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Why do chad looking dudes get on steroids?
They have a good looking face, are tall, most of the time are rich but they still roid.
They live life on easy mode but still wanna risk their health and longevity beauty with roids, why does it really happen? Is the hoe market really that inflated?
The amount of people that are this big/jacked while also having a 9 or 10 face is so miniscule.

You just see them alot because they're the ones that tend to be on magazines and in photoshoots.

Also selection bias in social media, It's not that good looking people and roiders are correlated, it's just that you need both those traits to become an instagram model.

The ones that aren't good looking are filtered out due to the halo effect.
what's with incels and not being able to stop thinking about the things I dont like?
niggers? 24/7 in their heads
trannies? 24/7 in their heads
roidtrannies? 24/7 in their heads
Major League Baseball has a lot of these guys
>why do pro athletes do peds?
it’s a mystery
I’m more in awe of the fact that there are attractive men saturated in one place
Almost like the risks of roids are way overstated and most people who do them just get away with it.
Because that is the average chad being shown.
Chads without roids is just a brad.
>in their heads

And outside and all around us.
Look out for Roidtranny Niggers from Outer Space
body dysmorphia
being buff makes chad more chad
so this guy is not chad?
what is he then?
Some are narcissists.
He is an 8 in the face realistically, his chin is good but could be bigger
I am legitimately 8/10, even before steroids, but i was (maybe still am) complete pussy
steroids change psyche, they actually allowed me to use my gains
Yeah if your face already has good development, roids can just make it look unnatural and disgusting. Zac Efron transformed from a perfect prettyboy into some weird comic book action hero phenotype that nobody finds appealing.
Why do the rich focus so much on money when they have enough to provide a life time (or more) of luxury? Because it is the source of their personal power. People become more invested the more they are invested.
that wasn't steroids
Why wouldn't they?
Are you saying that all the usual roider justifications I read on this board like "they just want to take their hobby to the next level" might be COPES?
Why can't a good looking chad want to take his hobby to the next level also?
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You cannot mog naturally
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He's a pretty boy. He could be fit to be a catamite in ancient Greece.
Zac Efron's face looks like it does because he hit twink death and had a choice between getting huge, roping, or extreme denial of reality. That pic is far less attractive than the High School Musical poster, but he's playing the hand he's dealt as well as he could.
I'm almost a Chad and almost on steroids so I'm almost qualified to answer your question. I'm gonna answer it anyway. They take steroids to get bigger. Obsessing about health, longevity, beauty, and the hoe market is for weak, ugly, virgins.
This dude doesn't look chad at all. More like some brown foreigner.

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