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File: Six-packs-men-912x608.jpg (65 KB, 912x608)
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What core exercises should I be doing everyday to get abs? (no obliques)
my frame is really similar

i hate having wide fucking hips. the only way out is bloat maxxing
The best thing I've ever found is to hang from the arm holsters with your elbows in and back stretched out. Legs lifts from there. I can't really manage to hit my.lower abs with anything else. Something about the way my back muscles activate in that hanging arm position. You can little scapula pull ups in them too and it's fucking FIRE as I usually burn my forearms put before my back on pull ups and chin ups.
This shit. Flex your back and your midsection should be burning after like 20 leg ups. And then doing little scapula pull ups in them after. You're welcome.
I'm the same dude I meant to post a Pic.
I do abs once a week and have better ones that that. It comes down to low bodyfat, but mine show through even when I'm a bit chubby.

I do
>2x5 weighted decline situps
>2x5 weighted leg lifts superset with planks
>1x5 lumberjack twists

My standing workouts are pretty much all helping core, especially standing OHP.
Even better, clean and jerk
Hitting that first bodyweight c and j will make you feel like a god
Keep your sex straps for your boyfriend
Static holds and leg raises. at least 3x week.
How many/long and how much weight? Also doesn't that only work out the rectus abdominis?
OP said abs only.
Everything is 3xweek for 3 sets of 60 seconds or 10-30 reps
You don't need weight for the first 6-12 months. After that buy some ankle weights.

Leg raises are the only thing that make the lower abs pop. Upper abs don't need much isolation to grow, leg raises are enough.
If you want the complete chiseled look like OP pic you need to do oblique crunches as well as leg raises.

If you can get to 12 reps with the lower back completely flat on the floor and no discomfort your core is pretty healthy and you only need to pump out volume to grow your abs.

If your back comes off the floor or you get some back pain after you need to start with planks and candle raises/holds and also do abduction exercises to fix your pelvic posture.
body weight clean and jerk? lmao once you hit 2x bodyweight is when its actually impressive. are you some crossfit fag?
I can do 12 reps. Should I add ankle weights?
The only people I see using those in my gym are the zoomerfag twinks

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