason why we tend to cook shit is because that way, the greedy, profitmaxxing food industry can get away with being unsanitary and retarded in their endeavor save time and money.

All those bactria mentioned above are complete non-issues if you get your stuff from a good source that don't contaminate their products with literal shit and other filth.
I want her to evolve on my raw semen tbdesu
raw meat is good for you if you're some kind of pre-technological african who will die at 25.
Most creatures capable of harnessing fire use it for this kind of thing, even birds, but you know, sometimes you're just too stupid for fire.
Please try eating raw with all the listeria outbreaks happening
Please, please eat raw and quit breathing the same fucking air as I do
So, where do you get meat that has no skin or meat bacteria, and how did you get around the regulations that you not literally bathe creatures in antibiotics?
Yes it is, cooking meat is hardwired to smell good to us for a reason.
Did you think evolution just stopped when we harnessed fire?
Even African tribes cook their meat.
Notice how they always add raw cheese or butter because raw meat fat is like eating wax. Also almost no tribes eat raw meat
Well, maybe you have to go further back to some kind of half-man half-ape to get someone who can't into fire yet, then.
they taste way better than raw meat, are way easier to eat, and cause way less disease.
Depends on where you live honestly. Where I live, farmers thankfully use minimal antibiotics. Check some raw food channel or account that doesnt seem schizo, or contact some smaller scale farmers and ask them if they think their stuff is safe enough.
>They havent evolved on dairy and meat but rice gruel and fish
nigga they're right next to the steppe

>Also almost no tribes eat raw meat
citation needed. eating raw meat or fish exists in basically every culture so it's at least not unknown.

>they always add raw cheese or butter because raw meat fat is like eating wax
what kind of meat are you eating wtf. if it tastes no good raw then it'll taste no good cooked. steak cooked rare tastes so good because it's basically raw. it's much the same experience.

also the woman in op's pic only eats nice steak from a butcher, doesn't eat much dairy, and eats fruit.

yeah man i love to eat some raw potatoes, skin and all, it's definitely comparable to raw steak.
Small farm does not equal more sanitary conditions
I saw a YouTube short of Inuits eating raw narwhal including the fat. They also used canola oil to make sauce, which would explain their declining health.
You mean the manmade ones that were never part of our natural diet, because natural vegetables are not palatable or edible. Raw meat doesn't cause disease unless the animal is diseased.
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I've only tried raw beef but like it it tastes good. I don't really believe in germ theory or at least I think there's more to it otherwise all these raw meat eaters you see would just be dropping dead. Even normies will say 'it's ok to eat certain meats raw as long as they are prepared in le special way!' What I think that special way is is meat from animals that haven't lived like your average citizen, given every Pfizer shot under the sun and fed a diet of Monsanto s𐐏y and corn mix etc. So I'd say terrain theory has a lot of truth to it imo.
I saw a few of her videos and she eats raw meat by itself all the time, in the screencap video she actually ate all of the raw meat first by itself and then ate the raw cheddar by itself
>just eating straight potatoes
>seething that his digestive system is adapted to manmade goods
so you prefer the wild ones loaded with parasites, got it.
Raw oysters can fuck you up.
Adapted? They aren't even digestible.
Research helminthic therapy.
>unable to eat a carrot
holy shit
It's pointless. You just poop it out. Literal rabbit feed not human food.
shit man, you have severe colonic problems.
You’re going to need a birth control pill after I give you this raw meat
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As a German I say just get that Mettigel.
Its yummy. Ignore the jews and their golems.
True but animals harbor a lot more bacteria and parasites because they live different lives than a nonmobile plant which just sucks up sunlight, water, and nutrients from the ground.
it's retarded, we only really reached our true potential once we started cooking meat
Frying bacon smells like shit
raw pork is God Tier (why do you think it is the forbidden fruit?)
Your theory is invalid
It is indeed God tier. Sucks that its a bitch to get good meat that's clean.
you weren't there you don't know
>I've heard that meat/ eggs/ and milk are significantly better for you when consumed raw,
you heard wrong
just got some bacon and the package says it contains dextrose. will that spike my blood sugar?
> Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter and E. coli
All found in the human colon, unless your butcher smears his own shit on the meat and doesn’t put it in the fridge only then you can get infected by too much of this bacteria
In my culture we eat raw seafood
Its a meme pushed by unhappy people who think subtracting modernity from.their life will peel.back some layer of defeat from.their life's and they will be happy like they used to be. They are trying to gaslight themselves and you are falling for it.
>You mean the manmade ones that were never part of our natural diet,
Tell me about all the original cows that ate GMO corna nd had daily injections of hormones bro
Peak retardation thread, everyone of you is wrong
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If the quality is good, its fine. Pretty common all over the world.
Fucking love slavic women

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