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I've been going to the gym for 1 year and a half now and I haven't had much gains other than fucking up my left knee. I'm trying everything, from doing higher reps with less weight and more weight with less reps. I ramped up the intensity of my workouts in the last 2 months and I tried doing every set to failure but I found that greatly lowers the quality of subsequent sets, so now I keep 1 to 2 reps in the tank and I'll do the last set to failure or I'll finish the workout and go back to priority exercises and do them to failure. I stay about two hours in the gym.
I started using supplements - Creatine (idk how long I've been using it, maybe 4-5 months?), Whey Protein (a month and a half ago), and now I started using Beta Alanine.
I go 3 times a week , it's what my gym trainer recommended, I stay there about 2 hours. but I'll ask him to write a Monday to Friday workout sheet to spread it out a bit more.
This is what I'm doing
Warm up: Incline Bench Press with Dumbbells
Incline Bench Press / Dumbbells
Flat Bench Press (Machine)+Lateral Raise
Pec Deck Fly + Inclined
Shoulder Press on Smith Machine
Incline Bench Lateral Raise
Push-ups + Pushups on Smith Machine
Horizontal Triceps Extension on Cable Cross

Warm-up Neutral Low Row
Neutral Low Row (2 Drops)
Wide Grip High Pulldown (3 Phases)
Open + Close Row on Smith Machine
Twist Curl + Hammer Curl + Standard Curl
Warm-up: Lower Abs
Candle Abs + Lower Abs
Side Abs
Double Abs on Bench

Squat on Jump Box
Squat with Bosu Ball
Cable Adduction
Unilateral 45° Leg Press
Back Extension
Lying Leg Curl
Leg Extension Machine
I speak English fluently but it isn't my main language, so I don't know the names of all exercises. I asked ChatGPT to translate it for me so if anything doesn't sound right just ask.
>starts with no muscle and doesn’t gain any weight
And you mean to tell me you didn’t gain any muscle either?? Wow it’s almost like you have to eat a surplus to GAIN
You seem nice enough OP so here’s some real advice, it doesn’t matter how often or how intensely you train if you don’t give your body the materials needed to build what you’re telling it to. You can whip Egyptian slaves til they’re raw but if you don’t get them stone blocks they aren’t going to build you a pyramid. Your low weight and lack of muscle after a year and a half of training indicates that you’re not eating nearly enough for serious training.
U r a retart. Ever heard of recomp? If someone looks like this they don't need a surplus to gain muscle.
A year and a half is a pretty long time. Are you getting close to failure? I do three sets of eight, with the goal of failing the last set. If you can do all eight on the last set, you need to go higher.

The biggest thing is you need to fucking EAT, bro. The general rule is a gram of protein for every pound you weigh, but I try to go 50% higher every day. It’s easy though because I work in a grocery store and I have plenty of access to all sorts of shit.

Honestly bro you really just have to maintain a caloric surplus and make sure you’re sore the next day.
I think 2 hours is too much as a natty
If you can do that many exercises you're being inefficient towards the end and only hurting recovery ESPECIALLY BECAUSE you haven't gained any weight you aren't eating enough

But what do I know, I'm also a hardstuck and the same exact weight if not less than 13 months ago (when I started hitting the gym) so struggling with the same thing.
WTF? why do anything that isn't just
>bench press
>curls for the girls
You have literally no idea how recomp works
Your diet is shit, you’re skinnyfat. If you want to look good then you gotta cut. You can try doing maintenance or bulking but you’ll probably just get fatter. I would cut if I were you.
- caloric deficit of 500 calories below TDEE for 2 months, then do a month of cals at maintenance. Then hop right back into cutting to keep going until your muscles start to show through.
- Eat 2g of protein per kg of body weight daily to prevent muscle loss
Good luck anon
I've been doing 3-4 sets, sometimes 5 until I can't anymore. Like I said I tried to go to absolute failure but It lowers the quality of the rest of the exercises. Some exercises like leg extensions I feel like I could do more but I have to stop because it burns so much. Yesterday I did legs and I'm very sore today, I tried increasing the load on leg press (I did something like 90-100kg) I did 12 reps pretty clean but today I it hurts under my bellybutton I hope I didn't herniate my abdomen.
I've been trying to increase the weights and stay around 6 to 12 reps. Is it bad if the load is heavy enough that I can only do 6-7 reps with partial range of motion in the last reps?
Natural muscle gain is ultra slow. I don't make the rulea

Also quit jumping between extremes in your training.

do anywhere between 5 and 30 reps per set (5-10 is a practical use of your time).
do 3 or 4 sets per exercise per session.
control the weight on the way down.
hit depth in all your lifts, including upper body like arms.
slight pause at the bottom, can literally be a quarter of a second pause, just as long as you're not bouncing at the bottom.
do at least 10 sets per muscle per week.
train each muscle 2-3 separate times a week.
failure isn't when your form breaks down, it's when the muscle you're trying to train stops being able to lift the weight up.
apply all this to abs as well and don't buy into the "abs are built in the kitchen" meme
But I have stored fat why isn't my body using it to build muscle.
Training 3x week is good.
You do a lot of exercises so consider staying for longer: 3-4h. You should do at least three sets per ex.
Give yourself more rest between sets and focus on good form and going to failure. Consider simplifying the exercise selection to get your time in the gym down to 2-2.5h.

To get more adaptation to the exercises you need to practice the same movement pattern more than once per week. At least 2x, even 3x for a few weeks to get a lot of volume on them.

You need to do core (and calves) at least 3x week.
The supplements are not needed at all.
And eat a tub of cottage cheese instead of the whey. Much healthier.
you're doing a 3 day ppl? do a 4 day upper lower split or 3 days and cut out one of your leg days if you really don't care about them. quit hitting your muscles once a week bro
Train everything to failure.
Do a drop set on your last set, iso hold for 10 seconds on the last rep you fail on.
If you’re not sore the next day you’re not training hard enough.
What was your 5rep max for bench, ohp, leg press and deadlift on your first week of lifting and today?

>I don't know/It's almost the same
There's your answer why you're not growing. You need to increase the weight you're lifting atleast every 2 weeks
Eat better and work harder
I think you are doing way too many random exercises and not working hard enough while you do it. Narrow it down to a few exercises per muscle group and and really put in the effort and lift to failure. You want your muscles to be "pumped" when you are done
Eat more protein and less junk food. you look like you would have some definition if you lost some fat.

You may or may not be eating enough but you're definitely not training enough. If you only do one set to failure you might as well only do that set, and you can do everything 3x/week.
You were supposed to do roids
I do full body every 4-5 days, eat like 60g of protein per day. Always 3 sets of whichever weight gives me failure in about 10 reps. Good form, good knowledge of the exercise so I don't fuck myself up long germ.
The long rest gives me the recovery I need.

It's that easy.

Everyone agrees, you're not working hard enough and not getting enough protein. You must have a goal that you are passionate about, otherwise you won't go through to failure.

Why are you wearing your sister's panties?
How much do you weigh?
You look completely untrained, even if you were fat before there should be muscle mass. What the fuck are you doing? Doing 4 reps then sitting on your phone for 10 minutes isn’t gonna get you anywhere
I'm an obese dyel, started around 150kg, haven't weighed myself since, but probably converted 25kg into muscles.
Lean bodyweight, probably 95kg now.
Going to failure and focusing on protein intake was the key.
Have you tried going to the gym in that time? Are you at 100ng dl test?? wtf kek

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