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I hate him.
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He doesn't care
He mogs me
Whoa markiplier looks like THAT?
I think he got two cocky with being a higher bodyfat. His skin looks healthy & he's got really muscular abs & also a bit of chest hair so he pulls off having a bit of fluff well. But he recently got a bit too fat, he's rocking 220 but it's a bit too ambitious.
This dude is a complete psuedo intellectual. I don't really have any problem with him fitness related.
what’s his height
he doesn't think of you at all
hating the French is normal, even the French hate the French
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He loves you.
He's French. It comes with the territory
calm your tits 'emingway
I don't like his liberal views, especially his derangement when it comes to "racism". Like imagine living in France as it is being destroyed by niggers and thinking racism is bad, genuinely makes me doubt his IQ claims.

In a lifting context most of the stuff he says makes sense but there's too much volume in his workouts and he gets fat too often for me to take his diet advice seriously.
you do realize he is a north african right?
That explains it. I am British and to me all French look swarthy and dark like him.
I don't think he is, I saw a video of him in some random ass mountains in france talking about how his ancestors lived blah blah blah.
Found the video.
His north african LARP is from his leftist days, all leftist claim to have nigger relations because theyre desperate to avoid being white
Nah nafris don't have facial bone structure like that and when they do they're outliers or mixed mulattos.
He's definitely on the swarthier side though so probaby has Italian or Spanish blood.
Modern day leftism is really just a fucking death cult.

>Hates children
>Thinks babies are parasites
>Hates white people even though they make up 90% of their group
>Hates humanity's progress
>Hates when fertility rates increase
>Thinks the world is overpopulated, thinks people need to die.
They only hate it when white people have babies despite whites being only 10% of the worlds population

Its because they're all brainwashed by jewish organizations who told them specifically for whites to stop having kids because jews unironically want to make whites extinct

>They only hate it when white people have babies despite whites being only 10% of the worlds population
they want the minority to die out, despite SCREAMING about think about muh minorities
If you read between, he has a likely Basque mother and a Nafri father who he's never interacted with.
Normies are brainwashed too

White normies will see a VERY RARE white couple having 10 kids living on welfare, and whites will shame them like crazy, but the same whites who shame their own white people will have nothing to say about African and Arab / Muslim people doing that in the West.

White normies have been brainwashed to shame other Whites in taking Welfare for kids, but will never shame Africans/Arabs/Muslims for doing the same thing...

Its funny how that works
at last i truly see
Man people here are retards. Why are we talking about great replacement shit? And stormfrontards calling him leftist lmao. He's leans much more towards right, is a chauvinist who encourages his audience to self improve to be ready for starting a family and waxes on about the virtues of men from the past. You can judge if that's retarded or not.
This is perhaps his best picture. No gonna lie, he looks good here (no homo).
This was back in 2020 when he was tanning & was tracking calories

He stopped tracking calories because "muh mental health" and got fat
Imagine having some french guy living rent free in your head. Ngmi.
It is his best. He looks great. Semi homo.
Where the fuck did he go? He's never gone this long without posting a video before.
Shouldn't have made fun of operator Hemingway...
The moment he started getting paid to make videos he got lazy lol

His best videos are from 2-3 years ago
Probably writing some drivel about anime and philosophy, my man got buck broken by Coach Blaha so bad it's not even funny. From fitness personality to incel midwit relegated in the library, such is life if you cross a real one.
He was gonna release another character study on The Beast:tm: and so he got snatched and grabbed. He's currently being held captive on a hidden moon base.
The reason he's making up all those intellectual rationalizations is to divert from his mental illness, autism, him cucking to a mentally ill woman that only is with him for his money and his inheritance.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just extremely annoying.
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>In a lifting context most of the stuff he says makes sense
He's the Terrance Howard of youtube fitness. Midwits think he's a genius because he can ramble endlessly
Can you name some authors/writers whom you consider "true" intellectuals, as opposed to him? Not taking a jab at you, I'm just curious.
From what I've gathered that comes with the territory of being a Nietzschean individualist. If the nation cannot survive based on its own martial capacity or strength of conviction, then it doesn't deserve to exist. He's moved overseas - he clearly doesn't have a nationalist bone in his body. He sounds enlightened when he talks about women/willpower/self-overcoming and other topics he's clearly experienced in person, but when it comes to local or geopolitics, history, the role of finance, etc. he is clearly clueless. Either that or he purposefully chooses to never mention it. His video on why democracy breeds weakness was a solid case built on simple Nietzschean logic and principles.
Isn't he Basque? He comes from the Pyrénées, so potential Spanish admixture explains the darker skin/hair. He's mentioned his extended family is Spanish, I think.
Doubt it. He's not dark enough to be half Nafri. Maybe a grandparent, but even then they'd have to be especially Caucasian presenting.
Also he said his dad died of prostate cancer a number of years before he started posting on yt
I completely concur. A lot of people say "go outside, you have brainrot, touch grass, it's not that bleak" and then you go outside and it's WORSE. Normies are completely cooked man. Gen Z is genuinely the last full generation of white people in the West.
I agree. He got diluted over time. The best videos were back in the day, him clearly having just finished lifting heavy in his basement and ranting about women with manic energy
What's your source for that? I hear people calling him Richard. Is there a doxx or what? Is that why he moved from Anchorage last year?

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