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you're so tiny hahaha
Same, plus I'm a spic khhv. being a gymcel and wanting to learn koine greek are the only things preventing me from killing myself
time to tranny/twink maxx bro you'll be swimming in dicks to suck for days
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t. 5'7
Unironically this
As for me I'm 5'6 it never bothered me and I never really thought about it until in my 40s I detected heightist discrimination in my office workplace.
But I *do* notice other "short" guys and kind of "relate" myself to them.
I've never been sporty but have inherited broad shoulders so lifting seems to suit me.
t. gay/asexual dude
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>6ft Beaner
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I'm 6'4" and my Korean gf is 5'10" why are posters here so short?
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196 me
Is there a worse pain? Just being 1 inch away from 5'10, a decent height. Endlessly trying to grow 3cm anyway how but nothing has proof.
>lie on dating apps and say I'm 5'11, never been called on it
I think I can still make it.
>57 year old boss was one of the biggest dicks I've ever met in my life
>perpetually angry at everyone
>said he used to have panic attacks around age 29
Does being short turn some men into raging assholes?
>I'm 6'4"
Fake and gay
>and my Korean gf
Fake and gay
>is 5'10"
Fake and gay

I'm 5'11 and say I'm 6'1

It's called "short man syndrome"
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>99%ile in height for San Francisco
>pandemic hits
>have to move to Oregon because laid off
>most of the men and half the women here are taller than me

I'm so alone.
Your bigger issue is the shit holes you live in
Ah well gotta play with my cards this time. Maybe next respawn I'll get better luck. WAGMI bros.
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>t. 24yo 5'5 khv

>it was over before it even began
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you guys don't know what it is to suffer
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the worst part is not knowing to get HGH when you were a teenager and your growth plates were still open

how fucked up is that--to have had the opportunity and just not know it until the window already closed? seriously, the thought bothers me regularly. all you had to do was see a doctor when you were like 15 and get a prescription or whatever, and you'd be a 6'2 broad shouldered strong-jawed large handed Chad™ today
Blame blue pillers and white pillers. They are such little bitches wanting everyone to feel good they deny this crucial information to young people who still have a chance. And they call us the demoralizers.
its hilarious how warped 4chan is unless you are 5'7 and below no one irl will ever call you short
This is probably the most blackpilling fact.
>It's called "short man syndrome"
I've heard that's fake but it certainly seems like he uses his past bullying to motivate him, while simultaneously taking it out on those around him. He once yelled at a latino warehouse worker smoking outside that he's destroying his own health (ironically he had a major heart procedure while I was there from being obese).
>I'm 5'11 and say I'm 6'1
Can I really get away with 2"? I don't feel like I look 6'0.
I was expecting this to be fake and gay but it's real, damn.
>>74783472 bro for a spic thats like a solid 6'2"
okay tranny
Ya people can't judge height for shit.

I'm 6'2 and people guess Im more all the time
Guys this is literally the average US male height why are you all so brainwormed about it
terminally online individuals thinking that what they see on social media is representative of expectations in their local community
the whole point of male height is to be larger than other males, not be average. that's why women use height as an easy genetic green flag. you can't fake it. you can try with lifts but it will never look real because it's not just your leg length anyway and proportions are fucked

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