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>dropped 45lb plate on toe at gym month ago
>open fracture
>now x-ray shows deep bone infection developing
go on without me bros, just be careful at the gym
Anon, I pray for your steadfast recovery. Can’t wait to see you in the gym soon
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I personally lift in steel toes to avoid the fracture goblin. Stay safe out there bros
I too am injured.
I hope you recover well, and this doesn't permanently cripple you.
Successful treatment of osteomyelitis in leprosy patients by homeopathic medicine

sorry anon, I hope you'll be well soon
Man that's bad. You poor bastard, hope you recover quickly and return as strong as ever.
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RIP anon.
take some penicilin, order it online from a mexican pharmacy if your jew doctor is not prescribing it.
take some vitamin k as well with it, either from supplements, liver or egg yolks.
start drinking more milk, it will make your bones stronger.
Why not simply cut it off? Not like a single toe would make a difference.
It matters a lot.
couple courses of antibiotics and youll be fine anon

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