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Will lifting help me defeat my school bully? I'm serious, I need some exercises to stop her.
Yes. Train your glutes so they are nice and tight she pegs you
she only does it because she likes you dude...
Gotta be 18 to post here, get the fuck out
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I told you not to open your stupid mouth senpai, just wait till I see you at school xoxo
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hey anon, im on deployment right now. what did i tell you about posting retarded things online. im going to peg you when i get home next week. faggot
Do Starting Strength
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do 100 burpies and drink a gallon of milk every day.
You'll eventually get a weight in the 130's
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I wish I had a female bully (a hot one of course). I wish I was still young enough to be in school.
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its not funny im in fear for my life
So make a police report and quit posting on 4chan. No arrest or anything will be made. You can also get a restraining order after the police report to solidify a foundation to make a case of arrest after the fact of she breaks the order in any way, proving she's targeting you
If you don't and continue to let it happen, then you obviously like it
ok but what happens if i like her but not the things she does to me
Dude, get fucked.
hey man, thats not nice. i like her and think she's cool but she keeps smashing my head into paper towel dispensers and kicking me down staircases.

what can i do to make this stop without hurting her emotionally?
idk man, looks like youre enjoying it
try a doctor, you probably have severe case of M
i saw a dozen or so of this guy's art like this on ifunny in 2015, maybe 2016.
have wondered about it since, thanks for the images i can search for the sauce.
not reading your faggot post though
if you kys your bully can’t harm you no more
if you write a good manifesto, you can even get back at her potentially
if you have access to guns, you could even immortalize yourself

or just lift and stop larping, that works too
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Refrain from doing sharting strength.
start pretending you're into it, if there is one thing women can't handle it's non-chad men telling them they like anything about them
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Do your pushups, squats, assisted pull-ups, rows, bench, deadlift, shoulder presses, curls, and skull crushers. Also drink milk and wear this when you face her.
>retarded cuck faggot series has retarded cuck faggot ending

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